3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

I would still like the rewards to be independent of MF like most league rewards, but w/e, its better than having deterministic loot goblins.
So reverting AN mods, and making base monsters more deadly NOTED.

No manifesto on loot tho, adding scarabs for juice is still pointless.
Developer of "Awakened PoE Trade"
GGG don't ban this account :)
TheDerpyDerp wrote:
you really just caved to the reddit complainers, next manifesto is going to say that you buffed currency drops by 1000% and all bow skills do 200000% more damage.

Ashame that minions are probably going to be nerfed again and made even squisher as they do unnecessarily every patch

yup the whiners won great aint it.....
so archnemesis is partly gone finnaly, nerfed more and loot goblins are removed.
this is a great step into the right direction.
except that loot is still nerfed quite a lot and my loot filter hides almost every item i drop in 30mins playtime.
don't care
improve visual clarity
In our upcoming 3.20 expansion, Archnemesis will be replaced

[Removed by Support]

The goals of the new system are:
Mods do one specific thing
Mods say what they do rather than having a thematic name you must learn and remember
Players are no longer required to do annoying actions to maximise rewards

so, exactly how it used to be. [Removed by Suppport]

Let's examine those goals individually:

[Removed by Support] it's actually unbelievable to me that you're going to revert things to how they were
if you can't be troubled to PLAY THE GAME then open up a large test server so the players can do it for you (trust me they will, for FREE) instead of waiting for the launch [Removed by Support] if you want players to not quit in the first 2 weeks you have to make sure the systems you're putting in place are not BROKEN HORRIBLY

In our opinion, Archnemesis did succeed

[Removed by Support] copying diablo 3's elite mob system and making it unfathomably worse is not a success, it's an incredible failure. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Nov 16, 2022, 4:34:46 PM
Last edited by SubjektNull on Mar 11, 2024, 2:53:12 PM
DdZed wrote:
How many different mods can one magic and one rare mob have at once? Average and maximum.

The first thing that came to my mind...
Could it be? Someone pulled their head out of sand and admitter AN sucked?
Finally a good change. Now all you need to do is fix loot to at least what it was before 3.19, and do something about Harvest, because it feels horrible now.
Then hopefully, the game will be fun again.
Then again, hope is the first step to disappointment.
I won't even mention minions, which were in a bad place for multiple leagues now. And I'm taking about minions as an archetype. Skele Mages after the huge nerf - nobody plays them anymore. Now minions are either spiders or golems, possibly SRS. Sometimes an absolution starter might appear, but two, three builds? I'm even hesitant to count spiders and golems as proper minion builds, because spiders are dependant on a unique, and without a Squire it's a 4L skill. Golems are just golems.
Last edited by BlasczeM on Nov 16, 2022, 4:14:53 PM
I really liked when Mobs have the reward Icon over their head. It let me know that there is a mob I WANT to kill and gave me a sense of what I would get.

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