3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

bye Archnemesis horrible
GEE GEE GEE LISTENS? Good change. However, there were definitely aspects of archnemesis I liked. I will just have to wait and see how this works out in practice.
"we have added a significant pool of new rewards to rares, but the reward that is on the monster is hidden (and not associated with a specific mod)"

this should have been highlighted much more
RIP Headhunter
Well this still sucks. As it doesn't really state that they are going to get rid of player modifying mods. Like drought bringer and crap. They don't even cover it at all. And don't even act like it was major player concern. GGG doesn't care at all. And they might as well be saying F U... This is all I needed to confirm I am not playing this next league. F this game. F GGG!!!!
Last edited by AngryFan on Nov 16, 2022, 6:40:13 PM
On paper, this sounds very nice.

But please answer me this - will the new, hidden modifier scale with quantity and rarity ? If yes, then you still have loot goblins, they are just hidden.

If not, then good in my opinion. And here is my reasoning - if you're making a rare, hidden "jackpot", it creates massive FoMO for players not playing any sort of magic find for said jackpot. Keep the party scaling as it is, keep the individual scaling as it is, but please do not give a "if you do this special dance on a blue moon while wearing a green dress and it has to be friday, you get 4 mirrors." type of situation.

And if anyone thinks I'm just biased against MF characters, you should be able to see my deadeye on standard, who has the remains of a chest of full MF gear that I had built over time, but it soon got really boring and I sold the other gear.

Just, please GGG, balance the lottery tickets, the monsters will be fine now.
Make Bladefall Great Again!
Great news! Thanks GGG.
Think I'm still waiting to see if POE 2 will be any cleaner than this bloated cluster fuck of a game. Might try Ruthless some
you know...there is nowhere written that they are getting rid of AN as it is...they are just rewording and making some balance stuff, especially for solaris and lunaris touched

but i am curious how they gonna remake the "temporal bubble"? is it going to be renamed to "sphere of slowness"?
Actually pog? I do hope though that those simplified mods won't be overtuned to keep the encounter difficulty. Like, 'ignites you harder than 10 delve fireballs' or 'has 10000% more hp' or 'resists 99% phys damage'.

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