3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.


This is my build so far. If anyone finds the time to look at it and finds a way to improve it or point out where I went wrong, I'd appreciate.

I'm willing to spend up to 30 divs tops.

Hello. I won't be speaking in terms of currency, but rather give general advice at this point.

So here's a few things :
- gloves implicit is useless (you already have a better exposure from EE). Get a prolif implicit instead.
- try to allocate dirty techniques on your tree (i think you're headed that way considering the dex point allocated close to it ?) . Also the jewel socket between vigour and savagery so you can socket a lethal pride there (17648, 12824...)
- there's currently some points in the tree that are not opti, for example the allocated totem mastery for crit gives nothing, or on the cluster side you took all nodes, even lesser ones (bow damage).
- I would work over time towards giving up finesse, quickstep, intuition...
- Check out impossible escape/precise technique : access to big suppr/hp/dps nodes there...
- your watcher's eye fixes your res, at the cost of only doing it, all things almost equal, you could spare it and get one that gives attack speed and/or dot multi and/or faster ignites.
- I was wondering if you were playing the league considering i see no charms. There's a lot of nice stuff to get from charms this league but i'm not playing it so not an expert. Some things i've seen : covered in ash, which allows you to replace polaric devastation ; onslaught ; free banner...
- If we follow the "jewel overhaul path", we can get enough resists to spare the taming in case you'd want to get/craft a better ring : offensive stats, chaos resist, hp, accuracy for example.
- Flammability is better than elemental weakness, even with your implicit that buffs it. Flame surge-flammability-arcanist brand-(lifetap) is the usual way, that also grants an extra load of burning ground dps.
You'd need to remove that portal/CoD setup, probably along with the cast on crit (that's why you took the crit node ?? does that even work ?) from what i see.

I see you made your helmet especially for reservation efficiency. People seem to be using Devouring Diadem helmet a lot this league. Allowing them to rethink some things like using empower instead of lifetap for great dps improvement.
I'll share Anena's PoB again, as it may (or not) interest you : https://pobb.in/3lcbJjAU36wf (it's set on uber pinnacle)

Note : Didn't take the full tour, your clusters/auras/auras buffs on items setup is quite intricated. I tried to give advice without modifying "everything".
EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Tons of thanks to Durahal, Headtourist, Schejian, and others for all the help.

Also, if any of you guys want a really interesting spin on the build, I'd strongly recommend looking at Durahal's POB. At the expense of damage (I honestly don't know how much, you lose out on the timeless Karui jewel + Hyrri Ire's cold damage + Hyadian Dawn's 42% faster ignites, so you lose something like 62% faster ignite chance and 200 cold damage), but you become ridiculously tanky and fast. Game is EXTREMELY fun with his variant, I haven't ripped since. For some reason I feel like my damage is better too, despite the fact it should be significantly worse. I think it's just because I'm able to stay close enough to drop my arcanist brand w/ flame surge + flammability, letting me nuke mobs that matter a lot easier.

Also, I'm progressing on my +2 amulet craft! A couple things I learned

1. You don't have to risk the 25% brick
2. You can craft fire damage as a prefix, and it'll be cheaper than crafting 'cannot roll attack modifiers'
3. It looks like they greatly increased the encounter rate of +1 all skill gem levels (or maybe I just got incredibly lucky). I hit it 7 times in less than 4k alts.

Could you or someone please re-share the pob? I'm sure it is somewhere in the thread but it is becoming long :-)
anerikke wrote:
Tons of thanks to Durahal, Headtourist, Schejian, and others for all the help.

Could you or someone please re-share the pob? I'm sure it is somewhere in the thread but it is becoming long :-)

Just import character from account "Durahal" :p
EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Last edited by Headtourist on Jan 17, 2024, 11:30:25 AM
albln wrote:
Thanks for the great reply, ive experimented with HH, Mageblood and Dyadian during this league, and it might be placebo but i feel like the HH just makes me survive more maps tbh, i can run fully juiced t16 with 5 deli orbs on the map and add like 8000-10 000 jucie and still clear it. I will for sure look into the gloves! thanks again for the reply!

It's probably not just placebo, HH has the potential to be more tanky than Mageblood. I focused my reply based on you saying that you wanted to blast through maps meaning you wanted more damage. If you have the damage to clear a couple packs of rares in a juiced/wisped map then you'll probably pick up some very good defensive mods that will carry you the rest of the way. It may just be survival bias, but the mods I see on rares all the time are 40% extra life, evasion, blocks attacks, and proximity shield. The main negative to HH on this build is that there are very few monster mods that boost damage if you're already at max fuses.

Edit: Speaking of defensive monster mods, % life as maximum energy shield might be interesting to see if you didn't have Devouring Diadem. It would take a considerable rework of your auras/gems and would probably lower damage, but it should add a huge amount to your hit pool since it's another mod which seems very common.
Last edited by Dromlin on Jan 17, 2024, 2:06:07 PM
anerikke wrote:
Tons of thanks to Durahal, Headtourist, Schejian, and others for all the help.

Could you or someone please re-share the pob? I'm sure it is somewhere in the thread but it is becoming long :-)

Here's my T16 Wisped Mapper Build.
Got sick of dying or having to slow down and play cautiously. So I went a more tanky and zoomy route, sacrificing some Damage. But the Endresult was beeing a way faster mapper anyway.

Ended up with 580k effHP and 33m ignite DPS before switching to other builds:

(And also quite zoomy with +290% Movespeed while popping all buffs)

Main Changes:

1, Throwing away the DPS Amulet. We have plenty of DPS..no reason to clutter every single equip slot with pure +DPS items and ending up as a Zero HP Glasscannon.
(Triple Wisped Mobs eat these for breakfast)
Combined with 55k+ Armor and 50k Evasion, Defiance of Destiny make us almost unkillable. You can afk next to a T16 Spire.

-20% Damage for beeing mostly unkillable? Good Deal.

2, Using Widowhail (only 30c for a 240% one)

combined with a good quiver (doesnt have to be godlike. 3-4div ones would be fine too)

Gives impressive Results..for a pure Stat-Stick Bow:
Yeah, thats +127%! DotMultiplier, 55% Attackspeed, 185Life, 27-310 Lightning, 80% increased Damage.

Don't worry about the low Attackspeed from Widowhail too much, if you pick the right Quiver the Passive 50+% Attackspeed will offset most of the lost APS.

3, Using the Bow means we're losing our +3 lvl to EA, that hurts. Easy Solution:
Socketing EA in a +4 Body Armour. There are pleanty Double-Corrupts out there, for around 5-9div. Doesn't have to be a Skin of the Loyal.
Has the additional advantage of getting 4-5 Green Sockets on the Bow for the "+100Accuracy per Green" Mastery.

4, A Watchers Eye with -Crit Damage Taken seems almost mandatory. BlueWisp Mobs get crazy crit modifiers. You need at least "some" source of -crit damage taken.

Just remember to build some more DEF if you don't want to be frustrated by the league mechanic. Just having Grace+Determination and Spellsup is not enough anymore.

Was quite fun zooming around, but ultimatly switched to other builds. As Playing EA with Mageblood seemed a bit silly.
Last edited by Schejian on Jan 17, 2024, 2:18:23 PM
Schejian wrote:

Here's my T16 Wisped Mapper Build.
Got sick of dying or having to slow down and play cautiously. So I went a more tanky and zoomy route, sacrificing some Damage. But the Endresult was beeing a way faster mapper anyway.

Ended up with 580k effHP and 33m ignite DPS before switching to other builds:

Would just like to point out -for future readers- these stats are under : "Is the enemy a boss : no" calculations.
Becomes 23M / 100k under Guardian/Pinnacle Boss option.

Other than that, pretty interesting, the use of widowhail, and the 20k max phys hit. Mb really does the job with defences.

These blue wisps i keep hearing about seem really painful.

As a pure mapper build, must have been really nice indeed.

Edit post answer :
Yeah, only meant to say it so people wouldnt just see the numbers and be "omg". Although i didnt set on ubers where the dps would be 1/3 of that.
Now about what people want to do with the build, ofc different builds are doing better on X or Y, but you still can take on ubers. I did everything and even farmed some of them (sirus, maven) two leagues ago and it was very satisfying to be able to do almost any content with a unique build.

EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Last edited by Headtourist on Jan 18, 2024, 10:47:03 AM
Headtourist wrote:
Schejian wrote:

Here's my T16 Wisped Mapper Build.
Got sick of dying or having to slow down and play cautiously. So I went a more tanky and zoomy route, sacrificing some Damage. But the Endresult was beeing a way faster mapper anyway.

Ended up with 580k effHP and 33m ignite DPS before switching to other builds:

Would just like to point out -for future readers- these stats are under : "Is the enemy a boss : no" calculations.
Becomes 23M / 100k under Guardian/Pinnacle Boss option.

Other than that, pretty interesting, the use of widowhail, and the 20k max phys hit. Mb really does the job with defences.

These blue wisps i keep hearing about seem really painful.

As a pure mapper build, must have been really nice indeed.

Yes, if you're going to kill ubers you'll switch out the Amulet and 2x Rings for DPS of course to get back to ~30m DPS. Small Bosses like Guardians/Normal Shaper etc, explode in seconds anyway, don't bother switching.

But why bother running Uber-Bosses with EA? Apart from the occasional "well i got 1x Frag Set, let's run it for fun". You usally don't want to be chain running Ubers with EA. Dedicated Uber Boss Killers do a 10x better/faster Job at that, and you are competing with Fragment Prices with them.

Question to all the people who have reached end game and "completed" their character: can you guys do 10k wisps juiced up maps?
Question to all the people who have reached end game and "completed" their character: can you guys do 10k wisps juiced up maps?

Yes, had no problem with the tanky version. It could handle 10k wisps.


Doing the T16 Wisp Abyss strat is...painfull with 7k+ wisps
You can only apply a fraction of your listed DPS, because your totems will get instagibbed in the spire madness.

You can stand in the middle and tank the Damage, but your totems can be happy to even get 1 shot off..couldn't find a way to make them survive longer than 0,01s.

This makes it take forever to kill the Abyss Rares sometimes.

The All-DPS Version has the same problem. (+it's even squisher then the totems).
Last edited by Schejian on Jan 18, 2024, 11:12:53 AM
Headtourist wrote:

This is my build so far...

Hello. I won't be speaking in terms of currency, but rather give general advice at this point.


- gloves implicit is useless (you already have a better exposure from EE). Get a prolif implicit instead.

I think I fixed that


- try to allocate dirty techniques on your tree (i think you're headed that way considering the dex point allocated close to it ?)



Also the jewel socket between vigour and savagery so you can socket a lethal pride there (17648, 12824...)

Not Sure what the jewel would do exactly, not familiar. Still fairly new to poe mechanics.


- I would work over time towards giving up finesse, quickstep, intuition...

Maybe eventually. Still struggle with suppress and I like the extra EHP from there :thinking:


- your watcher's eye fixes your res, at the cost of only doing it, all things almost equal, you could spare it and get one that gives attack speed and/or dot multi and/or faster ignites.

Same suppress thing


- I was wondering if you were playing the league considering i see no charms...

I'm ignoring the league so far, trying to get better with basics still


- If we follow the "jewel overhaul path", we can get enough resists to spare the taming in case you'd want to get/craft a better ring : offensive stats, chaos resist, hp, accuracy for example.

I managed to craft an "insane" ring with accu/chaos res/res, so I'm replacing it :)


- Flammability is better than elemental weakness, even with your implicit that buffs it. Flame surge-flammability-arcanist brand-(lifetap) is the usual way, that also grants an extra load of burning ground dps.
You'd need to remove that portal/CoD setup, probably along with the cast on crit (that's why you took the crit node ?? does that even work ?) from what i see.

This is where I'm lost mechanic wise. POB says EW adds insane DPS boost against bosses. I can see the difference when I use it, but you are against it. I'm not sure who/what is correct here.


I see you made your helmet especially for reservation efficiency. People seem to be using Devouring Diadem helmet a lot this league. Allowing them to rethink some things like using empower instead of lifetap for great dps improvement.

I was playing with Devouring this morning and I don't like the EHP/DPS drop (dps due to loss of accuracy). Feels easier with my current helmet. The mana saved used to improve precision wont compensate.


Note : Didn't take the full tour, your clusters/auras/auras buffs on items setup is quite intricated. I tried to give advice without modifying "everything".

I kinda did it to improve my survivability.

Thanks for taking the time and suggestions. I spent most of the morning going over it and figuring stuff out. I think I'll re-design my chest gems too. Not sure what to use just yet.

Here's my pob before/after the changes:

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