3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

Thank You for every ones hard work
I'm ashamed of what you're doing to the game.
These are necessary changes, but they will only change something for those who play delve, for everyone else it will not affect anything, the game felt terrible (relative to any other league before) and will continue
No nerfs to league content in Lake? What? Did you tried to kil any breach/beyold/legion/harbinger higher than 6 tier?
I read through the bugfixes now.
The Lines: "Fixed a bug where reforge keep pref/suf was removed" and "Fixed a bug where -70% loot dropped" are the best news.
Thx so much for all the hard work-.-
Loot and harvest waiting room.
Bring back Harvest
Praise to our Glorious Leader and his flawless Vision! Social Credit Score ++!!

but for real, I didn't think harvest could be worse, and you ripped away the loot piñata aspect of it, the only thing it had left. Please just remove the dead mechanic, and bring back something fun or gimmicky, like Perandus. At least his stacking currency directly translated to tangible, guaranteed rewards.

Thank you for a job well done. Looking forward to the next Kirac's Vault!
Last edited by kuja66613666 on Sep 6, 2022, 10:56:28 PM
"Improved the outcome odds for the Tainted Orb of Fusing, Tainted Jeweller's Orb and Tainted Mythic Orb."

Of course, never post any numbers, so that people can not point out that 50% increase on 10% success is only 5% actual increase. "This is a buff"

I do hope people will vote with their wallets come next league...

I hated this league as soon as I came into Maps (day2).
After a while I was so frustrated, I created a 2nd char with LC, in hope i'd have enough damage. It did. But it forced me onto a skill, since corrupting fever with no gear in LOW maps just didn't work.

So well, I went on and things got easier. I could farm some currency, equipped my CF character, farmed Blight and equipped a pretty strong EA Ballista Ele.

I did 37 Challenges on my own and bought 4 Pinnacle uber fights to get me T4 Wings. Overall, doesn't sound too bad huh?

this is by FAR the worst League Mechanic, which basically gives us old content with a gamble on an amulet or Ring which are 99% of the time garbage. Else just some loot, which I could get anywhere else.
It does neither feel unique, nor rewarding. It is very boring.

Also new: Memories. Dogpoo I say. Not rewaring, not counting your Atlass Passive Tree, pushes you into Maps you don't like often times. Also: Just old content cramped into a few Maps.


I really enjoy the core game and I do agree that sometimes, when new Uniques are brought in, Ascendecies change etc. some skills must be rebalanced, your nerfing streak is just not the way.
Not to talk about AN mobs. I mean by now you should now how bad it went and how unnessessary they are.

All the playerbase wants is a pleasent experience. Not 10 billion after death effects (looking at you toxic), 3 Minute fights against rares with no or flasks as reward, large progression requirement gaps and by no means we want to be beta testers.

If this shit ain't stopping next league, I'm gone for good.
XeoTech wrote:
Still no fix for 32:9 yet you rub it in our faces with a "mouse confined to black bars".

What the fuck.

THIS ^^^^
Beta member since: 0.9.8f (April 23rd 2012)

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