Communication and the Sacred Orb

anti4z500 wrote:
this amount of solt from players that cant handle challange and demand that game is made easy for them :D

if ggg rly starts to cater game to casuals and players that thinks world spins around them POE will die fast.

This does not make the game more challenging though... it litterally adds nothing. the whole 0-20% does not. The only thing that will happen is that endgame gear will be crafted on 20% bases and nothing else. Crafts might not even get more expensive due to this.
The only "interesting" application for this orb is uniques. This will just be another worthless rare drop.

I generally like the patch notes. But the random item bases just don't add anything. I can't see why they think that is a good idea except "uh, diablo II did something similar"...

Also GGGs problem now is, the ones complaining are not casuals but the average player base. And the reason we are salty is not "oh no game too difficult". But complaints that are made every single league and ggg does not seem to try or figure out how to fix those issues. Mind you, often issues that would help ggg reach their vision of a slower game...
Martiancore wrote:

I can't even find the original teaser with this orb (it's just for reddit, as always, huh?), but everything around is already covered in whining!

Last edited by za6i9ka on Oct 12, 2021, 6:04:37 AM
Harvest died for this.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
For the "long-term" league having mega rare stuff is fine.

For a player that wants to play for a league (1 month - 3 month) , having something that rare that is also not really useful (compared to its cost) is pretty big.

And as its "reroll" instead of adding a known quality, you can actually make your item WORSE ... which is just annoying.

Well, would be much more enjoyable to get these easier with a recipe.

Sell a full set of "perfect" rolled items (like chaos recipe) and get one.

Simple enough and players actually get these orbs in a somewhat reasonable rarity and can collect the recipe items if they wish to.


Imagine a Mirror would just have a CHANCE to mirror an item, like a 50/50 or destroy it ... that would be far more annoying (just a matter of time till we get such "corrupted" mirrors).


Having the option to randomly make a item better is nice, but it comes at the cost of making any other item less desirable and in the end item filters are set to mega strict and anything not perfect is basically trash, which invalidates 99.999999+% of the items in the game.
nice... more frustration ...
many users out game. then now he try to communicate. how stupid. you must have been listening much faster.
Last edited by 태리마루 on Oct 12, 2021, 6:22:15 AM
MRLAVA wrote:
I just dnt understand why people downvoted the teaser post of this orb on reddit and why its the most downvoted posts ever POE made.

Oh I also dnt understand all the hate people on reddit making comments on the explanation posted.

I dnt also get why memes over this subject got over 2000 upvotes in few hours.

says Chris !!!!!

Now let me explain why for you.

simply put, its because you dnt know how to sell your product. and you still think your dealing with 10 year old kids who understand nothing .

well let me tell you that a 10 year old kid these days has much more access to knowledge than a 30 year old man 30 years back in time. and people really dive deep into this game and have more knowledge of it than most of your dev team.

having said that , you could have told the truth behind the reason of this orb, which I will gladly help you this time and explain it for people.

The only reason behind this orb is to cut the items shown by the Neversink filter to about 10 % , in other words as its known filters will not show white items even if they were good bases level , same way now filter will not show 90% of the items that drop because people know they dnt want to have a bad base to craft on , so they dnt pick it up , people will pick up only bases with rolls 18/20 to 20/20

in other words its a smart way of removing clutter drops for those who want to remove it, and at the same time its the cheapest and laziest way from designer perspective to reduce clutter.
now when you speak about the boost to defense these rolls will provide, its a joke in most cases and on most item slots, non the less still it will have its benefits on few bases, if it gives an extra 20% amour or ES.

finally if you want my opinion on this one, and on the game progression in general. what I see is the game reached a gr8 place in 3.13 then after that all your doing is shooting yourself in the foot and trying to put bandages on the wounds your inflicting on yourself.
I dnt see any problem if people gets good op perfect gear set over the duration of 3 month league where they will conclude the league happily and have a lot of achievements and fun.
not all people want to get challenged to the point where they hate themselves, some people want to have fun and explode things wipe screens of monsters feel powerful and fast vent their stress in this game etc, not stress over rolling a 6 link or an item till they lose all there currency and rage quit …

Simply because how stubborn you (Chris) and your vision philosophy is, I suggest you give people two options of game play.

1_ who want to get challenged hard can play as so in a hard mode.

2_ people who want to craft deterministically and have fun actually exploring
the game exploding mobs and running fast another mode an exploration mode.

then people wouldn't mind what ever barriers you want to put in the challenging mode while keeping the other mode fun to those who hate a challenge and want to simply explore and have fun.

I see how much work is put into this game , and I hope really really hope this negativity stops and these bad decisions stops and we go back to having fun and enjoying a game we like as we always did before 2021...

Unfortunately, someone from the team heard something about the fact that "the game is famous for its complexity" and decided that this is the secret of the game's success (difficult to play and not learn). I even saw a couple of Redditcry who complained that in 2013 it was a lot of fun fight with boss in Act 3 for 10 minutes, but now it is not.

And yes, I have already suggested separating PepeChill softcore and darksouls hardcore (which will really be hardcore, not the same league, but you can press logout). As a result, soon there was news about the hardmode, but there was still no news about easymod.
my hideouts -
Jeez, entirely missed the point. We were angry because we don't want another trash RNG layer during crafting.

The orb being more rare than exalted orbs is terrible because it is inaccessible to SSF players and anyone not in the top .1% of players.

Congrats, you made a problem out of something that could have been interesting.
Okay, now that makes sense, now I'm like it
OK. After thinking a bit i have to say this. Players, do read on please:
IF this new system starts from the regular base as 0 (or 1, can't remember where this new quality thing starts), Then This is cool. This would actually be an upgrade, a potential huuuge boost to defenses in endgame.
but IF the regular bases (that we all had been accustomed with) are 20 and only can get worse, than this is a plain kick in the balls for all players. Even those hcendgamenolifewhalewhatever players, who get another gear for their grinding madness. Even when regular base is 10, and can get worse or better, than its bad too.

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