3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

Gamiosa wrote:
I do like the intention of the changes, i really do, but I feel it is being badly implemented yet again. Lets just do a quick breakdown despite not having numbers yet. Unique jewels are going to be very rare. Unique build enabling mechanics on jewels are going to be corruptions. This means we will have a (much?) bigger pool of corruptions on jewels. This means that to get the build enabling/upgrading jewel some of the builds require, you are going to need a very rare unique jewel first. THEN you need to rng an already bad rate on said jewel into the new corruption you need.

I think what they're saying is those jewels will be possible outcomes from corruption of any of the right kind of base jewel, like Pacifism and Brittle Barrier are now, rather than affixes you need to get via corrupting a specific unique jewel (or even any unique jewel; I know I've ended up swearing after turning a rare I was trying to get a good corruption implicit on to sell into a Brittle Barrier recently).
Awakened Combustion Support when?
Very nice. Please consider having rare jewel quest rewards come with a fractured modifier (can be mid tier). This provides more utility as well as an introduction to fractured items for new players during the campaign.
So you're:

-diluting the rare jewel mod pool more

-making some unique jewels no longer capable of being sources of corrupt implicits (cuz the jewels themselves are now a result of corruption)

-taking away unique jewel rewards to instead give players a random rare that has nearly no chance of being useful to them and that they could easily acquire instead by just throwing an alch or chaos at a dropped jewel

- after taking away the ailment mitigation we used to get from harvest jewel implicits you're putting slightly higher values on the explicits no one wants to or will use because rolling a good rare jewel with the right ailment mitigation will be a nightmare and it'll take up an explicit mod we'd rather use on other stats

And you frame it all like you're doing us a favor, despite nearly everything you talked about being a nerf.

You made this far more complicated than you had to and for no real benefit. This could have been much simpler, more effective, and more well-received in just two steps:

-re-add harvest jewel implicits

-re-balance underperforming unique jewels.

Seems good. Let’s see if the execution is too….
well rip casual players what the heck is this nonsense.. and also take away casual players pierce gem from quests in acts. sorry i didnt realize my opinion on the state of the game or where it is going was against the forum rules... my opinion about the games health was deleted by forum support..... lmao wow yet people state the same opinions in there stupid thing that exists on every post they make.... i can't even... you can try to bandage the comments up to save face but it aint lookin good... but these forum mod doesnt even play the game lmao what the heck his character list ...
Last edited by andybiggs on Nov 14, 2022, 7:13:18 PM
over the past few leagues... all i'm seeing is a mobile game in the making
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
This is amazing, thank you for unburdening me from the predictability of unique jewel rewards! Finally I can rest easy.
Last edited by shujaa on Nov 14, 2022, 7:10:22 PM
Very underwhelming...
Sadly it is the same old problem which you're incapable of accepting. Players need ailment immunity BECAUSE you have made the application of ailments and their effect so common. Instead of changing items, [Removed by Support], you could have reduced the prevalence of ailments and reduced their effect.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Nov 14, 2022, 7:15:13 PM
It would help a lot if the mod pool was reduced and just have reduced effect/duration/avoidance of all elemental ailments, like Purity of Elements. This way, you can cap all ailment mitigation in about 3-4 jewels. Even with the proposed increased values of current mods, it would still take too much investment to cap out ailment mitigation.

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