3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

I think I'm going to buy it-- rolling 3600 alts would drive me insane. And I think I would break if I failed the 75% harvest slam, could probably make more currency in 3 hours mapping than 3 hours spamming alts haha...

Your build is so good. My damage is slightly decreased, but my survivability is 1000x. I can pretty much face tank nearly anything now and I'm super fast. Can't wait to get a +2 ammy to replace the defiance of destiny and start shooting through maps at light speed, then I'll probably try all the Uber bosses

Or I could wait until I have enough currency to buy 5 bases, then spam between them using the highlight trick
Last edited by marixalijustice on Jan 16, 2024, 5:15:28 AM
TL;DR having trouble figuring out order of priority transitioning from early-mapping closer to endgame build. Have about 5 div to spend, maybe a lil more.

I've been absolutely loving this build but have been hesitant to transition to the end-game from the early mapping setup.

One thing I enjoy about PoE is spending time finding really good value trades so I can get a solid build without spending more than like 25-50c on the average item. I know it's not efficient when I could've spent that time with worse gear and just mapping more.

I've been able to do red maps but I still have plenty of the atlas to get through. I still die here or there and I was going to spend some time understanding the PoB to see where I'm weakest, but it felt like a waste of time if I'm going to transition into end-game build (in terms of 1-SkillTree, 2-Gems, and 3-Gear).

But I now have about 5 div (maybe 6-7 if I liquidate a bit) and am struggling to decide which direction to go. I think one of the things that has made me hesitant is that I see a lot of people's builds in the replies differ from the build guide in a lot of ways, and wasn't sure if that was just individual preference/min-maxing or if there are things about the game that changed making the end-game build guide obsolete perhaps?

Would appreciate any insight on where to start my transition to end-game <3

Being new to this build I'm not fully comfortable winging it taking it my own direction yet. I feel like I have a fairly in depth understanding and broadly understand the complexities of PoB, but am hesitant nonetheless lol

I've spent some time reading through the replies here and it's been helpful, but it's a lot to take in

This is my build so far. If anyone finds the time to look at it and finds a way to improve it or point out where I went wrong, I'd appreciate.

I'm willing to spend up to 30 divs tops.
* New player
* All-round player, but no focus on bossing at the moment
* Upgrade budget about 40 div
* pob: https://pobb.in/XpKUajBjTml6

I've read a few pages and gotta say I really appreciate all the advice that is shared around.

I'm a D4 refugee playing my first full league and must say I love the game so much I'll probably skip the next D4 season and stay with PoE <3

Anyway, I've been walking around with my EA Elementalist while trying to improve it.

Not gonna lie, there's a whole lot of mechanics to understand and study, and I'm sure my build resembles lack of understandings. It's loosely based on the maxroll guide and by watching other people characters.

As for playing and goals I try to experience as much as possible at the moment, this league will be spent trying to understand as much as possible, and trying out as much as possible.

That said, I do not think I'll do much bossing.

I am not a fan of speed runs either, I tend to stop and watch the loot. I have a loot filter, but since the game is new I still try to understand why something shows up with the filter active. This might change with more experience.

My current pob: https://pobb.in/XpKUajBjTml6
I recently changed some gear to get more life and survivability.

I have acquired about 40divs and could take some advice as to what areas would be the biggest improvements.
Dylbob wrote:
TL;DR having trouble figuring out order of priority transitioning from early-mapping closer to endgame build. Have about 5 div to spend, maybe a lil more.

I've been absolutely loving this build but have been hesitant to transition to the end-game from the early mapping setup.

One thing I enjoy about PoE is spending time finding really good value trades so I can get a solid build without spending more than like 25-50c on the average item. I know it's not efficient when I could've spent that time with worse gear and just mapping more.

I've been able to do red maps but I still have plenty of the atlas to get through. I still die here or there and I was going to spend some time understanding the PoB to see where I'm weakest, but it felt like a waste of time if I'm going to transition into end-game build (in terms of 1-SkillTree, 2-Gems, and 3-Gear).

But I now have about 5 div (maybe 6-7 if I liquidate a bit) and am struggling to decide which direction to go. I think one of the things that has made me hesitant is that I see a lot of people's builds in the replies differ from the build guide in a lot of ways, and wasn't sure if that was just individual preference/min-maxing or if there are things about the game that changed making the end-game build guide obsolete perhaps?

Would appreciate any insight on where to start my transition to end-game <3

Being new to this build I'm not fully comfortable winging it taking it my own direction yet. I feel like I have a fairly in depth understanding and broadly understand the complexities of PoB, but am hesitant nonetheless lol

I've spent some time reading through the replies here and it's been helpful, but it's a lot to take in


Gear wise, i would say your priority is getting/making a new bow, the regular bow would be a 65/70% dps increase : detailed craft and costs here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229979/page/290#p24975728

Your spell suppression is 70%, getting a hyrri's chest instead of your loreweave would fix this instantly but maybe you wanna build around something else, so not a priority (fixing the spell suppression is a top priority though)
You can also fix spell suppression taking magebane, reflexes etc on the tree till you are at 100%.

You would want to anoint watchtowers on your amulet as it allows you to remove the whole right side of the tree. That can certainly wait until you get more currency and gear and can start looking for cluster jewels.

Yeah, the bow is the main priority imho. When making your sockets, also make it 4R2G so you can remove ignite proliferation gem and put (axw) deadly ailments instead. You'll need to get proliferation on gloves as an implicit with eldritch currency (cheap)

Bow upgrade + gem swap -> double your damage, or so.

EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Last edited by Headtourist on Jan 16, 2024, 5:52:26 PM
Guys, who know this build very good, tell me, please what wrong with my build??? it's very very weak. I can't kill any uber bosses. https://pobb.in/NSdt7NE3aNrr
Nakazuka wrote:
Guys, who know this build very good, tell me, please what wrong with my build??? it's very very weak. I can't kill any uber bosses. https://pobb.in/NSdt7NE3aNrr

Your gear is really good; and you should be able to kill uber bosses with it from what I can see.

With that said there is somethings I can notice right away when looking not to far deep into your POB.

1) Rain of Splinters; you have enough attack speed, you dont need it, just unequipping that is +600k uber dps. Put a more useful gem in (i.e. That Which Was Taken).

2) 91% suppression; getting to 100% will save you alot of the time

3) Says your lightning res is not capped...? That cant be right can it... are you relying on flask for res? Guessisng you arent sustaining flask charges on ubers...

4) Your running Shaper of Storms; which honestly is fine if you are confident on uber boss mechanics, not sure what your issue is with being unable to kill them, if you are dying, you need should be Bastion ascended... it will make your max ele hit significantly higher.

5) Your running an impossible escape just for a second curse.. you would be better of running something like Anathema and dropping a taming ring, and then even consider running punishment as a third curse; if you want to stick to multi curse. In fact I would get rid of your other Taming too and get Polaric, as you are not using an ash charm either.

6) Your phys max hit is very very low, this may be why your dying..? Worth it to use armor flasks instead.

7) Not a fan of your replica amulet.. getting + 2 amulet is far superior.

8) All those regen on kill charms wont help you on ubers if that is your ultimate goal. Look for better alternatives.

9) Get 21 aura gems; they are dirt cheap and a free boost in power.

10) You should have a source of culling for ubers, move that portal gem weapon swap and put culling on your frenzy or something.

Didn't do a super deep dive in your build; but these are things I noticed right away. Again; you gear is really good, and you should delete ubers with some minor tweaks.
Last edited by Durahal on Jan 16, 2024, 9:06:17 PM
Dromlin wrote:
albln wrote:
Ah sorry, second language hehe. I meant more in the way of what can i change to blast the maps even harder, the headhunter for me personally is super fun to play with and i really enjoy the playstyle ^^.

Headtourist was saying that HH is not really helping as much as Dyadian Dawn catalysed to 42% will. Headhunter doesn't immediately boost every build in the way that Mageblood does. It might be fun to play with Headhunter, but it's not necessarily doing as much as you think. Look at https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Monster_modifiers and you'll see that there aren't many monster mods that actually help the damage on EA ballista if you already have good accuracy and attack speed. Actually, if you get "Chaining" from a monster then there's a good chance you'll feel like you're doing nothing against single target all of a sudden.

Personally, I see the Extra <element> damage and exposure modifiers on monsters all the time, but with Headhunter it actually does nothing for EA ballista. For example, the Extra fire damage and exposure actually means "Gain 50% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage and Inflict Fire Exposure on Hit, applying -25% to Fire Resistance". EA ballista doesn't do any physical damage, so this is completely worthless for us. On a build that does only physical damage, this is about a 50% extra damage boost. Run into an Extra Lightning Damage and exposure monster? Now they're doing 50% extra fire AND lightning.

Headhunter can give decent boosts from auras like haste or precision, but again you probably already have these in your build so getting them from Headhunter is not very useful. Defensive monster mods are pretty much the only thing that's useful from Headhunter for EA ballista, so if you're wanting to "blast" the maps even harder, then you need to switch to Dyadian Dawn for a constant 20%+ DPS increase based on your current build.

Your gear is good, but there are a couple odd things like the implicit Fire exposure on hit on your gloves. You can only inflict one element type exposure at a time, so EE is the best source. Either spell suppress or accuracy would be a more useful implicit. Spell suppress would let you rework your charms and get one with inflict ash on rare/unique so you can get rid of Polaric Devastation for another ring, maybe The Taming if you're only looking for DPS. Your fire damage large cluster jewel is not optimal, get a bow damage/DoT large cluster jewel instead.

I understand your excitement to have a HH for your build, but this is really not the best build for maximizing it.

Thanks for the great reply, ive experimented with HH, Mageblood and Dyadian during this league, and it might be placebo but i feel like the HH just makes me survive more maps tbh, i can run fully juiced t16 with 5 deli orbs on the map and add like 8000-10 000 jucie and still clear it. I will for sure look into the gloves! thanks again for the reply!
Durahal wrote:
Nakazuka wrote:
Guys, who know this build very good, tell me, please what wrong with my build??? it's very very weak. I can't kill any uber bosses. https://pobb.in/NSdt7NE3aNrr

Your gear is really good; and you should be able to kill uber bosses with it from what I can see.

With that said there is somethings I can notice right away when looking not to far deep into your POB.

1) Rain of Splinters; you have enough attack speed, you dont need it, just unequipping that is +600k uber dps. Put a more useful gem in (i.e. That Which Was Taken).

2) 91% suppression; getting to 100% will save you alot of the time

3) Says your lightning res is not capped...? That cant be right can it... are you relying on flask for res? Guessisng you arent sustaining flask charges on ubers...

4) Your running Shaper of Storms; which honestly is fine if you are confident on uber boss mechanics, not sure what your issue is with being unable to kill them, if you are dying, you need should be Bastion ascended... it will make your max ele hit significantly higher.

5) Your running an impossible escape just for a second curse.. you would be better of running something like Anathema and dropping a taming ring, and then even consider running punishment as a third curse; if you want to stick to multi curse. In fact I would get rid of your other Taming too and get Polaric, as you are not using an ash charm either.

6) Your phys max hit is very very low, this may be why your dying..? Worth it to use armor flasks instead.

7) Not a fan of your replica amulet.. getting + 2 amulet is far superior.

8) All those regen on kill charms wont help you on ubers if that is your ultimate goal. Look for better alternatives.

9) Get 21 aura gems; they are dirt cheap and a free boost in power.

10) You should have a source of culling for ubers, move that portal gem weapon swap and put culling on your frenzy or something.

Didn't do a super deep dive in your build; but these are things I noticed right away. Again; you gear is really good, and you should delete ubers with some minor tweaks.

Thank you very much.
Tons of thanks to Durahal, Headtourist, Schejian, and others for all the help.

Also, if any of you guys want a really interesting spin on the build, I'd strongly recommend looking at Durahal's POB. At the expense of damage (I honestly don't know how much, you lose out on the timeless Karui jewel + Hyrri Ire's cold damage + Hyadian Dawn's 42% faster ignites, so you lose something like 62% faster ignite chance and 200 cold damage), but you become ridiculously tanky and fast. Game is EXTREMELY fun with his variant, I haven't ripped since. For some reason I feel like my damage is better too, despite the fact it should be significantly worse. I think it's just because I'm able to stay close enough to drop my arcanist brand w/ flame surge + flammability, letting me nuke mobs that matter a lot easier.

Also, I'm progressing on my +2 amulet craft! A couple things I learned

1. You don't have to risk the 25% brick
2. You can craft fire damage as a prefix, and it'll be cheaper than crafting 'cannot roll attack modifiers'
3. It looks like they greatly increased the encounter rate of +1 all skill gem levels (or maybe I just got incredibly lucky). I hit it 7 times in less than 4k alts.
Last edited by marixalijustice on Jan 17, 2024, 10:05:12 AM

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