3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

Oh Just rework the lab already
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Last edited by TreeOfDead on Nov 17, 2022, 3:13:22 AM
Well GGG, you surprised me. I sat out almost all of 3.19 and had lost hope.

I honestly didn't expect you to backtrack on AN, but you actually did.

Not only did you remove the AN cryptic mods, you removed loot goblins and this is a great step forward.

I also hope overall loot drops improve, that harvest nerfs are unwound (to a degree), and that defensive mods are further improved, to facilitate more build diversity.

So not there yet imo, but still a big step in the right direction.
Rip Archnemesis :(
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
BNightwolf wrote:

When you sacrifice gear slots for MF you are facing harder enemies. In essence the problem is that certain builds could sacrifice more gear without losing the build effectiveness.

Not when you are in a party where 5 man do the fighting and 6th one just running around with culling and some gravebound gloves ("Nearby Enemies Killed by anyone count as being Killed by you instead"), and 900% rarity equipped. In the current state, MF is an abuse by definition, solo players cannot possibly benefit from it as much as party players do.

There was good suggestion in this thread somewhere, to track which player actually did the damage to the monster, and then scale players MF according to that. For example if 90% damage was dealt by someone with 20% IIR, and then remaining 10% damage culled with 1000% IIR, the resulting loot would be affected by (20% * 0.9 + 1000% * 0.1 = 118% IIR), not the 1000% IIR.

But implementing it would create more performance load on server
The question is Why did u removed the Old Beyond????
Im sceptical. AN in its current iteration was ok gameplay wise. Hope this isnt one step forward, two steps back.
...Chief Arkhon of the Oriath Academy....
These are steps in right direction, GL not sliping from your road to hights! Love the game and hope for much fun in upcoming league
Random rewards are actually pog. It would also be nice to have some kind of "power" scale relied on mods combinations, so that rares that are harder to fight would drop more rewards. Otherwise we just come back to old system where we skip difficult mobs because there's no reason to waste 5x time for 1x reward

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