Melee Splash this video expresses otherwise about both multi and splash (both are used) as well as flicker strike and some other boosts.
soul4hdwn wrote: this video expresses otherwise about both multi and splash (both are used) as well as flicker strike and some other boosts.

the guy making those videos is using rather uber gear tho.. he has 2 6l's when most people dont even have a 5L.

someone with this kind of gear is going to be over powered for docks anyhow.. I'm level 70 melee with cyclone and a 5L and I clear docks with my eyes closed.

honestly the MS and ground slam video looked more overpowered then the flicker.

ground slam isnt even a melee attack IMO.
i wanted to use MS splash heavy strike with life gain on hit support, around 180 to 225 life gain per attack and per (3) strikes. use blood magic of course then there is room enough for added fire.

edit, forgot i was mathing for max values, but 80%'ing everything (attack boosts and speed boosts) gave correct lv 60 goal values instead of lv 70. +300% total damage boost for passives step, and same for attack speed.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Apr 8, 2013, 9:48:20 PM
Splash doesnt work with frenzy :(

Attacks 3 enemy in a splash but only counts as 1 hit, so no frenzy charges :(

Oh well, gonna have to go get another multistrike! :)

EDIT - Doesnt work with multisrike either, :(
Last edited by Old_Mate on Apr 8, 2013, 9:48:18 PM
Old_Mate wrote:
Splash doesnt work with frenzy :(

Attacks 3 enemy in a splash but only counts as 1 hit, so no frenzy charges :(

Oh well, gonna have to go get another multistrike! :)

EDIT - Doesnt work with multisrike either, :(

You gain 1 frenzy charge per cast. Just as Frenzy + GMP only gains 1 per cast.
Dragon585 wrote:
Sammael wrote:
anyone have tried it with a big weapon like marohi erqui+ heavy strike?

It's not the size that counts, its how you... yea I wish I had a big one to test

Size ALWAYS matters, even if it's just psychological.
Can the splashed damage be reflected onto you?
Just started using this on my level 19 1H IB Templar. Don't know what all of the QQ is about. Mind, I am in low level content, but that also means no inc aoe yet (only the Templar starting nodes, which if the aoe is as pitiful as this thread suggests, that would be irrelevant). Also, inb4 trolls, my level and use of IB are also irrelevant; I can observe the basic behavior of the gem and extrapolate that with my previous experiences throughout higher level content and with other skills. It's far from useless, and of course it is not the come-all-be-all savior of melee. That problem is far more deeply rooted in the game's mechanics and balance than any single support gem can possibly hope to fix.

Having said that, the aoe is definitely UP, and I also share the sentiment that GGG's tendency to over-nerf content prior to release is becoming tiresome. But I also feel the community's knee-jerk QQ'ing at every little thing is becoming tiresome as well. It's a new support, so of course it's "niche." In the same way your current builds are "niche" built for pre existing content. It will not fit into every build, and will require some speccing to use properly. Just like every other damn thing in the game.

It goes like this: New content, 30 pages of QQ, a month goes by, a few pages of "hey this works pretty well with (...)"
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
CanHasPants wrote:
Just started using this on my level 19 1H IB Templar. Don't know what all of the QQ is about. Mind, I am in low level content, but that also means no inc aoe yet (only the Templar starting nodes, which if the aoe is as pitiful as this thread suggests, that would be irrelevant). Also, inb4 trolls, my level and use of IB are also irrelevant; I can observe the basic behavior of the gem and extrapolate that with my previous experiences throughout higher level content and with other skills. It's far from useless, and of course it is not the come-all-be-all savior of melee. That problem is far more deeply rooted in the game's mechanics and balance than any single support gem can possibly hope to fix.

Having said that, the aoe is definitely UP, and I also share the sentiment that GGG's tendency to over-nerf content prior to release is becoming tiresome. But I also feel the community's knee-jerk QQ'ing at every little thing is becoming tiresome as well. It's a new support, so of course it's "niche." In the same way your current builds are "niche" built for pre existing content. It will not fit into every build, and will require some speccing to use properly. Just like every other damn thing in the game.

It goes like this: New content, 30 pages of QQ, a month goes by, a few pages of "hey this works pretty well with (...)"

Yeah u observed so well with little experience u know what i respeced for this gem and its no where near efficient as cleave the range its pure garbage when we compared with cleave but if u like single target and little splash dmg at your screen then u are welcome to use this on hard hitting mobs on maps.

People QQed(as ur definition)about because this could be the game changer for better melee aoe but instead its an another cyclone. With full aoe nodes and gems u ll do better with cleave,sweep and gs so here is the reason why people complained about this.

For last cyclone works pretty well with dysnc and lightning thorns.
Last edited by Ceykey on Apr 9, 2013, 1:06:23 AM
Infernal blow/Dominating blow + melee splash = GG
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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