Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

Takiah wrote:
So my vortex build will never reach same levels of DPS as 3.14.
Guess I'll have to find other games to play.

I don't understand posts like these. Is the issue not if you can actually play through the game but just that the number (most likely in PoB...) isn't high enough?

Or did you just phrase that badly and have any math to provide as for why the damage of Vortex is not enough for red maps / endgame-bosses anymore? (Though for maps I'd assume Cold Snap / Creeping Frost is more important).
Besides, it is not aurabots / cursebots that are destroying the economy. And goldfarmers playing on programs, where a few characters follow the leader automatically, or afk simu in a full fake party. This is a plague and a problem, it destroys the economies. GGG solution to the problem >> we will remove goldfareom aurabots will be harder.

Not to mention the flipper with poe trade running bots, full automartic... But not people think it's the fault of aurabots .... What ignorance.

A great solution to the problem.
So what your saying is,aurabots/cursebots havent affected the economy in any way and haven't actually made it so bad ? really ? you sure you have done enough economy and market in POE ?

Of course they are useful in the beginning, but they become redundant in the middle game and endgame. The fact that you create a team at the beginning of the game and mainly invest in aurabot to increase the speed of the game. is that so bad? Why can't aurabots be nerf xx times. Best solution destroy them right away??

I don't understand this either -- GGG seems utterly incapable of "nerfs". Every single time they touch something its a nuking from orbit followed by a death star lazer just to make sure.

Its a good thing that GGG are very good at actually making new stuff or this game would have died long ago... shame they aren't even doing that any more.
Serdoa wrote:
Takiah wrote:
So my vortex build will never reach same levels of DPS as 3.14.
Guess I'll have to find other games to play.

I don't understand posts like these. Is the issue not if you can actually play through the game but just that the number (most likely in PoB...) isn't high enough?

Or did you just phrase that badly and have any math to provide as for why the damage of Vortex is not enough for red maps / endgame-bosses anymore? (Though for maps I'd assume Cold Snap / Creeping Frost is more important).

Stuff like this is super easy to test. Just take your PoB from 3.14 unspec EE and EO and increase your gemlevel untill you reach the base dmg of the new values. And you will see that you loose alot of dmg probably 30-50% dependent on gear and overall tree. Now you try to remember how much of a struggle the build already was in 3.15 and you probably know that it's no longer at a point where it makes sense to play unless you like to suffer.
Path of Nervs ,maybe i skip next 2 leaguage to see what we get in poe2 addon. iam rly get tired in the last years...we get new tools-we lost cool tools . basicly just remove cluster jewels and balance core game,buff passive,cluster are not needet. Cluster are a good example , they are not needet they just raise our gametime and make things complicated(even for balance). 3.15 was the first time i think:" o.O thats was a big mistake GGG did". also ,its along time ago we get "cool" new skills and some op things... just nevs . ;) Thats not they way to keep playerbase,over years op things was they point for a lot player. (some of u memorize the time of mirror Dagger,1K Hp armor and so on? ;) ) Everytime ggg kills one of my builds i invest a lot time in it wasnt a good feeling, at the end i take this challenge over years. But, it changed in 3.15,iam getting older and i just want to have fun! Iam simply not willing to invest 10h+ a day everytime exclude the time i need to research for changes/trading or something. And WTF Iam not willing to go to TFT to get progress that is a slap in my face over last year ! Mayne GGG switch some of the "balance team" to the QOL ;) . cu ingame ...maybe
As a solo aurastacker player, is there any chance you will make the medium +aura clusters legacy when these changes are implemented?

Players spent up to and exceeding 1mir PER CLUSTER on these, and nerfing them only going forward isn't going to upset solo aurastackers because most of them are playing Standard, where there are far more OP items still around, so making them legacy still has the effect you want of constraining power in leagues and going forward.

Please consider the time and effort of countless solo aura stacker players before permanently killing these medium clusters in standard, because it completely kills the build you just indicated was "in a good place" as a casualty of another build that wasn't self-specific.
- I think aura stackers are not bad, it likes high end achievement for end game because it takes enormous time and effort to get that level of high end.
- Just turn Aura Effect, Curse Effect node affect self only then I think we solve the aura bots and curse bots problems.
- Peoples who plays full party still get full auras and curses no matter what even after nerf, but without increase effect it will level them down to normal party and still help solo player achieve power.
- We spend time to play so we can become godlike in game to feel the superior emotions that almost cannot have in real life so why take that away.
xlKhaled wrote:
the sad part is this shows how the community filled with jealousy

i hate aurabots/aurastackers btw i dont play them but i dont care about other players if they having fun with their builds

this the first time i see community requesting a nerf and the reason imo is completely jealousy

oh that guy better then me please ggg nerf him :D

what a dumb mindset

It is an interesting case study in human behavior. The lack of empathy is rather striking. I don't own any of these aura-builds, and they did need some adjustment. But the pure sadism on display - with people taking open glee in other's pain - is surprising.

It makes me wonder if, in the last forty years, we've nurtured two generations of high functioning sociopaths.
Cosmonaut111 wrote:
The reason people want them nerfed is because this game is focussed HEAVILY on trade. Its basicly more of a "wallstreet simulator" now than it is an arpg. Aurabots were so bonkers to the point groups were farming The Feared in day 2 of the league ( hardest content available , with the highest returns ).

The highest possible returns in this game are made through:

- Large numbers of stash tabs.
- The Trade site.

"Farming" maps is chump change.
Cosmonaut111 wrote:
The reason people want them nerfed is because this game is focussed HEAVILY on trade. Its basicly more of a "wallstreet simulator" now than it is an arpg. Aurabots were so bonkers to the point groups were farming The Feared in day 2 of the league ( hardest content available , with the highest returns ).

The highest possible returns in this game are made through:

- Large numbers of stash tabs.
- The Trade site.

"Farming" maps is chump change.

I am so angry and I can't literally believe that people think Arabots are to blame for the economy. Bots flipers and goldsellers using a full team to auto farm the currency !!!

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