Game Mechanics Q&A

GrimzEcho wrote:
I think I know why it has been a while since GGG did one of these... And this is just from the first two pages. The ratio of on-topic/off-topic questions is around 2/7

Tachykir wrote:


When will Ultimatum come back?

Will it be possible to trade with people that are not in guild in guild hideout?

1. Ultimatum coming back is not a game mechanic. GGG explicitly said they are not answering game design questions.

2. This is not a game mechanic. This is a feature request.

MonolightHD wrote:
Whats the chance to find harvest t4 seeds

GGG has said multiple times in other posts that they will not disclose specific drop rates

SewingChaos wrote:
There is plans to nerf the degen zones/dot zones (fire ones, caustic, cold snap witches, etc etc) or at least give us more ways to deal with them?

I think you meant to ask if there are plans to ... . That is not a game mechanics question

camokng wrote:
Regarding the light radius mechanic, why is it something that we have to deal with when there is no purpose within builds aside from a dead stat (unless I'm missing a hyper-specific build)?

Side note, I find it difficult to see a lot of the time due to glare and no gamma adjustment available as a player. Sorry if the topic isn't super relevant. Keep up the amazing work!

This is a game design question. Maybe you are curious about how light radius works?

TBNyel wrote:
How does the map conversion on Standard works? And when will you improve the map conversion system? I got a lot of "map tab is full" (while trying to convert from 3.17 to 3.18) when only 3 maps from current tier are full, and the remaining tabs from current tier are empty...

The first part of this is a question on game mechanics (yay!). The second part is a game design question and/or feature request, and the third part is a bug that should be reported in the bug forum.

Rossmallo wrote:
Is there any possibility that you will revisit the fact that Unique maps get turned into Currency with Singular Focus? The fact that maps like Cortex can get destroyed is a massive deterrent towards taking the node, and it is also not very well communicated.

This is a game design question. The post specifically says they are not answering questions on design, only mechanics

How this trade system works?
a) even if u find item you need to pm the person
b) even if the item is priced with b/o you still need the person who is willing to leave the map and trade..
c) ppl should be able play the game without wasting time on miningful trade...
d) 90% of players later in league don't bother to leave the map even if the item is priced cause trade is a waste of time.
e) afterall this dosn't make any sense why trade must be so painful without trade bots

This is a rant thinly disguised as a question. GGG has plenty of posts describing that their vision for trade is and why they are not going to make trading easier. I would love for changes to trade too, but this is not the tread for it.

TauOrigin wrote:
Why is phasing still stuck in mobs?

why is it that when I run at high speed, a porcelain jug stops me on the way?

why can't a character who killed Sirius and other destroyers of worlds open rusty doors on the run?

This is a game design question, not a question on mechanics. You are asking why something is the way it is, not how it works.

Someawe wrote:
(these probably fall under game design after rereading the post, fair if its skipped over^^') ...

What are the current engine limitations on mechanics or content in general you have thought about developing but couldn't?

What mechanics are you as a team most proud of in terms of how it works behind the scenes?

What is the process behind making sure complicated mechanics translate well to people figuring them out through play?

These are mostly game design questions, not questions on specific game mechanics. Although considering the number of people who choose not to read simple explanations of "design" vs "mechanics", I'm kind of amazed the player base is able to figure out any of the complex mechanics, so I'm curious about that as well.

Totes_Adorbs wrote:
Question: Why won't you allow Alpha/Closed beta testers of PoE1 to have early-access to the alpha/beta of PoE 2?

We've given you all of our loves... don't we deserved to be loved back? :'(

This is a rant and/or design/marketing question, not a question on mechanics.

Bracks_ZA wrote:
When will GGG listen to what the actual players who play the game in the end game want - instead of making arb changes that make unnecessary problems that need even more unnecessary solutions?

Seems like the devs can be tone deaf when it comes to important issues.

This is a complaint, not a question on game mechanics

Sixtefo wrote:
what's the idea behind degen pools and why ailment immunity people heavy invest in can't counter them, compared to degen from caustic ground they deal way too much damage, pantheon doesnt even counter them, so maybe its time to rework how pantheon operates?

archnem modifiers are still too powerful seeing magic monsters with 1 archnem mod one shot tankiest of characters, making game harder shouldn't work that way, map bosses compared to some magic/rares feels like a joke, either readjust archnem mods, make only some of magic pack monsters have them or put them exclusively on rare mobs

if it wasn't for tft we would be wasting way too much time to trade CORE GAME MECHANICS, trade league players don't want to waste their time getting items/crafts/whatever and sellers don't want to spam forum/trade (like in the past). I already know the answer that you want to make people engage with each other, but that's not what community wants. When auction house or something similar?

it would be helpful for everyone to see probabilities of encountering something like harvest t4 seed, chaluya breach, bosses in the wild (breach) with and without atlas passives etc. same goes for droprates of items

overall stability and game performance isn't on par with current level of 'juicing' content. I know game requires resources, but seeing how people with latest tech pc's have 10fps in really juiced up content makes it unplayable for folks with average hardware thus disabling them from enjoying game to fullest

1. Game design question (not a game mechanics question)
2. Complaint and suggestion (not a question on game mechanics)
3. This is a complaint with an explicit acknowledgement that nothing will be done, turning it into a rant.
4. This is a complaint, not a game mechanics question

Thank you for policing this thread. Do you feel better now?
Where can drop HH and Mageblood ? t14+ or t1+ ? What a chance ?
Where can drop HH and Mageblood ? t14+ or t1+ ? What a chance ?

This is known. Both items are drop level restricted: 75 - so any monster in T8+ maps. Definitely fewer than one drop per 10000 maps though.

List of other drop level restricted items, deduced in patch

Items with Drop Level Requirements > 69 && > Basetype

(*Note: The Squire is included just because it is commonly asked about. It's not actually an exception for its basetype.)

Doryani's Fist 70
Great Old One's Tentacles 70
Rumi's Concoction 70
Shavronne's Revelation 70
Soul Taker 70
The Hungry Loop 70
The Squire 70
Hegemony's Era 71
Lioneye's Vision 71
Death's Hand 72
Aegis Aurora 73
Eye of Malice 73
Leash of Oblation 73
Manastorm 73
Mistwall 73
Painseeker 73
The Black Cane 73
The Ivory Tower 73
Willowgift 73
Worldcarver 73
Devoto's Devotion 74
Doon Cuebiyari 74
Algor Mortis 75
Asenath's Gentle Touch 75
Headhunter 75
Mageblood 75
Maligaro's Virtuosity 75
Perandus Signet 75
Seven-League Step 75
The Ephemeral Bond 75
Augyre 77
Beltimber Blade 77
Brain Rattler 77
Eye of Innocence 77
Grelwood Shank 77
Leper's Alms 77
Memory Vault 77
Obscurantis 77
Razor of the Seventh Sun 77
Rigwald's Command 77
Rigwald's Savagery 77
Slivertongue 77
Snakepit 77
The Brass Dome 77
The Scourge 77
Void Battery 77
Vulconus 77
Yoke of Suffering 77
Assailum 80
Rigwald's Quills 80
Perfidy 82
Skyforth 84

Source: (it comes from someone VERY reliable)
Le Toucan Will Return
What are the base drop rates of awakener orbs and orbs of dominance?
What is the radius on Profane Bloom explosions? Does it scale with inc. Aoe?
The occultist's "You cannot be stunned while you have energy shield". Say I take a hit that would fully deplete my energy shield; can this stun me? Or does a hit have to land when I already have 0 energy shield to be able to stun me?
Украина в моём сердце
How does Corrupted Soul keystone interact with Petrified Blood? Would the 40% of damage delayed only be applied to half the damage received, making it 20%?
It seems like fire burst from the essence of Hysteria doesn't seem to proc from mines/traps despite saying "Cast Level 20 Fire Burst On Hit" and not specifying who has to do the hit. Is this intentional?
Is there a way that you can add scout reports in any of the tabs? Maybe frags or map tab?

Also, is it possible to make doors open like how doors open in Atzoatl?
Why are spectre's that summon minions or totems not fully supported / scaled?

They of Tul for example is supposed to summon ice golems and have ice spear like totems, but you can't modify the totems with supports and the ice golems never get summoned.

Will we ever see full support for minion & totem spectres?
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