3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

"Burdened with Predictability"

The vision attacks again!
So, desirable unique jewels are less common, and the rest just got deleted. What does that mean in numbers, though? Watcher's Eye now has a 0,0001% dropchance? Same with Legion Jewels, etc? Do those stay untouched? Are only certain jewels affected? Saying that "some build-enabling jewels" are now more deterministic might be nice and all, but what does "some" even mean exactly? I feel like the most important questions are, as always, left unanswered and everything is really vague.

The way I see it, all this does is that unique jewels we actually want or even need for certain builds to be viable are now even less common and/or WAY more expensive in many cases, and the ones nobody wants anyway simply get deleted. How can people speak about this as a buff? New modifiers on rare jewels means a larger modpool which makes it even harder to roll the mods you want. Ailment immunity is easily achievable as is, so why make rolling good jewels harder for something like that? Overall more expensive, and that is after gutting currency and the introduction of lootgoblins. Great "buff".

One can only hope that the upcoming AN manifesto has some actual good changes. This one certainly did not blow me away. Probably among the least needed changes considering the current state of the game.
Last edited by SloppyJoker on Nov 15, 2022, 2:19:50 AM
Nerf fest continues. Grind extends. Fun subsides.
Last edited by Bosscannon on Nov 15, 2022, 2:20:01 AM
just why ??

(We're making it so that every unique jewel that drops is very rare and highly desirable. This means that many existing unique Jewels have been removed from the drop pool. The intention is that now when you find a unique Jewel, it should almost always be a very positive experience.)

this is stupid and just killed few fun builds and just made first few weeks super annoying to start builds rolling.
Thank You <3
Diablo 4 is looking mighty interesting these days, and these sorts of manifestos just further cement the idea that PoE is sinking faster then the Titanic.

Just play as a league alpha tester for free until D4 bro like the rest of us.
LUL Stank Pug Chump Puggers ................... Soooo WEAK, soooo very weak LUL
I like that unique jewels will all be good when they drop. I guess the issue is how often they will drop because a lot of builds rely on unique jewels. This is the first manifesto among many and it's a general description of the change. Let's wait and see more!
Regikoko wrote:
I don't understand the concept of taking something not exciting and making it rare to be exciting. Won't that just make it rare and unexciting... Plus some of the most powerful things in the game are jewels and they are rare even timeless jewels although super common, Usually end up being a end game min max thing trying to get perfect rolls on them for all the little passives....not to mention watcher's eye, the forbidden jewels, the new spectrums, impossible escape, transcendent jewels for some builds, unnatural instinct, thread of hope, leap of faith, inspired learning, and all the jewels that builds need to function. ( Frostblades is one of my favorite builds and as far as I can see one of the only melee builds (Its kinda ranged) that can do all content and it keeps getting caught in nerfs meant for other things, Hoping you didn't hit fight for survival in this).

Do you understand the concept of reinforcing behaviors?
They clearly don't want us to think if a new item we find is interesting and fun by ourselves. Instead, they want us to just search it in a trade site to be herded by the economy. Which in turn is dictated by GGG and their drop rates.

In short, they want to dictate our fun by tweaking drop rates and not think for ourselves.
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
I like that unique jewels will all be good when they drop. I guess the issue is how often they will drop because a lot of builds rely on unique jewels. This is the first manifesto among many and it's a general description of the change. Let's wait and see more!

don't wait for "deterministic" drop look at this
Pyrokar wrote:
Regikoko wrote:
I don't understand the concept of taking something not exciting and making it rare to be exciting. Won't that just make it rare and unexciting... Plus some of the most powerful things in the game are jewels and they are rare even timeless jewels although super common, Usually end up being a end game min max thing trying to get perfect rolls on them for all the little passives....not to mention watcher's eye, the forbidden jewels, the new spectrums, impossible escape, transcendent jewels for some builds, unnatural instinct, thread of hope, leap of faith, inspired learning, and all the jewels that builds need to function. ( Frostblades is one of my favorite builds and as far as I can see one of the only melee builds (Its kinda ranged) that can do all content and it keeps getting caught in nerfs meant for other things, Hoping you didn't hit fight for survival in this).

Do you understand the concept of reinforcing behaviors?
They clearly don't want us to think if a new item we find is interesting and fun by ourselves. Instead, they want us to just search it in a trade site to be herded by the economy. Which in turn is dictated by GGG and their drop rates.

In short, they want to dictate our fun by tweaking drop rates and not think for ourselves.

u right, here the problem with that unless it sell for a high prices, who gonna pick it up, and they selling for a high price only a very small few are going to buy it. so this doesnt work at all, unless th vision is hardcore gamers only.

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