[3.19] Boneshatter Jugg - Cheap to start with room to grow. Fast mapping/Endgame boss videos

3.17 Endgame Gear

Hi Guys,

The time has come! I believe that, outside of a few minor changes here and there, this is close to the final setup.

Here's the gear:

**Mapping: AC + Behead | Bossing: Brut + MP

Just bought the Watcher's Eye. It's not a super high DPS one, but it has that Blind mod, which this league is all over the place and really annoys me, plus it was only 12ex, so a lot cheaper than the other Watcher's with the +2 Impale.

I can always upgrade to a better one later on and sell this one, so not worried about it...

There are some small changes to the tree. Mostly because I am using Megalomaniac this time, but also because we have much more reliable Rage, so I grabbed the nodes for that, which bring us up to 65 Rage, which feels pretty damned good!

Speaking of Rage, you may wonder why I have the +1 Rage on hit Mastery. Well, it's cuz on +Temporal Curse maps we can't remove the effect with the Seething Life Flask, but by attacking we can get up to 25 Rage, at which moment Emancipation Chains will make us Immune to all Curses. Without this, we'd be stuck with whatever Curse the maps happens to have, which is not the end of the world, but a single point fixes it, so why not?

Here's the PoB Export of my 3.17 toon. As always adjust the Config settings as necessary to match the gear/gems/scenario:


Last edited by corosou on Feb 17, 2022, 3:03:53 PM
corosou wrote:
vikdean wrote:

Sure, but the Mark on hit and Eternal Blessing takes up all my gem space at the moment, but when the time comes, I'll make space for it.

Ya I forgot you're just 85...

Man that corrupted enlighten without the 20%Q is going to take you 100% increased xp to lvl!

Might be better to sell and farm the diff to the 4.5ex from delve for a lvl 3 one. Lvl 4 is not required.

Jup, that's a mistake I'm intending to rectify promptly.

Btw, how do you feel about Divergent Boneshatter?
We give up 20% increased Stun Duration on enemies, but we gain 1% increased Attack Speed per Trauma also, we Take 20 Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma
Last edited by vikdean on Feb 17, 2022, 3:18:39 PM
vikdean wrote:

Btw, how do you feel about Divergent Boneshatter?
We give up 20% increased Stun Duration on enemies, but we gain 1% increased Attack Speed per Trauma also, we Take 20 Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma

No idea. Give it a shot, I dunno how the extra damage feels.
corosou wrote:
vikdean wrote:

Btw, how do you feel about Divergent Boneshatter?
We give up 20% increased Stun Duration on enemies, but we gain 1% increased Attack Speed per Trauma also, we Take 20 Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma

No idea. Give it a shot, I dunno how the extra damage feels.

Will do.

Btw, if someone can't get +1 Curse on the amulet, then there is this:

Last edited by vikdean on Feb 17, 2022, 4:06:34 PM
3.17 Bye bye Pride!

Ya, it's gone fellas. I had read about the change and at first I thought, ya it's gone, but then decided to see what it would actually be like after the patch and yup, Pride + Eternal Blessing now disable everything else...

corosou wrote:
3.17 Bye bye Pride!

Ya, it's gone fellas. I had read about the change and at first I thought, ya it's gone, but then decided to see what it would actually be like after the patch and yup, Pride + Eternal Blessing now disable everything else...

Damn, I even had hope after reading this:
Fixed a bug where having an Aura supported by Eternal Blessing was not disabling Pride or Flesh and Stone.
Because the wording was kind of backwards...

Maybe it's time to drop Purity of Elements and get ailment immunity elsewhere...
Last edited by vikdean on Feb 17, 2022, 5:59:26 PM
vikdean wrote:

Maybe it's time to drop Purity of Elements and get ailment immunity elsewhere...

hehe, no homie, losing Pride doesn't break the build. I was already running without it before someone mentioned the EB cheese.

There is no other place to get ailment immunity.
corosou wrote:
vikdean wrote:

Maybe it's time to drop Purity of Elements and get ailment immunity elsewhere...

hehe, no homie, losing Pride doesn't break the build. I was already running without it before someone mentioned the EB cheese.

There is no other place to get ailment immunity.

Agreed, if anything, you can turn off purity of elem for bossing and use pride
corosou wrote:
vikdean wrote:

Maybe it's time to drop Purity of Elements and get ailment immunity elsewhere...

hehe, no homie, losing Pride doesn't break the build. I was already running without it before someone mentioned the EB cheese.

There is no other place to get ailment immunity.

Yeah, that was me; sorry about that. Really thought it would stay and wasn't a bug...
Well, the resist part could be solved with a Bismuth Flask, the immunity:

--- Boots
T2 - (27-29)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments

T1 - (31-35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments

The remaining we could pick up on other items/tree.

could you advise why Increased Critical Strike chance gem instead of Ruthless? The latter sims higher on Sirius.


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