widescreen resolution removed from the game.

There should be some forum rule against posting the same comment every day to keep a thread locked on page 1 of the forums indefinitely. You're not adding anything new to the discussion, and the fact that you and occasionally 1 or 2 other guys post in favor shows there is very little interest in this feature.

Rather, I'd like new ideas be discussed more prominently for which there should be room. There's this thread and then 3 or 4 other threads all pushed by the same guy, every single day pushing new threads down.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Jun 27, 2024, 12:22:15 PM
tackle70 wrote:
1 year, 314 days

Don't Fix it

Ad hominem and misquoting me just make my point - there are defensible arguments for the inclusion of black bars

ArtCrusade wrote:
There should be some forum rule against posting the same comment every day to keep a thread locked on page 1 of the forums indefinitely. You're not adding anything new to the discussion, and the fact that you and occasionally 1 or 2 other guys post in favor shows there is very little interest in this feature.

Even if the devs do restore UW by doing whatever, it'll likely only be after they finish PoE2. In the present moment, this thread is just in a useless perpetual hissy fit state.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jun 27, 2024, 1:28:14 PM
I appreciate you guys helping to keep this important problem at the top of the forum and your help repeatedly proving my point that there is no reasonable defense or excuse for putting black bars in this game.

GGG, you're not a small indie dev, you can spare the dev time.

1 year, 315 days

Fix it
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Ah, yes, the "important" thread being kept up by one dude for a full year. The "important" thread. The thread that is "important". Hmmhm.

It was alredy fixed.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jun 28, 2024, 10:49:00 AM
If you all want the thread to go away stop bumping it.

Personally, I think they should do something more creative with the bar space, or just revert the change.

Stuff like this is important to fix or address, especially since they said they have been working on it and went communications silent for like a year or three.

They still haven't said if poe2 is wiiiiide or not, right?
Haven't you noticed the last *checks notes*... 96 pages, it's one dude bumping? And you bumping just now? And me pointing out the irony?
roundishcap wrote:
Stuff like this is important to fix or address, especially since they said they have been working on it and went communications silent for like a year or three.

Is it though? They get nothing from it except at best 1% of the total gen pop maybe buying supporter packs and at worst none cares because they took too long.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jun 29, 2024, 9:14:20 PM

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