[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

@GreyBrainCell -- these questions are generally answered by using POB and looking at the damage versus defense comparisons.

That said, I'd pick the cttc/disor display/shif shadow myself.
Graiaule wrote:
@GreyBrainCell -- these questions are generally answered by using POB and looking at the damage versus defense comparisons.

That said, I'd pick the cttc/disor display/shif shadow myself.

Good point and I’ll run them through PoB later today, thank you for taking the time to reply, appreciate it.
whiterockxx wrote:

ps.: The +1 min endurance charges on jewlery and the cwdt+inc duration+immortal call are the key to never die on maps, even with low ES! For simulacrum swap the power carge on crit or energy leech with Devergent Elemental Prolif on CwC staff than you do all waved until 30 easely. And pay attention on gem levels/quality/alt type. Its all set for best results damage wise or better effect.

sorry to quote this "old" post but i didnt see it before
i put this +1 min endurance charge on my jewel and nothing happen on my POB. If i put 1 endurance charge, i have the same phys max it than without the endurance charge, but it start to scale when i put 2 charges

do i make a mistake somewhere ? thanks for the help and sorry for my poor english
@pat_hibulaire -- go to the configuration page in PoB and click on "Do you use Endurance charges?"

You should also see a difference in the game! There should be an icon along the top left of your screen that shows you now have 1 endurance charge.

Each endurance charge give:
+4% to all elemental resistences
+4% additional Physical Damage Reduction

If you are running the regular variation with block you dont need to care about it. Its just another thing to make the build more expensive.

Now if you are trying the crit version, i highly recommend you to do it.

Anyway, if you have enought currency you can do it anyway.. defense layers are never enought!!
thanks a lot for your help guys

i have the icon on the top left of the screen so i know i have it

i'm just confused because it doesnt change any numbers on my POB

i checked "do you used endurance charge", and when i put "1" on the "how many do you use if not maximum' my numbers are the same as if i uncheck all

this is just a detail because as you said i have it in game, i just try to have a proper POB xD
@pat_hibulaire -- I took a look at your char in PoB, and sure enough, 1 endurance charge doesn't do anything. 2 or more do work.

That appears to be a bug in PoB. I crafted a +1 endurance ring in game, put it on, and I see my defenses improving.

I think it's an off-by-one error. Just set the count in PoB to 2 for your one ring and it'll work.
ok great, thanks a lot for your time i've done it

it's me again xD

i've a question for you guys about your buttons/playstyle on boss setup

when you cast icestorm you cannot moove and this build needs versatility isnt it ? so i tried several setups but with the one i have now (vortex on leftclick, icestorm on right click and frostblink on space bar and basically keep them always maintening) i feel a bit vulnerable

can you advice me a better one ? thanks a lot again
pat_hibulaire wrote:
it's me again xD

i've a question for you guys about your buttons/playstyle on boss setup

when you cast icestorm you cannot moove and this build needs versatility isnt it ? so i tried several setups but with the one i have now (vortex on leftclick, icestorm on right click and frostblink on space bar and basically keep them always maintening) i feel a bit vulnerable

can you advice me a better one ? thanks a lot again

not that it's a good setup for anyone else as it works great for me...

frostblink - Q
vortex - W
icestorm/cyclone - E

i don't use a mouse as i prefer a trackball but only use it for movement direction. i also use this exact setup for the clear setup and just tap X with my thumb to swap
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead

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