Clarifying the Ascendancy Changes

Maybe someday in the future, when you choose your class, you can choose gender too? It shouldn't be too hard to add, just a thought.
MackBesmirch wrote:
Magn3th3ad wrote:

I'm not sold on the idea that it's mostly numerical changes. The majority seem to be alonge the lines of added 2 things, removed 3. Gladiator for example has 9 removed and 6 added; Champion added 9, removed 13.

Some of those might cancel each other out for sure, but at first glance it looks like they've removed a lot of speed, damage and mitigation, and given back one or two of those at reduced amounts.

It's all speculation until we get patch notes I suppose.

you gotta read every detail. some of the removed/added -- like the block chance specifics -- are mini-buffs. Not just cuz they are simpler, but you can now stack blocking w Staves and are not restricted to shield or dual wield. Seems insignificant if you're already a shield Gladiator, but the removal in those cases actually means "removal of restrictions."

And you gotta look at the relationship of the nodes. Gratuitous Violence lost 25% chance to bleed, but Blood in the Eyes before it GAINED that 25% chance to bleed, so it's still a total of 50%, but all in one node. The loss of 5% Bleed dmg seems in line with the 5% reductions to other DoT dmgs across all ascendancies. And they gave us a defensive tradeoff in the removal of the 30% dmg w hits and ailments to already bleeding enemies with +15% chance to blind bleeding enemies.

Now think about that playstyle -- it actually services fast-paced strikes and movement and the mechanic of bleed in the first place -- monsters take more damage moving while bleeding. whomp them and keep moving; save yourself the extra hits. the 30% dmg was nice for bosses that stood still, but for regular mobs and bosses that move around, it was kind of redundant. The defense buff of blind will be more universally useful for all gladiator builds. Not to mention it is accessible after 1 Labyrinth, combined with 50% chance to bleed that early... leveling will be a breeze.

Yeah, I'm no expert, and you're probably right, but it feels like there's a bias towards slowing down builds and reducing mitigation. Of course feelings don't equal facts, so I will wait to play the changes before deciding whether I like them or not.

And it's all speculation until we get all the details anyway. I'm assuming GGG want their game to succeed are so aren't going to intentionally brick it :-D
I understand the necessity of nerfing certain broken builds, but here we had things that made Ascendancy Classes unique and interesting to begin with, and you just took them all away, what are we left with? Bland and generic classes that add minimal things to the gameplay. Nerf the really OP stuff but please leave the fun factor in!
mmutsch wrote:
caged_rage666 wrote:

Let me address the community:

Make better builds 🤷🏻‍♂️
None of this breaks the game, if it breaks your current build, then make a new one. If you can't make a viable build with these options then maybe that's a "you" problem.

All this is true. However, players are allowed to be upset if the things they like are removed. The forums are one way to give feedback to GGG. What is also true? Players can choose a different game.

Also, viable =/= enjoyable. Especially if they are used to something else.

The problem with the "players are allowed to be upset... give feedback to GGG" is what happens when I say "the changes look good to me, good job GGG!"

Well I bet I'm told I'm wrong. So how can that be? I'm just giving feedback and I'm allowed to be happy to see the game growing and changing...

So what does GGG do? Who's feedback should they be listening to? The louder voice? The threatening voice?

Just because people can have their opinions doesn't mean one side is right and the other side is wrong. Unfortunately a lot of people get so worked up about their opinions and it makes it impossible to have a constructive conversation.

I agree with your points. They are valid. So, I with try to have constructive conversation on behalf of some of the upset.

I am not discussing right and wrong as they do not exist here. The question I have though: Did GGG intend to split the happiness of the player base (and if so, to what end)? Also, would you have been unhappy if they didn't change the ascendancies?


"nerf the overall power of most Ascendancy Classes"
*look at only minion damge nerfs in neromacy acendcy*
o-oh yeah i-i t-totaly belive you.
I am really disappointed, without clusters or legacy items, the path you are taking in this game is getting worse, really sad.
hi, i main assassin, and i can live with the movement speed nerfs, but sadly for me, i must shelve the assassin.

i main perfect agony, and i feel like i need to shelve my build, when i first read the changes i hoped to have better reasoning, but when i read "we did not nerf or buff any classes only changed how they worked" i feel like perfect agony was ignored.

i love perfect agony, but i feel perfect agony as a mechanic was severely nerfed, be it as trickster, or as assassin, i played perfect agony as either, made new builds with new mechanics with both, but for this league, i feel like i have no real option for my perfect agony builds, it was always my favorite build to play, improve, survival and damage balancing was really tough even with 100s of exalteds to spend, having to go so hard into crit and poison to get a pay out in the end, the pay out was so worth it and so much fun, but even then, i die/d constantly.

you have greatly nerfed perfect agony builds. without any form of buff, or change, or new mechanic for me to work with. i am deeply saddened by this.

ill move on to other builds unhappily, perfect agony was always my favorite, as i played it every league i played in different ways, but for now, i cant play it and enjoy it if these are the changes you are bringing to perfect agony.

im not sure ill play the league, as perfect agony is what always kept me hooked for hundreds of hours a league, as i wanted to use it to face new content, play it in different ways.

be it assassin or trickster.

rest in piece perfect agony poison builds.

guess ill go slayer impale cyclone because i guess that got a buff even when it does so well, while perfect agony which is a paper cannon at its best, was nerfed to the ground.

my heart goes out to fellow perfect agony players, there are dozens of us! dozens!
'' Minor change ''

That's some Blizzard bs level.
Why am I still here
GGG keep up the good work.

I always enjoy changes towards a new meta in PoE. Also, the tears of people crying over slight adjustments in a video game make my day.

Thank you <3
I really dont understand some of these nerfs...
If the objective was to tune down some of the powerful builds like minions and stackers, a nerf to some gems plus minus nerfs to the tree would definitely do the trick.
I can't think of a good reason to nerf a weak ass class like saboteur, rip bl miner, first a nerf to the gem, now a bomb was dropped on the ascendancy, also rip poison bv assassins, or any poison assassins for that matter, which wasnt even the stronger assassin build....
Meanwhile carrion golem elementalists (which was a much stronger build than the ones mentioned) got a buff
Last edited by gugahenrique on Jan 11, 2021, 11:13:49 PM

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