Jewel Changes FAQ

If you're looking for a very specific outcome on your Jewel and have no use for ailment mitigation modifiers, it may be marginally more difficult to roll your Jewels. However, the average outcome for Jewels should be better.

Since my first post which contained nothing abusive (except nailing a lie) was deleted im putting next one XD.

Truth hurts GGG.
Is it bad that I'm still concerned about the next league? I hope GGG can undo the issues from 1.9 or just remove HARVEST completely.
YoukaiNingen wrote:
saliphax87 wrote:
If you're looking for a very specific outcome on your Jewel and have no use for ailment mitigation modifiers, it may be marginally more difficult to roll your Jewels. However, the average outcome for Jewels should be better.


"Problem: who cares

Solution: We are making it harder for you. Fuck you."

thanks ggg, keep up the good work

^The average entitled PoE player who thinks a jewel is absolutely useless unless it has a Life/ES roll and 3 damage rolls that perfectly suit his build.

Why are people so delusional and tunnel on only the "perfect" outcome instead of settling for "good" outcomes. The game isn't about everyone having the perfect BIS gear and it never was, that's Diablo 3.

Everything short of perfection is irrelevant!

On topic: If the effect of replica CE is saved somehow, this could actually be overall good.
Last edited by zyrotheisz on Nov 15, 2022, 4:03:35 PM
is this part of the vision? Kappa
Poacher's Aim will be missed. It was a nice stop gap solution for early piercing until you get some other form of it. I liked using it for Ice Spear so they don't get eaten up in first stage and since Templar is too far away from Pierce on the tree.
I don't get why stuff like this that doesn't really have an alternative is getting removed. These jewels were always nice and always useful. Sure they'll be replaced at some point but that's better than the vendor fodder we will get now.
... is not a troll
Two examples of jewels that aren't being removed are Lioneye's Fall and Inspired Learning

Watchers Eye still in the game because you sold MTX for them right, so safe to say all jewels that have MTX bound with them are staying
Mathils actual cat
Apart from easy CB immunity and hit to high end jewels I guess it's ok.
Mana reservation mod move is good, I like it. Good job!
i see what you did there ggg, give the plebs 3% mana res eff on jewels and sneak in wardloop giganerf lmfao
Why did you remove my poacher's aim, i'm an angry cat now

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