3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

Voidbreaker1 wrote:

For non crit builds you need 2 mods for damage, that's the point of being non crit, being more tanky. You have plenty of space in this archetype.

No and no.

No, you don't go non-crit to be more tanky.

No, you don't have plenty of space in this archetype, which is why abyss/normal jewels are not used at end game. Expanding the mod pool even further with useless mods that nobody is ever going to pick up doesn't solve any problems, it only creates them, especially if ailment mitigation gets nerfed elsewhere down the line.
Last edited by arandan on Nov 15, 2022, 7:11:58 AM
Thanks, made me wish to skip the next league even more. Doing stuff while forcing people to live in poe won't make you any good. Instead of creating some hard/fun mechanics you just cutting all the good stuff you've made so far. Hope one day poe will be as good as it used to tho.
( for all the shouters, my point was - you could play casually few patches prior, and enjoy the game in a fullest, while playing a hour or two in the evening. And by the end of the month doing endgame casually. Not anymore tho. That was the point)
"many existing unique Jewels have been removed from the drop pool"
Best decision ever imo. This could be also applied to other uniques.

only took you guys 5 years to figure out there poop. nice.
Just great, even more nerfs.
So the first of the 5 manifestos is already a Big disappointment. Massive nerfs hidden as buffs/reworks. Is any hope left for 3.20?
RIP Conqueror's efficiency


Excited for 3.20 since it's christmas break, more time to play. <3
The jewels better say "cold ailments" not only "freeze and chill"

Otherwise purity of elements will still be the way to do simulacrum

oh purity of elements is getting fucked 100%. that was probably the main reason for the whole "we think jewels should add more ailment avoidance" post. because jewels will now be mandatory for getting full ailment avoid. basically nerfing purity, nerfing jewel mod pool, AND nerfing jewel power (because lets be honest, they are there to go ham on dmg/life, no one will give a shit about ailment avoid unless they cant get it anywhere else), and all of that worded like they are actually doing us a favor. lemme tell you, the PR god they have at ggg is probably some world class psychologist

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