Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Yeah reset the league. Especially if theres dupes n stuff....
Last edited by mightyole on Apr 17, 2021, 6:39:01 AM
Chillsabre wrote:
So tone deaf.

I will be skipping this league and no longer buy any supporter pack going forward.

The privileges, the way GGG avoids the duping of thousand of exalts and the ladders is a true showing of what matters in their mind: money.

As a long time supporter, I feel ashamed to even have bought this league's supporter pack and would have rather put it towards your competitors, specially after last league's launch which had 0 acceptable excuse in "we didn't expect this much people".

I seriously hope you realize this will cost you core player base if you decide to ignore the requests for a league reset.

Last league's excuse was pretty hilarious to anyone who paid attention. Anyone who watched Chris' presentation at GDC 2019 knew that they had been tracking player growth over not only previous leagues, but projected into the future as well. Clearly, his network infrastructure and database management team did not get those projections. If they did, then they didn't account a large enough margin of error to handle the standard deviation of the prediction.

Yet somehow, they managed to completely drop the ball on this league start again, after promising us last league it won't happen again. Ironically, they are promising the same thing again this league. Nevermind shooting themselves in the foot with the server issue, they managed to shoot their other foot as well with the PR fiasco with the streamers. To top it all off, now there's videos, screenshots, and posts from underground communities showing how easy it is to dupe items with the constant connection issues this league. As someone who grew up participating in the SoJ dupefest of D2, I can easily draw parallels here.

If the league does not get reset, there is no reason to play, and with D2R around the corner, I'm sure myself and many others who are tired of being let down by this staff, will be eager to find a new home.
Last edited by Verdale on Apr 17, 2021, 6:47:14 AM

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him
(")_(") gain world domination.
First of, I want to say...
Thank You GGG! For making new content and keeping us up to date even though there`s so many negativy going on right now.

I was expecting these downtimes, can`t see why many others didn`t.
It`s pretty much expected, at this point, to see some downtime, when a big online game opens up and gets crowded.
It`s kind of a norm really, happens to other games too and for a long time in gaming history.
But for some reason the GGG Community really likes to hammer down on it.
People don`t understand these sorts of issues, that can arise at the start of a big launch (probably younger generation who aren`t used to this sort of thing).

I personally think, that giving the streamers the privilige to login was great.
It`s only a couple of people among many, many, many other players and having them stream content, while we wait, for the expected server downtime to be fixed, is quite okey for me.

To me, the forums right now, look like a big bunch of kids whining over nothing, with #ResetTheLeague. Be more patient and understanding of the situation.
Is resetting really neccessary just because a few people get to play a bit sooner, especially in a free to play game and we get to enjoy some content while we wait. Btw, I have spent money on this game and I think it`s still worth the wait.

I can understand if people follow up #ResetTheLeague with something like:
"I really wanted to go for that world first and now i can`t." or "There is the biggest bug/exploit in history and can`t be fixed unless we do a reset."
Sounds quite ridiculous to me. How many of you are actually going to go for that world first? And, there probably isn`t a bug in the game that big, that warrants such a drastic measure.

All in all, regards to those people who are patient with me on this matter and happy slaying "Soon, tm".
This is poor. Shit can happen, I don't complain about technical issues. But when you realise, they affect the experience of so many people and especially the economy due to the fact that some chosen ones have a huge advantage by playing hours while the rest of the players couldn't, then the only way to hande that issue properly is to reset the league and give everyone a clear start!
Reset the league

The economy is already screwed and will not balance itself
This is what separates POE and GGG from rest of the gaming industry.

Detailed communication from their point of view even if we don't all agree on everything and admitting it when they screwed the pooch.

Hell, no one is perfect, least of all myself.

Looking forward to a fix so I can try out your new league.

Here's some moral support and encouragement to the team working hard in the background during this difficult launch.



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