What to Expect Over the Coming Months

Tobinator wrote:
I hope this leacue was just a hard mode demo

what do you mean?
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
remove Arch-nemesis from the base game, put it in Ruthless if you must. only way I even will give a modicum of attention to any of this
Looking forward to ruthless, i m a massive fan of the gauntlet, i do enjoy it when POE is quite hard, my favorite league were this one and expedition (and last one for the ubers as well)

Keep being great.
Tobinator wrote:
I hope this leacue was just a hard mode demo

Hope it wasn't, felt way too easy for a "hard mode"
I'm glad I didn't quit 3.19 as I plowed through initial juicing changes I realized it is extremely rewarding and the loot goblin hunting is actually quite fun!
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
finally some end of league events
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Oct 13, 2022, 6:30:16 PM
Nice, i hope Kalandra goes to core, its good mechanic, and also Kalandra is good character. I hope OST will be added to hideout music too, this sound so cool
Please do endless delve without crafting bench. I know a lot of people do not like it, but I personally liked the challenge.
Bad Seed
Docx_83 wrote:
Only thing I want to know is if loot goblins are staying or not?

They mentioned before that they're looking into changes to that system but that they won't be implemented prior to 3.20 - which means I suspect we will see some rather large changes to how those mechanics work in 3.20

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