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What about general loot and loot goblins???
Archnemesis has not worked at all for my enjoyment of the game. Split 50/50 is the requirement to run determination/grace/suppression/immunity/etc and the loot piñata. Something has to give for me to feel good about the game again. I can handle the poor post harvest item progression, I like the reduced unique drop rate, but the 25+ divines from one mob and the one shots I could do without.
Just buff plenty of skills and uniques so that there are hundreds of builds to choose from and the game will be fixed, trust me bro
Hi Community Team, if these are not "buffs", you might want to just get ahead of the messaging game and call them "nerfs". Regardless of whether internally the devs actually consider these "nerfs" or just "changes".

Because your community has been primed by years of your refusal to counter the narrative that the devs only ever nerfs things, anything that does not look like a straight up buff will be interpreted as a nerf.

You want to set the expectation at that low bar, right here, right now, so that you don't get such a massive blowback like this league did. At this point, there is literally no downside to the devs to prime the community for the worst because they are all already expecting the worst anyway.

Edit: In fact, if you try to instead assuage fears that "changes do not mean nerfs" but then it turns out that there are little to no buffs, the narrative that "GGG always lies" and "GGG always nerfs everything" will win again. What the hell is the point of risking this is beyond me. There is literally no downside risk to setting a pessimistic tone and no upside to trying to make things look like sunshine.
Last edited by thief22122 on Nov 9, 2022, 7:12:57 PM
Hopefully you guys do a better job this time than last time so that you'll bring back the players :)
that arch nem change has to be fucking huge
a ground up rework or removal or I'm done with this game until poe 2
I predict since altar are one of the few thing to not have garbage loot its getting killed.
Why am I still here
since when the community have become so toxic?
I am starting to get annoyed by all these whiner. it's seem The only solution to make them happy is to shut down the server.

verminoth wrote:

Jewels and Ailment Mitigation:

Jewels are too powerful - nerfed
Ailment Immunity is something that we don't like, so we're going to nerf all ailment mitigation values currently and make it so that you can only be 90% less frozen. This applies to potions, all items, and all values of ailment immunity.

We don't want endgame builds to get ailment immune so everyone suffers now.


It's too easy to get curse immune now so we're going to make it so that there is no more curse immunity.

Eldritch Altar Revamp:

We are increasing the damage taken by characters because it wasn't enough.


We are going to explain to you, for the 6th time, that we are not changing Archnemesis and we feel like this is in the right place

Plus potentially a fifth post about other changes if needed at the time:

Loot is fine, get your magic find characters ready.

Yep this about sums it up
Melee tweaks 😍 so excited

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