Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

Characters specialised in maximising the power of auras provide an absolutely insane amount of damage and defence to party members, making a party with an aura-specialised character so much more effective than one without.

Remove sources of Aura Effect from Cluster Jewels and move the Aura Cluster Jewels type to Small Cluster Jewels, so it is no longer possible to continuously stack Aura Effect for your party. Introduce a new Cluster Jewel Notable to increase the "Effect of your Auras on You" for builds that are building Auras for their own power.

For me this section is not correct, the problem you stated is "power provider to party members", not power to you. All this cluster rework makes little sense, it would be more logic to reduce the aura effect radius or make increments affecting only you or again differentiate between minions and players.
It target the problem only, dont confuse people and still allow for regular aurastaker to exists.
even as a summoner, i can say:

Aurastacking and cursebots have been a glaring balance issue and i'm glad they're finally taking a whack at them.
Amgod wrote:
nerfs, nerfs nerfs. It's time to delete all skills, all unique/rare items because it's too powerful and just farm with attack.
You need to make more alternative ways to play not cut off build that existing for years.

Oh no, you must play a real build now instead of abusing aurabots? How sad.
A lot of people ree'ing out over aurabot nerfs as if they aren't playable, multiplayer is dead now, and they're going to stop playing poe forever - again.

1) You can still play with your friends, they haven't been val'd.
2) You can still play aurabots with your friends, and even if they're 1/10th as strong as before, those group spending mirrors will still crunch everything.
3) See you at launch!
You tried to fix your bad balance in 3.15 but actually you ruined your game again
TitansFury121 wrote:
what a dogshit is?
thanks for killing self aura stacking chars who already were already so damn expensive and had to invest so much time and effort to create them. what a dogshit changes. reddit 10iq monkeys who can only throw rocks and sticks in mobs and cry what their build sucks and yelling to nefr guys who had their builds working fine won again..... well done ggg, what a patch....

I'm right now crying so hard. Thanks.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Oct 7, 2021, 6:27:30 PM
party play is not a problem and never was. its a core of game.

its mmo or what?
Please, GGG, kill the game completely :) Do so bad for the players to make them all leave. Still some naive people still believe in you GGG.

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