3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

BearODactyl88 wrote:

you could get it on your flasks or the freeze one on boots?

I'm bad at the game and don't want to flask piano to react to freezes, and ailment dodge chance is only 35%~ or so. I could get shoes with immunity to freeze, and just deal with getting shocked/ignited which isn't too bad I think.
Dromlin wrote:
What do you think about converting physical damage to elemental (I noticed some nodes do that for very cheap, 40% for a single point), a rare chest, or the brass dome?

Convert does nothing for this build since EA only does fire damage. Any added flat cold or lightning damage to attacks is helpful for EE, but increasing the EA fire damage (+ EA levels) is the goal because of flammability, fire exposure, and fire DoT multi on gear.

I almost made a big mistake, I was thinking it converted physical damage to me to elemental, not my physical damage to elemental haha. I was thinking of "Lightning Coil"
Last edited by marixalijustice on Jan 10, 2024, 10:10:53 PM
BearODactyl88 wrote:

you could get it on your flasks or the freeze one on boots?

I'm bad at the game and don't want to flask piano to react to freezes, and ailment dodge chance is only 35%~ or so. I could get shoes with immunity to freeze, and just deal with getting shocked/ignited which isn't too bad I think.

Getting ailment immunity from gear, passives and jewels is a lot of investment. Sure you can get the freeze or chill from the boots, but shocks, ignites, saps, scorch, etc can be really annoying/deadly. The thing you need to weigh is what you will gain by dropping purity of elements; is getting grace or wrath or whatever you were thinking of slotting in instead worth the cost.
Durahal wrote:
BearODactyl88 wrote:

you could get it on your flasks or the freeze one on boots?

I'm bad at the game and don't want to flask piano to react to freezes, and ailment dodge chance is only 35%~ or so. I could get shoes with immunity to freeze, and just deal with getting shocked/ignited which isn't too bad I think.

Getting ailment immunity from gear, passives and jewels is a lot of investment. Sure you can get the freeze or chill from the boots, but shocks, ignites, saps, scorch, etc can be really annoying/deadly. The thing you need to weigh is what you will gain by dropping purity of elements; is getting grace or wrath or whatever you were thinking of slotting in instead worth the cost.

Thanks, understood! I notice earlier some people in this thread were talking about enduring cry, but when I look at people's PoB or gem slots, nobody here uses it. Is it just too much to fit in?
Hello! I league started this build this league and have loved it! I've had a few issues that I've tried to address though, like being frozen and stunned. I've also just bought a headhunter to make some juiced maps more fun and easier. Only times I've died really was from freeze and stuns which I've been running just the freeze immunity on my flask per the usual but run out of charges sometimes, and replaced my + level neck for a Presence of Chayula for stun immunity. I have sometimes just died to bleed from moving so fast which I haven't yet figured out a way. I wonder if there's a better way to go about it than I have. I also was curious if I should change my pantheons now that I have a headhunter? Any thoughts or ideas would be awesome as I'm not too good at changing up builds. xD

Thank you in advance. <3

Here's my pob

Last edited by Pewpewlessqq on Jan 11, 2024, 6:19:37 AM
Headtourist wrote:
QueensGamb1t wrote:
Hey exiles, I need your help! I crafted everything in the build. I've spent around 35 divs on average. However, the build is very fragile, and unfortunately, it pales in comparison to the new league mechanics. What updates do you think I can make? I think i need more damage.

And this is the my pob: https://pobb.in/SrwXbtirmPcW

Your spell suppression is at 66%. Make it 100. You're at 4/4 evasion so +15 from evasion mastery for starters. I would tell you to go for hyrri's ire which also grants more damage, but that puts you very low in the hp department... you wanna tweak the build for more hp imho.
But i insist on the spell suppr at 100 : right now, 3 spells on you, one of them will hit you for full damage instead of half, kinda. That's the difference between living and dying.

I see you ar 110/123 although you're level 92 so there are some skill points available or you didn't do all campaign quests. In case there's no point check with the ingame command, or just look at the quests in game.


Remove exposure from gloves (useless), add proliferation implicit instead. Especially considering you have NO prolif at all right now !! How do you want to clear packs efficiently ? :D
Really basic upgrade to help a lot

There are 2 jewel sockets available for 3 points (on top of sentinel and between vigor and savagery. That second one would usually be a lethal pride, but right now may be too early : your fuse count (i count 10 out of 22 max !!!) is too low for relevant results for later. Ok there is a value you really didn't "value", see below*

Is mortifying aspect on ? It isn't on the PoB. Probably do the swap between 4L and 6L to put all auras in a 6L (so get rid of culling strike and advanced traps) and :

*ADD PRECISION. You're at 52% hit chance, half the arrows from ballistas don't hit right now, that explains the low fuse count. If you get a charm for no banner reservation, precision could be level 20 (80% hit chance. Or if you get enlighten 4 precision could be level 17/18 (77%/78% hit chance then)
Would still have to work towards more accuracy on gear. For now as a temporary fix 4 points to get weathered hunter nodes, you'd be around 90% hit chance doing this along with precision. Another point you can even get accuracy mastery.

The 2 points on widespread destruction would be better allocated somewhere else, if you're looking for tree points

With enough hit chance, lethal pride becomes relevant again. Look for 12824 one and put in on duelist area.

Get a better ring instead of flammability one. Get real flammability, attached to arcanist brand.

You've got a nice covered in ashes (+totem taunt) charm, so you can replace polaric devastation for something better too.

Probably change your dot mastery for more duration.

Again on gear, several items are "half good" right now. There's definitely a lot of improvement to get from rings and gloves.

Edit : omg, 2 people posted whils i was writing this. Guys, take a look at the last few pages at least, there's a lot of things that we keep repeating, lot of advice to get. Personally won't have time right now to take a look.

Thank you for your advice. I've updated the build based on your suggestions and some research on poeninja. It has become faster with higher damage output, but still quite fragile. Currently, my life and lightning resistances are low, and spellsupport is around 85. Recently, I found two divine altars and am accumulating divine orbs. My goal is to acquire Mageblood. I plan to manage with the current setup until I obtain it, and then address any issues that may arise after.

And this is the updated pob: https://pobb.in/1P0gUGTtsvk6
I notice earlier some people in this thread were talking about enduring cry, but when I look at people's PoB or gem slots, nobody here uses it. Is it just too much to fit in?

It really depends on who you're looking at, but I'll wager most of the people that are knowledgeable about the build are using it. It's a single gem for 12-16% phys dmg reduction depending on your tree and that's pretty hard to beat. Remember that a lot of the people in this thread are looking for advice on the build and may not have a great setup.

There's a lot of flexibility for gems with the build depending on your playstyle. The core gem links are the 6L on the bow, 3-4L for Auras/Enlighten, and a 3-4L for flame surge/flammability/arcanist brand. After that, Blood Rage or Frenzy, Enduring Cry, Molten Shell, and a Banner are nice to have and are easy to fit in anywhere.

I started this league with EA elementalist.
I am not sure how I feel about it, I think I am missing something or even more things at the moment.
I have no problem with T16 maps but with unique bosses like guardians and above I keep dying (like 3 times yesterday against the phoenix guy with 4000 wisps and a tormented spirit on it) and I do not think there's a huge problem with my defences (grace, determination, 97% suppress) think I die because i cant kill them fast enough and a crit catches me eventually.
If I import a random EA elementalist from the top of the ladder to POB, I see their ignite DPS for 1 fuse is much higher than mine - I'm at 220k and them at 1m+.
I am running 5 auras at the moment - Grace, Determination, Malevolence, Haste and Defiance Banner.

I'd appreciate your comments on what could be my next steps to address this.
Onslaught feels like a miss for sure, but touching my charms I'd lose one of the 50% auras.
Here's the POB:

Many thanks!
Last edited by zegri on Jan 12, 2024, 3:41:36 AM
Odhinnhrafn wrote:
So I've hit 27 million ignite dps, and I'm wondering what I can do to get to DOT cap. I have more than enough fuses (24.91), so I'm thinking maybe swap my attack speed quiver for an elemental damage quiver, but unsure of what else I can do. This is my 2nd league, and by far my strongest build I've made. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

POB: https://pobb.in/zwSz6sKI8mMy

I highly advise against removing attack speed from the build (btw it costs nothing to max roll your quiver's implicit for 2% more), the higher the better, you will almost never be in "perfect pob situations" where you get to max fuses all the time.
Also considering you currently need the DOT mastery for 15% increased duration to hit those 22 right now.

Biggest and kinda obvious improvement :
Remove your bow mastery for accuracy (you'll still be clost enough to 100) and add the jewel socket between vigour and savagery. Socket a 17648 jewel inside and you'll be " PoB total dot capped"

EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
EDesigns wrote:

could someone guice me in the right direction to what i should do next? with having the headhunter should i make any changes?

also, anyway to get more dps? i have 22 fuses but only around 22m dps.

and is there anything i should do in my 6 link thats not being used currently? "chest". spectres with the new ones from the wild wood for buffs? how would you do it? just confused on what to do next

Well i can answer the two first questions quite easily : swap out that hh for a 42% dyadian... :D
This really ain't (imho) a build for headhunter.

(you forgot to check the enemies covered in ash box, you got the charm that does that, there were also two things to uncheck, and prefer pinnacle boss (later uber pinnacle bosses setting to check the dps)

Spending 3 tree points into another jewel socket, you could put the impossible escape there and instead get a 17648 lethal pride there for a massive increase.
Right now you could for example remove entrench, freedom of movement or even the reservation mastery to get these points.
There's a lot of things to try on PoB to see what happens with tree changes, experiment with it !

About skills :
- get the flammability setup : Arcanist Brand, Flammability, Flame Surge for lots and lots of dps (would be nice against bosses)
- ice golem is pretty much useless (i won't believe you if you tell me it doesnt keep dying all day)
- people generally put lst, combu, culling, frenzy etc on the 6L when they're not running their auras there I think (DD builds), on a 6L, can for example allow for faster traps/multi proj supports, to be able to throw traps a lot faster/generate frenzy charges more easily.

EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328

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