Introducing Kirac's Vault Pass

Romulas19 wrote:
Sakanabi wrote:
At this stage it is only available to players in the current challenge league because many Standard players can instantly unlock their whole Atlas by completing a single map.

I don't understand why this is a problem. It's still 30$ to your pocket.

Exactly!! GGG only cares about leagues, their are a lot of us they do play on standard, but they don't seem to care about that. Id spend the $30 if it were available on Std. They would be getting thier money either way so what is the big damn deal.

Exactly my thoughts, why dont they take the 30 from std players also, its not like they can force me to play if dont have the time to :). This decision to have it just for league makes 0 sense from a financial standpoint.
Well. except racing required speed and placement vs other players and getting up at all times of day and hours to compete in said races and in general having a ton of spare time to do so to get the top level rewards. This literally is just map completion with 3 months to do so. Easy enough to get and for that matter can make it easier with friends to help!
lolu wrote:
Sakanabi wrote:
At this stage it is only available to players in the current challenge league because many Standard players can instantly unlock their whole Atlas by completing a single map.

""I don't understand why this is a problem. It's still 30$ to your pocket.-- Romulas19""

Exactly!! GGG only cares about leagues, their are a lot of us they do play on standard, but they don't seem to care about that. Id spend the $30 if it were available on Std. They would be getting thier money either way so what is the big damn deal.

Exactly my thoughts, why dont they take the 30 from std players also, its not like they can force me to play if dont have the time to :). This decision to have it just for league makes 0 sense from a financial standpoint.

I can understand both sides. After unlocking the entire atlas once, a single map on a new atlas (T16) will unlock every single map, and you already have a character that can do so sitting there so under 5 minutes. Meant to provide something cool as well as make people do work for it so can see why this isn't a thing, but could also see that changing later depending on how many people ask about it.
I'll pass. Too pricey; especially for a causal player like me. It's something I'd never end up earning.
Is this for real or an out of date april fools joke lol
get yo money GGG
I really like this but I'm sad that I don't use any of these items :(
Psiho_Delija wrote:
This thread is like a salt mine.

Unless they make "battlepass" that gives you a clear in-game advantage, all this is completely pointless.

The MTX is completely optional, and does not influence your gameplay in any shape or form, other than make it more visually pleasing.

If and when this changes, that will be something to discuss and/or argue over.
Until then, if you want that MTX, then suck it up and buy the pass. If you think that GGG owes you anything, then stop and think again. They, in the end, are into making money off this game, whether you like it or not.

That's not how any of this works bro. If a fast food place starts charging $30 for a tiny cheeseburger people will rightfully say that's a terrible value and an insult to them as a customer. Just because the product is a videogame cosmetic doesn't mean it's above criticism, it's an optional product just like 99.999% of other products people are allowed to be critical of. If you're going to white knight at least try instead of making such a transparent and lazy attempt.
Abbaddon wrote:

Okay so 300 points. Seems like nothing. You realize that's $30 already right? ONE pair of MID-priced wings or decent armour set is $30, even if you don't realize it. Know the valuation of what you're spending.

Just because a company prices something at a certain price doesn't mean that's how you should judge the value of your money. By that logic, $110 should only get you one little scorpion pet since the lightning scorpion is 1100 points, so all cosmetics are actually a steal.

It's a simple pricing trick called price anchoring. You start out with an obviously bad deal, then you offer a good deal in comparison and because you already cemented a certain value to the dollar in the consumer's mind, you trick them into thinking a mediocre or bad deal is actually good just because it's less bad.

Even in the context of PoE we see this non-stop. An armor set costs usually $40+ and wings as you say can be $20-30. $60 packs tend to include both AND $60 of points, so it looks like you are getting at least $120 of value from the pack but in reality you're just being tricked into believing you money is worth less than half as much.

As for whether this vault pass is worthwhile, I'm not going to argue on that because everyone values cosmetics differently. Quite simply I'm trying to point out that you're viewing value in a very anti-consumer way which is counterproductive to your own interests no matter how much you want to worship at the altar of GGG.
Hahahaha ... holy moly this is ... hmm better nothing XD

GGG needed more time for league start? Rly?
Compare new patch (time and content) with this :D
Now you know, where GGG invest their time.

Same like league before with "awesome and lovely" PvP :D
Oh shiz... I thought this was a Gen chat 1 joke..


Guess it definitely isn't for me then

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