What's going on with the Servers?

I cannot even play league due to the disconnecting issue. I will be running and I just randomly end up back at the login screen.
I haven't seen an updated announcement, so I assume this hasn't been fixed yet?
thanks for that second headhunter
Glowing green mouse cursor plz.
So when will you address the random crashes (not disconnects) A LOT of people are having? Are you just going to ignore them and hope they go away?
I have been having this issue for over 4 months now and nothing has been done.

IGN: GiveMeYourBoxers
All this could be solved with Offline Mode.
level 50 and disconnected / crashed more times than I have leveled. I would love to see Chris Wilson streaming an hour with this kind of playing experience and then come tell your player base about the minor issue.

F this, honestly. Just confirms that this game isn't worth supporting any longer.
At this juncture I am averaging 2-4 disconnects hourly, so, im gonna put the game down until the issue is fixed.

I know it will be fixed but, its just a waste of time at this juncture. Ill keep an eye and maybe give it a shot when I see the update.
In the first time in 7 years I decided to play in the permanent Standard League and this might have been the best call I did in a long time. I haven't DC'd or crashed a single time and I can enjoy the new endgame. I feel for all the people having issues as this expansion is probably my favorite.
Last edited by leto2626 on Jan 17, 2021, 7:43:58 PM
MoarStuff wrote:
dragonsbane77 wrote:

PsOfOs wrote:

You would not be able to play this game for free,if people did not buy supporter packs.

You know you can't use logic with some people or even be kind.

GGG is a provit-driven company, as they should be. Every new leagues is basically just a huge advertisement for buying their newest MTX, which range from a couple bucks to way more than the price of a new AAA game. The regular supporter packs are 60$. You could get Cyberpunk 2077 for that (backlash or not, just a comparison). And anyone who sees these packs as a good investment in and of itself because you get points on top, should maybe check whether he/she might have a problem with spending money in online games in general. Some graphics asset guy (somehwere in the world) took a template and probably worked a couple of days on that armor/portal at best. If you consider that good value compared to a full retail game that was years in development, then I don't know what to tell you. Those MTX are at heart a donation to GGG and we all know that.

And that's fine, as long as they provide quality content that runs stable and let's you have fun with it from day one. The content in the last couple of years has been overall fine, with a little bit of hit and miss inbetween. But I can't for the life of me remember a single league start that wasn't plagued by technical issues, be it server-side or severe problems with the league mechanics themselves. This wouldn't be acceptable in any other industry. Imagine what would happen if you buy a new smart speaker and when you try to make a video call, you get disconnected every few minutes. When that happens the device would also reset your contacts, so you have to enter them all over again each time. You bet that company would be in a lot of trouble, if that would happen for a noticable percentage of customers. Especially in this day and age, where everybody can just make a video review about anything.

Weirdly, in the games industry it's the opposite. In the past this could ruin your reputation (Daikatana anyone?) but through a mixture of an astronomical increase in overall game releases every year and the fact that Early Access is an accepted release model by now, gamers got so desensitized that hardly anybody seems to bat an eye anymore. Criticism now is way too often met with defensive statements like "what do you expect, that it works right away?" or "just give it time, it's only been x days/weeks since release".

If I get a product from a company with over 100 employees which is backed by the 7th largest company in the world (by market cap), then I expect at the very least that it's working from the get go. And they haven't been able to deliver on that for the longest time now and if we continue that MTX cycle no change will come. They had years now to adjust how and in what state they release a league to the public and they apparently decided that it's good enough for us as it is. I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick and tired of the waiting and hoping game. Releasing something in this state should never be acceptable, even if it's free (but you bought the supporter packs in advance anyway, didn't you).

Voting with your wallet is the only way, because words are cheap and this has been going on for way too long now.

I say you can do whatever you want with your money,and I can do whatever i want with mine.
I'm not gonna stop supporting a game I've been playing since 2013 because they have problems at the first week of new leagues.
When this game moves to a direction that does not please me,then i'll stop supporting.
I can't name a AAA game that i bought in 2013 and i still play today.
That tells a lot.
It's been some time now since their last response, perhaps the problem is worse than they expected or they're not sure what the real problem is.

Not good.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.

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