[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

evilsofa wrote:
From PoB's 2.39.0 patch notes: "Add support gem DPS sorting for Skills granted by Items (e.g. Arakaali's Fang, Whispering Ice etc.) (Paliak, sida-wang)"

For my version of this build, this appears to have dramatically changed the reported Average Hit for the Boss (non-Cyclone) version of the staff, from 644k to 229k. The mapping (Cyclone) version of the staff didn't seem to change much.

I feel like I'm not understanding something correctly here. My pobb.in, which in all probability isn't configured correctly, is:


What that is doing, is that if you try to manually add a gem to Icestorm setup, PoB will show on top of the list gems that have highest dps increase.


However what seems that now you have to change the correct weapon set from Items page.

If you have boss staff (Weapon Set II) selected both Icestorms show the selfcast damage you have with boss staff setup. That is the 644k on your build.

If you have CwC staff selected (Weapon Set I), the CwC setup Icestorm shows right damage with notice "Cast While Channeling's Trigger: Cyclone"

If you have CwC staff selected (Weapon Set I), the boss setup Icestorm shows selfcast damage you would have with CwC gem setup with notice "No Cast While Channeling Triggering Skill Found"

Last edited by Cjin on Jan 24, 2024, 8:31:10 AM
Thank you, I get it now! Before, I could switch between the two just by selecting which Icestorm under "Main Skill:" in the left sidebar, but now when doing this I also need to select Weapon Set "I" or "II" in the Items window.

Thank you for explaining this with pictures too!
While Kelvynn's the designer, Cjin's the engineer! Both of you are great.
So what's the highest juicing/tier everyone was able to consistently and comfortably farm? I have better gear than I've ever had on the build, more INT and ES (2454 & 13531) than ever, have a full set of jewels and charms, and am only really missing either the uber amulet or Simplex, 2 passive points, and the elevated Eater/Exarch implicits. But if I juice even T7s with Deli, Abyss, magic packsize, and Beyond sextants, craft +2 proj, and run Reliquary, Div, Abyss, and Harbi scarabs, then even 5-mod maps with only 4k wisps are often too rippy when to comes to the swarms of Abyss rare mobs, even when spec'd for the anti-crit Poison wheel. Am I just juicing too hard?
Tithonia wrote:
So what's the highest juicing/tier everyone was able to consistently and comfortably farm? I have better gear than I've ever had on the build, more INT and ES (2454 & 13531) than ever, have a full set of jewels and charms, and am only really missing either the uber amulet or Simplex, 2 passive points, and the elevated Eater/Exarch implicits. But if I juice even T7s with Deli, Abyss, magic packsize, and Beyond sextants, craft +2 proj, and run Reliquary, Div, Abyss, and Harbi scarabs, then even 5-mod maps with only 4k wisps are often too rippy when to comes to the swarms of Abyss rare mobs, even when spec'd for the anti-crit Poison wheel. Am I just juicing too hard?

I haven't tried the league mechanic with the build, so can't help you with that, but two common ways of upping the defenses (apart from killing enemies faster) are the Evasion mastery (EV per int) and the 10% of phys damage taken as chaos mastery (straight 10% reduction of phys damage).
Graiaule wrote:
While Kelvynn's the designer, Cjin's the engineer! Both of you are great.

Not for me really :-) Kelvynn is the strait forward guy while cjin is the experimenter for me. He give some hints who changed the build for me in a verry good way. I like the new ideas cjin bring in for me and the "normal" way kelvynn did. so i can look if the new ideas are fun and if not i can go back to the normal setup.
THATS really fun.
WinterHiko wrote:

I haven't tried the league mechanic with the build, so can't help you with that, but two common ways of upping the defenses (apart from killing enemies faster) are the Evasion mastery (EV per int) and the 10% of phys damage taken as chaos mastery (straight 10% reduction of phys damage).

Aaaand, on top of that: Get something against Bleeding and definately care for enough mana - if they crit you twice (and they WILL crit you) and you have not enough mana you stop whirling - instagib.
I run up to 5k whisps with 60% delirious, and if I do not do something stupid I do not die - that is, until the occasional soulthief / frenzy stealer appears. Those kill me FAST.

On a side note: Me being late to the party because casual. Filthy casual. 99 and still having fun, so: What (beside farming for dominance orbs for hands and chest improvement) should I target next for improvements? And, if you see me wearing Le Heups, these are my "actual" rings:

Ty in advance!

P.S.: Best build ever!
milkytwix wrote:
WinterHiko wrote:

On a side note: Me being late to the party because casual. Filthy casual. 99 and still having fun, so: What (beside farming for dominance orbs for hands and chest improvement) should I target next for improvements? And, if you see me wearing Le Heups, these are my "actual" rings:

Ty in advance!

P.S.: Best build ever!

You're very far into the minmaxing; congratulations.

As for upgrades, other than tweaking things slightly (i.e., rerolling rings until you get 68 int), only the following come to mind:

1. Work on crafting a 12% increased int 6% increased attributes chest. That will be a crusader-influenced chest though, so you will lose the eldritch enchants. Might be a tossup, especially for boss killing.

1a. Alternatively, go for a 500+ es 2400+ evade sadist garb to get more defense. These should be available as they are used with the meta penance brand trickster build.

2. Get 17% increased damage craft on belt and 15% increased damage craft on a 30q staff. (Really small buff though.)

3. Hit 100 to get that last passive!

Last edited by Graiaule on Feb 7, 2024, 11:17:22 PM
milkytwix wrote:
WinterHiko wrote:

I run up to 5k whisps with 60% delirious, and if I do not do something stupid I do not die - that is, until the occasional soulthief / frenzy stealer appears. Those kill me FAST.

I have a "Which that was Taken" Jewel with "Nearby Monsters cannot gain Charges" Mod. Maybe that helps with that.
I'm glad I found this build. It's fun and it got a great guide and community. It's priceless for a not very experienced players like myself.
I'm done with the budget build (int rings excluded) and would like to test the high end version. The thing is I can't fully understand the notes in the High-end PoB.
They say:
"For the final levels (94-100), take a combination of these nodes that gives the most damage at each particular level:
- Doom Cast (3 points)
- last 2 nodes in the right cluster (2 points)

What I did so far is to remove the nodes next to Dreamer and use them to allocate Doom cast. Is that correct? Should I keep modifying the passive tree accordingly? And which ones are the "last nodes in the right cluster"?

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