3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

That’s it?
Oof. I'll take it but... oof.
My way of protesting is not interacting with the game mechanic at all since the Lake of Kalandra loot flat out sucks!!! And I recommend others that are unhappy to do the same, since GGG won't like it if players are avoiding the league mechanic.... But that's the only way to send them a message...

Hell, even Grimro did a video hinting that it may not be worth it to do them.........and that's RARE coming from Grimro.... I'm just doing 100% pure heist, which is far more rewarding than the league content, FAR MORE...............
Last edited by Mentoya on Sep 6, 2022, 11:12:28 PM
bring back harvest.
Ah a big patch of basically nothing burgers

I guess
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I feel like the devs are living in another world...

You buff the most useless aspect of the lake: The reflecting mists. The only useful rings are the ones we made ourselves with Reflection of Kalandra. The random ones that appear at tiles are complete garbo. You could send a Kalandra to my hideout giving me free random rings every minute and chances are, I'll probably end the league without finding a very good one.

You should have buffed the chests of the lake instead. You are so afraid to buff drops. Seems like an agenda to make players poor and forced to grind 5x as much as past leagues. The fact that this is the third "buff" to the lake and STILL NOBODY will run it , shows how much off you are in terms of balance. Wake up!
AeriusMaximus wrote:
I feel like the devs are living in another world...

You buff the most useless aspect of the lake: The reflecting mists. The only useful rings are the ones we made ourselves with Reflection of Kalandra. The random ones that appear at tiles are complete garbo. You could send a Kalandra to my hideout giving me free random rings every minute and chances are, I'll probably end the league without finding a very good one.

You should have buffed the chests of the lake instead. You are so afraid to buff drops. Seems like an agenda to make players poor and forced to grind 5x as much as past leagues. The fact that this is the third "buff" to the lake and STILL NOBODY will run it , shows how much off you are in terms of balance. Wake up!

Last edited by Nichelle_GGG on Sep 8, 2022, 8:57:01 AM
Nice !
Bad Seed
Mentoya wrote:
AeriusMaximus wrote:
I feel like the devs are living in another world...

You buff the most useless aspect of the lake: The reflecting mists. The only useful rings are the ones we made ourselves with Reflection of Kalandra. The random ones that appear at tiles are complete garbo. You could send a Kalandra to my hideout giving me free random rings every minute and chances are, I'll probably end the league without finding a very good one.

You should have buffed the chests of the lake instead. You are so afraid to buff drops. Seems like an agenda to make players poor and forced to grind 5x as much as past leagues. The fact that this is the third "buff" to the lake and STILL NOBODY will run it , shows how much off you are in terms of balance. Wake up!



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