3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

As long as there won't be the same quant/rarity chain to overboost the hidden bonus to absurd amount of currency when playing MF, it might be reasonable amount of changes.

I still prefer the specific drop tables to be offloaded to specific side mechanics (ie. Tujen, Arcanist Box, Harbis, etc) rather than having some "hidden" bonus. It is pretty much clear that somebody will try to memory sniff to check if map monster has the hidden bonus.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
Fingers crossed this will actually happen without some sick twist by the devs, will gladly buy every single pack in the store if ggg makes 3.20 fun and playable again.
Nibelton wrote:
dedicated party with a culler still as b4 but now richer since solo players without dedicated culler is poorer due inability to maximize their drop with TFT cullers.

Sounds like pre-AN state of the game tbh, could live with that.
Oh, common, GGG. NOTHING interesting in fights with archnemesis. Why are you shoving your VISION everywhere without playing your own game? Beating mobs for 15 minutes is NOT INTERESTING, NOT FUN, TIRED.
P.S. For those who rejoice: Archnemesis has not been removed from the game, not weakened.
Last edited by Melaviy on Nov 16, 2022, 7:02:27 PM
headhunter 2 alch
I hope you remove the loot conversion.

since its just awful dropping stacks and stacks of wisdom scrolls.

Second thing dropping Glass boubble fragment (alot of flasks at once) .

you allready had a Alchemy strongbox that you removed , whit that you had a choice atleast.
Last edited by TwoStroker on Nov 16, 2022, 7:02:54 PM
Thank you!!!
Still not good when decent amount of Currency not drop in a month to trade or craft with as a Solo player, that's the on going issue for many.
This is first positive news since 3.18 release, yet still unclear if they plan to leave quantity/rarity on gear as mandatory stats in order to be able to have any meaningful rewards, as in "get MF or you'll get nothing".

If yes, they could at least cap effective values of these modifiers (and many other modifiers too actually, would solve build disparity), so it wouldn't be possible to get 10 times more value from same content by stacking 900+% IIR.

If there will be another FAQ post about this manifesto, could you please elaborate on the fate of MF in there?
Last edited by Echothesis on Nov 16, 2022, 7:07:53 PM
You know what this means? The guy who had tattooed Chris Wilson head on his arms can now show his face again in the forum.

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