widescreen resolution removed from the game.

ArtCrusade wrote:
It's always the same platitudes. Can we stop with the strawman arguments already, Echo? Boring.

It is like the... 5th or 10th time he's straw manning, isn't it?

Echothesis wrote:
Point was, trying to drag hardware cost as an argument of why a dev shouldn't bother to adjust to that hardware - is ridiculous, sorry for being blunt.

tackle70 wrote:
Very few people who have invested in a 32:9 display or other high end ultrawide setup will tolerate playing games [Removed by Support]
Yes. Game breaking.

Tackle specifically bought a monitor to play 32:9. You can buy a 16:9 to play 32:9, but it will look worse, simply because it isn't the native resolution.

If anything, he's the one that dragged hardware cost as an argument to keep the 32:9 resolution inside the game, not me, but you're so used to arguing in bad faith and straw manning that you can't tell the difference anymore.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 2, 2024, 7:20:04 PM
Okay, let it be tackle who first mentioned cost (won't bother checking it, even though context was likely different from what you imply). If you consider this inappropriate, why throwing same argument on me later? I was responding to you, not to him, and reserving myself from pointing out your straw manning here.

To get back on track, hardware cost shouldn't be part of either "for" or "against" black bars design. And my non-strawman arguments remain a few (dozen) pages back.

You ask me a question, then immediately jump on my answer with "deraling", "strawman", "we will report you" :shrug:
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:
It's always the same platitudes. Can we stop with the strawman arguments already, Echo? Boring.

It is like the... 5th or 10th time he's straw manning, isn't it?

Tackle specifically bought a monitor to play 32:9. You can buy a 16:9 to play 32:9, but it will look worse, simply because it isn't the native resolution.

If anything, he's the one that dragged hardware cost as an argument to keep the 32:9 resolution inside the game, not me, but you're so used to arguing in bad faith that you can't tell the difference anymore.

Won't lose sleep over the bad faith arguments, but I could do without the smugness with which they're presented.

@Echo: 96.2% of gamers do not use ultrawide according to a Steam poll. Your "not a tiny fraction" fits more than 25 times into the "everyone else."

Besides, you don't have to ask GGG why they go through the trouble of working on DX12 and particles. Performance is a thing people actually care about. Thank you for making the argument for me.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Jul 2, 2024, 7:25:34 PM
Echothesis wrote:
Okay, let it be tackle who first mentioned cost (won't bother checking it, even though context was likely different from what you imply). If you consider this inappropriate, why throwing same argument on me later? I was responding to you, not to him, and reserving myself from pointing out your straw manning here.

No, it's not "let it be". It was. It's a fact. Period. The only difference is that the argument was to keep it instead of remove. And i'm not implying anything, i'm quoting directly.
Echothesis wrote:
To get back on track, hardware cost shouldn't be part of either "for" or "against" black bars design. And my non-strawman arguments remain a few (dozen) pages back.

Isn't this what you mean "keeping on track"?
Echothesis wrote:
Do you mean non-UW monitors are free now? Where can I get mine? :pog: Preferably 3 units at once:)

Echothesis wrote:
Okay, performance is a thing people actually care about. How can it relate to people care or not care about being forced into black bars?

Because you make an argument, we reply, then you change your original argument with some random rhetoric that is clearly not on track to keep your argument relevant, hence and repeat. :)
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 2, 2024, 7:37:16 PM
Okay, performance is a thing people actually care about. How can it relate to people care or not care about being forced into black bars?
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
Okay, let it be tackle who first mentioned cost (won't bother checking it, even though context was likely different from what you imply). If you consider this inappropriate, why throwing same argument on me later? I was responding to you, not to him, and reserving myself from pointing out your straw manning here.

No, it's not "let it be". It was. It's a fact. Period. The only difference is that the argument was to keep it instead of remove. And i'm not implying anything, i'm quoting directly.
Echothesis wrote:
To get back on track, hardware cost shouldn't be part of either "for" or "against" black bars design. And my non-strawman arguments remain a few (dozen) pages back.

Isn't this what you mean "keeping on track"?
Echothesis wrote:
Do you mean non-UW monitors are free now? Where can I get mine? :pog: Preferably 3 units at once:)

AdRonZh3Ro wrote:

Are we really starting to compare QoL that would be free and benefit literally all players to a QoL that affects less than 1% and has a thousand(s) dollar(s) buy in price? Oof...
Echothesis wrote:
I don't see a difference between this thread and countless other threads.

tackle70 wrote:

Yup. I didn't spend 2 grand on a 32:9 monitor to look at black bars.

RIP this game until they fix it
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 2, 2024, 7:43:43 PM
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
I don't see a difference between this thread and countless other threads.

Yep. Someone doesn't like trade and complains, other one doesn't like trade and not complains, others don't care whatsoever and use trade bots. The fact that few people complain about UW to this day, like tackle70, is in no way an argument to downplay whole cause, under pretense it is "just one guy who spent 2 grand on his monitor".

You guys have taken it to personalities long time ago, his, mine, whoever, while the topic in essence is no less valid complain than "why cannot remove aegis, can't see my MTX!" topics. Don't remember seeing you there jumping on the OP with "you are tiny minority, suck it up and play".
Him having bought a monitor exclusively for PoE isn't an argument to enlarge the issue either.

I have a melee character with literal months played and i have every "right as a player" to complain that melee is in a terrible spot overall, that totem support is mediocre and melee has a bigger priority than UW could ever have.

I can give the feedback and they can either listen or not, but i'm not egotistical enough to demand something that i have no real rights to demand out of anyone, much less out of a free game, doesn't matter how right i might or not be.

tackle70 wrote:
I appreciate you guys helping to keep this important problem at the top of the forum and your help repeatedly proving my point that there is no reasonable defense or excuse for putting black bars in this game.

GGG, you're not a small indie dev, you can spare the dev time.

1 year, 315 days

Fix it

This isn't feedback, this is ego.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 2, 2024, 8:31:54 PM
Echothesis wrote:
DX12 and new particle system also do not required to play PoE, ask GGG why they went through all the trouble, enduring backlash on performance problems along the way.

First, UW users are not such tiny fraction as you make it to be. Second, supporting them is easier compared to adding another renderer to the game.

A visual and performance update is something all players benefit from.
The latest updates regarding performance have been one of the best changes for the game since a long while, not including game content changes.

Giving gameplay advantage via a different aspect ratio on the other hand does not affect everyone.

And yea the amount of people with a 32:9 is actually tiny, 0.3% across all steam games to be accurate, so less than 0.01% of the PoE playebase if not even less.

In the end Poe is not the only game without 32:9 support, and it wouldn't have been hard to make some research upfront before throwing 2 grand on a bad choice monitor.
Lots of people play on 1080p, 2k, 4k or even 21:9 for very good reasons
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 2, 2024, 9:26:45 PM

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