Announcing Ruthless

Hi GGG congratz on the releases ruthless mode,I've bet a some people will enjoy it.

Now ruthless mode is exist,can we the casual player who doesn't have much time to play have an "easy mode" , I bet a lot of people want to blast some map after hard day at work and have a worthy gear proggression within 2-3 hours playtime each day,can we have that please?


i'd try easy mode
Definitely going to try it out!
One request for Ruthless, please make some kind of change to the screen background so it is absolutley clear if a streamer is playing Ruthless or not.

I doubt this mode is for me, but if someone wants bragging rights for playing it, let's make it really clear, so "clever" cross cutting of footage between softcore and Ruthless is impossible.

I look forward to seeing if anyone gets far in this and how popular it is.
Bring Nemesis back and delete AN, then this will be 10/10!
chaosssss wrote:
Really nice for those who enjoy this game mode and think that current POE can do with punishment (I cannot call this challenge). I wish you all many enjoyable hours playing this game mode.

Now can you also do a "pet project" for the few of us who want an EASIER game mode (pretty much the opposite of this one)? It's only fair since the "HARD CORE" fanbase receives what they wish that also the plebeians amongst us that are too "bad" at the game but have been financially and otherwise supporting the game for YEARS get a mode to enjoy, especially since the latter direction of the game is disappointing in many people's opinion.

softcore trade is the easiest mode possible, only thing left is a button that spits out currency so you can trade for any item in the game.

hard mode makes perfect item acquisition infinitely difficult,

unbound regular trade makes it incredibly easy as long as you have currency.
Yay all this for 1% of the player population....what amazing marketing skills.
Awesome, please make permanent skin transfers so we can destroy Alt Arts and have them on our account!
Her beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
This is FASCINATING! I love most aspects of it as I've always been irritated with the "here's insane piles of worthless crap!" approach to item drops, especially as it made gearing heavily dependent on reading meta crafting guides or giving up on SSF and buying stuff from lucky or too-much-time folks.

The core thing that I'm "meh" on, is the removal movement skills. I think it would be much more enjoyable to instead make them serve the originally intended purpose of crowd control and escape. Diablo III's version of frost nova is a perfect example, as it does no damage (unless you remove it's crowd control aspect) and has a long cooldown. I very much dislike the idea of never being able to escape a crowd and always needing to run around to find every annoyingly-far away ramp or bridge.

Reduce their power quite a bit, please, but I'd like to see them stay in some form.

Final note: I'd really really love to see this same mode, but without the difficulty hike of killing enemies and bosses. In other words, a mode where items are scarce and meaningful, but you aren't expected to wall on content without really good luck or extremely high skill.

In any case, I whole-heartedly applaud putting this idea in front of the player base based purely on the passion and spare time of some devs!
I'm excited if this will be like 6-player parties whacking at bosses with white swords. I wouldn't want to play SSF Ruthless but could be fun with a group.

Roaming gangs of exiles, fighting over support gem drops.
Last edited by aktillum on Nov 2, 2022, 7:49:05 PM
Some really quick feedback.

Socket links and numbers are going to make this not fun for a lot of builds and archetypes, off coloring items especially. I understand that this is semi the point of ruthless, but at some level the game still needs to allow for players to try out interesting skill combinations.

The lack of movement speed and what I assume is going to be the lack of freeze and chill immunity is going to make a significant number of enemies instagib players.

At the end of the day these two things stuck out as being significant enough problems to scrap ruthless entirely. However in general I feel this is a poor thing to do at the current player versus dev feeling POE has right now. Players in general don't like things becoming more tedious.

Most if not all the Ruthless modifiers are just tedium.

Might be interesting for like an hour or two, but man is it going to suck eggs when the number walls start appearing. The enemy ai isn't complex enough for this to be super interesting.

It is a novel concept, just needs a serious amount of adjustment if it is going to appeal to the crowd that says they want a gamemode like this. While you are at it might as well add a 1000000000000000000% increase in exp needed to level up each level.

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