[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

KasKyo wrote:

Checked your build and there is a lot of... questionable things. Like red nightmare giving you only chance for endurance and no block at all cause you capped even without it. Your power and frenzy generation is linked with you taking damage which is not very good idea for bossing. (Without ways for self damage like eye provide) Even fire exposure linked to it.
Seems your gameplay linked to getting hit or smth, which is not very good idea unless you're 85% max res, max block thingy.
Speeking of inconsistency your damage on bosses should be.. questionable? Do you plan instantly getting hit at the start of the fight and keep getting hit every 4 seconds? Otherwise i don't see any use in all your frenzy and power charge generation for single target.
You're way over res cap, like WAY OVER, you can get that chaos res on gear and breeze through sirus.

Well, i'm still test something with my build.
CWDT setup is for dual kaom sign + eye. I just swap to atoll to test how well it is for bossing.
Red nightmare is for boss too, when i don't have block chance from flask.
i ussually have 2-3 frenzy charge when fight boss because of by body armour.
I tried to capped res without endurance charge, maybe i'll skip it for chaos res later.

Last edited by ngtrungkhanh on Sep 30, 2020, 5:24:45 AM
I got a large Cluster Jewel with the "Cremator"-Notable. Now i dont have any Problems with porcupines anymore, but i am not sure if i kill the prolif with this. I dont feel any worse clear speed, but i am not sure if i will encounter problems in later maps.
So what do u guys think about this and what should i change, if i want to keep the cluster jewel notable?
Sippoa wrote:
I got a large Cluster Jewel with the "Cremator"-Notable. Now i dont have any Problems with porcupines anymore, but i am not sure if i kill the prolif with this. I dont feel any worse clear speed, but i am not sure if i will encounter problems in later maps.
So what do u guys think about this and what should i change, if i want to keep the cluster jewel notable?

It's not the prolif you killing with it. Ignite mechanic have one interesting thing: after ignited mob die - it leaves area of ignite damage on the floor. This thing you killing with corpse explosion.
ngtrungkhanh wrote:
KasKyo wrote:

Checked your build and there is a lot of... questionable things. Like red nightmare giving you only chance for endurance and no block at all cause you capped even without it. Your power and frenzy generation is linked with you taking damage which is not very good idea for bossing. (Without ways for self damage like eye provide) Even fire exposure linked to it.
Seems your gameplay linked to getting hit or smth, which is not very good idea unless you're 85% max res, max block thingy.
Speeking of inconsistency your damage on bosses should be.. questionable? Do you plan instantly getting hit at the start of the fight and keep getting hit every 4 seconds? Otherwise i don't see any use in all your frenzy and power charge generation for single target.
You're way over res cap, like WAY OVER, you can get that chaos res on gear and breeze through sirus.

Well, i'm still test something with my build.
CWDT setup is for dual kaom sign + eye. I just swap to atoll to test how well it is for bossing.
Red nightmare is for boss too, when i don't have block chance from flask.
i ussually have 2-3 frenzy charge when fight boss because of by body armour.
I tried to capped res without endurance charge, maybe i'll skip it for chaos res later.

2-3 frenzy is average 20-30 hits, so i kinda doubt that you can have such charges without procing cwdt and without hitting more than 1 enemy with discharge.
Why all use kaom's sign? Pyre rings have better damage.
It show on pob alot more damage from ignite.

Can someone explain ?
Last edited by kaienowaty on Sep 30, 2020, 10:33:44 AM
kaienowaty wrote:
Why all use kaom's sign? Pyre rings have better damage.
It show on pob alot more damage from ignite.

Can someone explain ?

Pyre is a large DPS boost if using Searing Touch, but cost you a good chunk of regen.

If wearing realmender it's not as big of a boost.

Thank you for the wonderful guide!

If I use Abberaths hoove for ignite spreade, can I swap ignite proliferation gem with Swift affliction?

Another question is what do you think about build using sceptre and red blade banner opposed to Searing Touch? Which one is tankier and better single target damage?

Once again, thank you so much.
Last edited by DentistD on Sep 30, 2020, 6:09:35 PM
Im leveling with redblade banner and it has been very smooth. And now Wyrmsign and the move speed from rampage is great.
Last edited by xikorita on Sep 30, 2020, 4:56:55 PM
So I might be stupid but.

I imported my own character to PoB, I have gotten every single piece that the MID gear section has in bodhes original PoB.

Yet, it claims I got 250k combined total dmg. 34k ignite dps with 240k total dmg ignite.

Is that correct? Can anyone import my char and see whats up? I am entirely looking through the PoB community fork and I am confused to why this is? Can anyone help me figure out why the heck I am doing such low damage or is something wrong?

Qurest wrote:
So I might be stupid but.

I imported my own character to PoB, I have gotten every single piece that the MID gear section has in bodhes original PoB.

Yet, it claims I got 250k combined total dmg. 34k ignite dps with 240k total dmg ignite.

Is that correct? Can anyone import my char and see whats up? I am entirely looking through the PoB community fork and I am confused to why this is? Can anyone help me figure out why the heck I am doing such low damage or is something wrong?

... Turn on some options in config tab. Like that you have endurance charges, enemy ignited, covered in ash etc.

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