Communication and the Sacred Orb

Don't do this. The community doesn't want it and it's the only item in the manifesto that isn't addressing a problem. You're doing so well elsewhere, just skip this change for now and keep working on it.
gageris wrote:
To be honest I have no idea what is going on here, but I do understand that if this new orb drops - I will be rich when I sell it

hahaha , I love your spirit , but it will not be worth much because its basically has very rare uses as people will now not pick up low rolled bases.

the only use of these rolls is to minimize clutter as never sink will not show low rolled bases because people will never craft on low rolled bases.
Absurd. This should be a common drop. A value that can't be adjusted at all except by the 0,001% players? Why would this orb be more rare than an alch?
"The Sacred Orb is more than three times rarer than an Exalted Orb."

Hell yea, this will definitely make all those players that left due to 3.15's nerf-fest come back!

I am filled with excitement thinking of all the amazing prospects and enhanced gameplay I'll get from this new item that might drop once for me if that much and will change the random +0-20% value on one piece of gear's defenses!
Last edited by TiamatRoar on Oct 12, 2021, 4:52:59 AM
Thats a great change. Now iam exited again. The game needs more compelling drops that mater. Thanks GGG!
this amount of solt from players that cant handle challange and demand that game is made easy for them :D

if ggg rly starts to cater game to casuals and players that thinks world spins around them POE will die fast.
Whooo YES an Item that i will NEVER EVER find and will bring me nothing even if i find it. Love it. NOT.

So far this Update looks like a Skip to me.
Makes a lot more sense in this context. Feels like a system in anticipation of there being no sockets on gear tbh - gear would be a lot less interesting as a whole without all of the busy body work that goes into crafting a 6lk item. So, looking forward to PoE2 with Gem Socketing, I can see why this system is being introduced. I'm just not sold on it being necessary to do this now I guess? I suppose there are some additional development workflow reasons to be considered as well, but that's relatively incidental. Ultimately, not a major change to the game as a whole in the scheme of things, but definitely something that will be more relevant and useful in a couple of years I guess.
MRLAVA wrote:

The only reason behind this orb is to cut the items shown by the Neversink filter to about 10 % , in other words as its known filters will not show white items even if they were good bases level , same way now filter will not show 90% of the items that drop because people know they dnt want to have a bad base to craft on , so they dnt pick it up , people will pick up only bases with rolls 18/20 to 20/20

in other words its a smart way of removing clutter drops for those who want to remove it, and at the same time its the cheapest and laziest way from designer perspective to reduce clutter.
now when you speak about the boost to defense these rolls will provide, its a joke in most cases and on most item slots, non the less still it will have its benefits on few bases, if it gives an extra 20% amour or ES.

Ok, with having cut out the whole "grandiose" speech at the start that was just a little bit to cringe for me ("we are so smart" in essence), lets look at your points:

1) Base defense ranges lead to decluttering as everyone will remove "bad" bases from his item filter.
Ok, so why is that bad? You can argue that they could simply drop x% less items, but that would not be the same thing. Chances to get a specific base - if you are not just completely hiding them - would be much lower with that system. That would be bad, especially for those that do not want to or cannot trade (SSF).

2) The boost do defense is a joke
Ok, so the roll does not matter? But before you said everything with low rolls will be hidden, indicating low rolls matter. So, does it matter now or is it a joke? It can't be both.

finally if you want my opinion on this one, and on the game progression in general. what I see is the game reached a gr8 place in 3.13 then after that all your doing is shooting yourself in the foot and trying to put bandages on the wounds your inflicting on yourself.

I don't think we agree on this point. Especially on the implied idea of "Game should have stayed in 3.13". That is the same half-baked idea as WoWs classic servers. A game that does not evolve is a dead game sooner than later. PoE would rapidly lose players if they did that. Even looking at Standard is enough to proof that - and they do get changes and improvements. And still, if you keep your characters forever there is only a small part of the playerbase that is actually interested in that. That can also be seen with other online-games. Leveling once to max. level and then forever sitting at it does not work to keep the majority coming back.

I dnt see any problem if people gets good op perfect gear set over the duration of 3 month league where they will conclude the league happily and have a lot of achievements and fun.
not all people want to get challenged to the point where they hate themselves, some people want to have fun and explode things wipe screens of monsters feel powerful and fast vent their stress in this game etc, not stress over rolling a 6 link or an item till they lose all there currency and rage quit …

So what? I see a problem with what you describe, at least if it is obtainable for everyone. Part of the charm of achieving something is that you had to do something for it. Everything you get without having put effort into has less or even no inherent worth. That is not my opinion btw that is psychology, you can read up on that stuff.

Simply because how stubborn you (Chris) and your vision philosophy is, I suggest you give people two options of game play.

1_ who want to get challenged hard can play as so in a hard mode.

2_ people who want to craft deterministically and have fun actually exploring
the game exploding mobs and running fast another mode an exploration mode.

I personally would not care about that, I have my doubts it would work though especially from a business point of view. If it is much easier to get to that "endgame-feel-like-a-god"-point the majority of players will just stop playing earlier. You try it out, you play through to the end, you stop. The ones that would keep playing are those that keep playing regardless.

I see how much work is put into this game , and I hope really really hope this negativity stops and these bad decisions stops and we go back to having fun and enjoying a game we like as we always did before 2021...

What game have you played before? Honestly, except for Harvest when obtaining god-tier items was much too easy there was never a time in which PoE was as you describe it.

As for the negativity: That comes from players like you. Just... stop with it if you don't like it? Just don't whine about every little change like this orb and just enjoy the game as is? Just be content with what you have instead of requesting more? Take the good without adding bad yourself? You guys are destroying the game for yourself mostly, you revel in being upset and negative, you reinforce each others negative views till all that is left is darkness, despair and hate. Not reading forums and reddit would be a good start - I can guarantee, the game is much more fun if you don't read or listen to people that tell you all the time that you should hate it because it is shit.
Treme2 wrote:
Absurd. This should be a common drop. A value that can't be adjusted at all except by the 0,001% players? Why would this orb be more rare than an alch?

to be perfectly honest i wouldn't be surprised if this was done explicitly for streamers. so they can take they can buy a bunch and use them on their gear and then post videos with obnoxious thumbnails like SACRED SLAMZ - PERFECT ITEM????

nothing else makes sense, even Chris should have played enough to know something like this is dumb

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