3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

About time for an to go away
What a great changes!

No more annoying MF cullers, No more remembering what each mod does!

I have a few questions tho.
How many mods can be on rare at the same time?
Can we kep coloring scheme for mods? So you would know that red mean something with fire ect.
Will you lower the HP stacking for modifiers?
Finally, it just blows my mind it took the team this long to figure out that the original system just wasn't fun or rewarding.

Better late than never I guess.

Not only did you remove the AN cryptic mods, you removed loot goblins and this is a great step forward.

Loot goblins are still there, the only difference to AN is that you can't see if the rare monster you encounter has the conversion mod or not.
Those mods are now hidden.

Hope we dont need MF cullers anymore
Now just don't bring over the toxic and magma volatiles to the new system :)
lordmad wrote:
The question is Why did u removed the Old Beyond????

because it was fucking ridiculous. highly juiced map could spawn 200 unique beyond bosses, while number of normal monsters was in the thousands. It was a roadblock in design space because every league mechanic they made needed to account for this multiplicative bullshit.

New Beyond needs to have a way to prevent the boss from spawning too early (because sometimes it spawns on the first pack you kill) but this is miles better than old beyond.
XeitPL wrote:
What a great changes!

No more annoying MF cullers, No more remembering what each mod does!

I have a few questions tho.
How many mods can be on rare at the same time?
Can we kep coloring scheme for mods? So you would know that red mean something with fire ect.
Will you lower the HP stacking for modifiers?

You don't need to remember mods if you just rip and tear every monster like it's Doom Eternal :D.

But yeah... if your char is average / squishy / slower / not-optimal mods can be unpleasant. Like... rogue metamorfs running around on each map :D.
At least.
But I'll wait for the next league start to be sure GGG don't hide some sadistic change that will make the mobs worst than now

I really hope Harvest will be reworked too. it sucked so much this league. Harvest, with all its Atlas points allocated, wasn't enough rewarding (more lifeforce quantity points are useless when you loot exactly 0 lifeforce). It was worthy to avoid Harvest in maps and only do the memories
Last edited by Lyonnel on Nov 17, 2022, 4:37:53 AM
_Yemon_ wrote:

Not only did you remove the AN cryptic mods, you removed loot goblins and this is a great step forward.

Loot goblins are still there, the only difference to AN is that you can't see if the rare monster you encounter has the conversion mod or not.
Those mods are now hidden.

No they're not. They said loot is not tied to a specific mod now. It's supposed to be a new loot system, so not similar with the loot spikes we've seen with AN.
Waiting to actually play and see, but it looks promising.

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