Announcing Ruthless



Are ascendancies disabled to make it a true nostalgia experience?

Some ascendancies have major advantages to others in regards of damage and defenses and would circumvent this new modes difficulty partially.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Nov 1, 2022, 5:47:50 PM
sounds easier than most private leagues we've played over the years, don't really see the point. will give it a try because the core game has been immensely trivialized by the power creep but some of the changes sound really annoying to deal with rather than making it more challenging, such as the movement change.

would have been better if they stayed but had significantly reduced cooldown recovery rate, so people wouldnt breeze through maps with them and could only use them when absolutely necessary during dangerous encounters.

they've stated that onslaught will no longer provide ms in ruthless but said nothing about elusive or withering step. this implies that nightblade/elusive will be destroyed in 3.20, otherwise everyone would play elusive builds in ruthless for the extra movement speed. speed farming low tier content is likely to become the most efficient way to get currency/gear in this mode and movement speed will clearly be the most relevant stat in any case. I can already see deadeyes with all the movement speed passives and multiple quicksilver flasks breezing through low tier maps and low depth delve
Last edited by auspexa on Nov 1, 2022, 6:28:08 PM
"Needlessly Negative"
Ok, can you unf**k the main game now?
dead game
bring back 3.13
Please! Make an easy mode for
This looks badass. I've been excited to see this since it was first mentioned.

Cant wait to try it out
I've lost control of the controls...
Jesus take the wheel"
RAizQT during Kammel HC race
Baron01 wrote:

I also have a burning questions to ask:
Why? Why would GGG spend any time on this mode? Why would anyone subject themselves to playing this?

Who? Who is intended audience for this mode?

This mode is for people who can understand that progression is always relative to what you have, and so by limiting the resources available, you make each bit of progress feel bigger and more impactful. In standard PoE leagues, almost nothing is special any more -- you very quickly reach the point where basically no piece of equipment that drops is ever going to get equipped on your character, and you pretty rapidly start only caring about things in terms of currency to trade with other players for pretty much exactly the items you want to build a character that was already fully specced out from the start in PoB.

Moreover, everyone complains about the acts being dull and boring because they're the same thing over and over, and what they are is not particularly challenging or interesting (perhaps apart from bits of act 1 which recently got a rebalance pass). Having to struggle for items, especially gems, should make the acts quite a bit more interesting again, and moreover, make the experience of playing through them more different, because the progress you make will depend on what drops, and how well you figure out how to use it to your advantage.

When rares are actually rare, you might have to figure out what you can make with the gear that dropped. It'll be a lot less about following a cookie cutter guide, and more about figuring out how to use the resources available to make progress -- especially when it comes to the fact that you can't just buy all the gems from vendors any longer. That makes the choices you take as you're building your character way more interesting. Do you spec into points on the tree that might not be in your long term plan, but solve short term problems, or do you wait out some upgrades on gear?

Basically, Ruthless sounds exactly like the sort of thing I'd like to play, and have been sort of hoping PoE would get back to ever since it drifted ever farther away from the game it was in closed beta. Maybe even a more extreme version of that, but yeah, I'm excited about it.
Will try, actually didn't understand so for quests gems won't be awarded either right?
Thought Dash will be kept actually, oh well =)
Sounds exciting! How will stash tabs work this mode? If existing stash tabs can be used, someone with extra tabs might have an advantage over those that don't.

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