[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

And yeah i don't understand why so hard restrictions for unique's with league mechanic?
If it without compensations like more higher chances for better tree than rares...why?
and gona hate GGG for that)
Last edited by archwerewolf on Mar 31, 2023, 4:22:45 PM
adambog wrote:
damn @Kelvynn, i was about to skip this league, but nerfs/buffs breakdown got me really hyped!

i remember vaal pact insta leech, daaaamn

for anyone who didnt got a chance to try it (and how cool it is) it's your time now!

WI Berserker vs RIP maps

Those were the times! This build was a life-based BERSERKER with cold-to-fire conversion, channelling Scorching Ray. My first lv 100 in a temporary league. I still keep Mr Wizerkinger on my character list for the memories :)
Last edited by Kelvynn on Mar 31, 2023, 4:35:20 PM
Eagerly waiting for you to update the build. The instant leech and so many defensive stuff added on tree makes me wanna start whispering ice for league start!
so looks like we can go more offence with tree coz of big defense and leech bufs?

interesting, how leech will feel like? Do we even need block nodes with it? Or 15k es pool + inst leech thats all what we need to be immortal? Or we can maby take 50% spell suppres + new mastery "lucky spell suppres chace"
Last edited by santjohn on Mar 31, 2023, 5:11:39 PM
santjohn wrote:
so looks like we can go more offence with tree coz of big defense and leech bufs?

Yeah. Not that our tree was very defensive to start with. Pretty sure we can safely drop spell block. It was there mostly for the stuff like Uber Feared that's not even in game anymore.

Not sure about dropping the regular block. This build was doing fine with just the regular implicit block on the staff. But Staff mastery is nice in itself.

Maybe it's time to give a serious try to the crit version. There is a crit staff cluster near Elemental Overload that can give that mastery on top the crits. The individual hit damage is bigger and so is the instant leech.

Who was doing the crit version - what was the latest PoB for that?
Last edited by Kelvynn on Mar 31, 2023, 5:16:50 PM

he doing crit)
https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/whiterockxx/White_Sanctum?i=0&search=item%3DThe-Whispering-Ice <-- his build

this one whiterockxx
Last edited by santjohn on Mar 31, 2023, 5:20:49 PM
looks like we can take on the WI stuff
+100 str or +100 dex ( or even both)
6% int + str 6% int + dex

for solving our problems with stats.. and maby craft some crit chance\ crit multi rings ?
Thanks for the breakdown Kelvynn. On point as always. I was hoping you'd have the time to go through the changes!
I was messing with my low budget crit version that will be my league start and made a provisory tree. lvl 90 tree, no jewels needed, only basic items!


I have other ideas on trying to freeze bosses and use cold mastery increase damage per second freezed, but this ideas will be implemented only on endgame tree coz will be expensive.

Hope you guys enjoy and share your thoughts and ideas for a good league start!
Last edited by whiterockxx on Apr 1, 2023, 3:31:30 AM

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