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'we removed the mod 'curse on hit' from influenced rings'
i hope its not something like this
If the Archnemesis topic isn't about you removing Archnemesis from the game, then I don't see the point of even mentioning it.
it's just gonna be a whole week of them explaining just how wrong ppl are for not embrasing/understanding the vision.
[Removed by Support]

It's really not ok to be a certain something anymore it seems.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
To give you an idea of what to expect, we're planning to cover these topics:
- Archnemesis

Removed & loot fixed?
Last edited by Balsache on Nov 9, 2022, 7:06:33 PM
I hope archnemesis topic gonna cover loot stuff. Before this post we heard about staff actually agreeing with maybe some loot conversion mods shouldn't appear or be very rare on red maps like whetstones/flasks so it would be nice to hear about these.

It would be also nice to have either budget divines usable on rare gear, or multimod and divine crafts changed into using Exalts.

And please if there are some changes that require context share them. Waiting for actual patch notes doesn't do it even if you do it with the best intentions. How would we even give accurate and valuable feedback if we are missing pieces?

I have a bad feeling about ailment mitigation stuff tho. It already feels horrible to play without immunities to shock/ignite, sometimes even poison. Maybe time for rare flasks with multiple suffixes? I bet that would give fractured flasks an actual value.

Can't wait to get out of this cursed paralel universe which we entered with Expedition's 3.15 :)
I'm prepared to be disappointed!
Shampyi wrote:
Loot ?

They've been pretty clear that loot is where they want it to be now. Only thing we might get news on is a change to the "loot piñata" magic find meta.
fs84 wrote:
moonmidnight wrote:
lets hope 3.20 is big, but it will be the first league i will not play on day 1

ill rather wait for the feedback of other players if the upcoming league is worth playing

I hope it's big too. They always somehow push the envelope everytime!

I will say that this mentality is not a good one for two reasons.

1st - It's an ARPG, you want to be able to sell your items early as that is when they have value. Starting later means most of your finds will not be worth much. Chaos recipe not worth it as divines have skyrocketed, etc.

2nd - It's a free game. What are you losing other than your time/investment in another game. If your deep in WoW progression or some other game then sure, wait for feedback on the league but if your not might as well start with everyone else and enjoy the hype.

I personally wait for reviews for games I need to purchase, like WoW or CoD, etc, but PoE is one where if the product is great then buy a supporter pack. If not, then don't.

i think like many he is tired of coming to a league where everything GGG has added or changed was disliked to some point by me, last league i had one of the strongest league starter i have ever played, and yet it was the league i played the least, loot goblins really are not my thing and if you dont stop playing they will keep their direction, not playing is the best we can do in order to get GGG to hear what many asked for, if ppl is still willing to play the game will maintain their current disliked direction.

This ofc is good, if ppl is happy with what they are getting, exelent they should keep going, if ppl is unhappy and they keep playing then they are not that unhappy, me i decided not to play this league as well, simply b/c i did not have any fun last league and i want to see changes
DevilDog92 wrote:
Yall are gonna have to blow it out of the park to get me remotely excited to spend money again.


Not even false promises are going to cut it anymore.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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