Upcoming News Schedule

First of all a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the least successful league in PoE history! The 'vision' of missing loot, gold goblins, magic find hire squads and archnemesis anarchy put a wall between you and the players in a completely unprecedented way. The game - which should be enriching everyone's free time - became a punishing slot machine in your hands and the latest communication with the community gave everyone the pure cringe.

I hope you realize that 'visions' that are made for investors can backflip and scare off your most loyal fans. I think most of those loyal fans are utterly sceptical in trusting you to find the right path again and you might lose them if you fail by the next patch. Because neither your communication, nor the 'visionaire' on top of your management did spread any hope that you have the guts to turn the rudder to funful and enjoyable waters again. Watching how you handled the last league is still - even today - a pure horror. And your 'Upcoming News Schedule' could be the last nail for PoE's coffin, if you really decided to die on your 'vision' hill.
Instead of excitement I feel concerned. Like the anticipation of removing a bandage. its going to hurt and not to mention the wound underneath is most likely not even healed yet. Maybe take the opportunity to apply good medicine before slapping the next bandage on at least. Just don't rub more salt in it please
Curses got a separate manifesto? Interesting. What is going on with that?
GGG it's simple :

No fun, no loot, Archnemes , maybe big upcoming nerfs = NO MONEY

Players and all of community are the heart of your game
Now try to save this heart, maybe it's a last chance I think

Poe was a very cool game with fun, now it's just abyssal

Good Luck
AngryGekko wrote:
First of all a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the least successful league in PoE history! The 'vision' of missing loot, gold goblins, magic find hire squads and archnemesis anarchy put a wall between you and the players in a completely unprecedented way. The game - which should be enriching everyone's free time - became a punishing slot machine in your hands and the latest communication with the community gave everyone the pure cringe.

I hope you realize that 'visions' that are made for investors can backflip and scare off your most loyal fans. I think most of those loyal fans are utterly sceptical in trusting you to find the right path again and you might lose them if you fail by the next patch. Because neither your communication, nor the 'visionaire' on top of your management did spread any hope that you have the guts to turn the rudder to funful and enjoyable waters again. Watching how you handled the last league is still - even today - a pure horror. And your 'Upcoming News Schedule' could be the last nail for PoE's coffin, if you really decided to die on your 'vision' hill.

Very well said. Agree 100%
This game has so much going for it, and I had some good times last league despite some hefty bumps and playstyles disappearing, and loot goblins, and oh my. But I'm not really expecting good news here, looking at this list, after the trend of the last few patches. Here's hoping.

I am least optimistic about the Archnemesis manifesto, but I'm hoping for something radical, drastically simpifying it, removing ground and on death effects and coin-op arcade style modifiers, with PoE 2 (or 2.x) bringing in something more in keeping with monsters' individual traits, rather than blanket novelty effects applied indiscriminately. At this point it's that least favourite uncle who can't be disinvited from thanksgiving. Still it will all be a fun read!
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
They are priming the pump for another 100 page thread of feedback, that they will ignore, in 2 days.

Why isn't melee on the list?
Getting rid of AN shouldn't take more than a sentence. No manifesto needed.
How about a manifesto on adding the fun back into the game?

Please buff the unique melee weapons you ignored last time.

Not another dollar from me until you fix melee and that does not mean making it ranged.

A vision that cannot be explained in terms of actual game play is pretty worthless for players. Until Chris actually explains his vision in those terms, it is just chatter. I don't think he knows how to translate his vision into player experience.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Last edited by ChanBalam on Nov 10, 2022, 2:38:28 PM
Thanks for the update guys. :)
Other changes (for example, some tweaks to melee) may be hinted at in these manifestos or covered in the 3.20 announcement livestream and/or patch notes.

Why not just put this in the manifesto?

You really going to be "hinting" at things in the patch notes and changes to the game, is that level of obfuscation really needed...?
~ Seph

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