Announcing Ruthless

What a waste of dev time.

roundishcap wrote:
While you are at it might as well add a 1000000000000000000% increase in exp needed to level up each level.

The announcement confirms that gems will take much longer to level up. Maybe exp will be throttled as well?

This mode is going to be cool. Only for the best Exiles.
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I'd be curious enough to have a go. But honestly my gut feeling is this mode will not be for me.
Going from softcore league drops/pacing to ruthless is gonna feel like quiting an addiction cold-turkey.
Not to mention all the other blows to quality of life your adding such as no movement skills and no master crafting/ removing most vendor recipes.

I'm sure many Path of Exile fans will have a go... but I'd wager most of those people will soon abandon that ship!
"The key to winning any fight is simply staying alive."
GGG, You are stuck on the idea of constantly making the game harder, instead of making it more fun. Fun, you know.... the idea of actually getting a decent reward drop for playing. Fun, you know... when you could get exalts and buy stuff and use divines for crafting. Basically the exact opposite of what you keep doing league after league. I can see it now.... the staff gets together and says.."hey i have an idea... lets change around the atlas for the 6th straight league for no meaningful reason so that the novice players will be lost once again... that should keep the census of our player base flat"... "great idea, we will adapt that along with a league mechanic that is overly complicated and gives zero rewards while causing players to lose xp at the same time" I mean...seriously... are you guys even trying anymore or is your ONLY focus on making the game unplayable by anyone who is not a 1000% hardcore player?
aktillum wrote:
I'm excited if this will be like 6-player parties whacking at bosses with white swords. I wouldn't want to play SSF Ruthless but could be fun with a group.

Roaming gangs of exiles, fighting over support gem drops.

I think you're onto the vision, here...
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Playing the Acts has been torturous to me for a very long time.

I guess I'll have to figure out a way to love them! :O
Aderahl wrote:
What a waste of dev time.

D1amxnd wrote:
Still feel like 1% will try this and 0.1% will keep playing it, imo a waste of time and resources.
Literally made in their spare time.
Sooo FEEL good about less while doing more yet the same? That's PoE for ya.

I'll try it I guess.
Buzzardd wrote:
is your ONLY focus on making the game unplayable by anyone who is not a 1000% hardcore player?

Though that's an obvious exaggeration, you probably aren't too far off. Plus, it's not like they're removing all other league modes. No one is making you play Ruthless.

You know a lot of people complain about the "new vision" or write comments like yours...

But I wonder if you realize that the games description has always stated that Path Of Exile is "created by hardcore gamers, for hardcore gamers".

This isn't a new vision for PoE, this is the original vision. GGG is returning to their roots. The game was always meant to be for hardcore gamers, but somewhere along the way they lost sight of that... until recently. They have made a conscious decesion to focus on their Vision of what PoE was supposed to be, not what PoE is.
Last edited by Luke KB on Nov 2, 2022, 11:35:30 PM

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