[3.25] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

dsintegrate wrote:
Hi Jenno! I was just messing around with the tree and the cluster jewels and noticed that i have some dex problem, so with a turquoise amulet and current skill tree we have 68 dex(with 24dex on amulet ofc) and having blood rage on lvl5 and second wind on 20, means we need 73 and 70 dex respectively for them both. Meanwhile we have a base of 68 which allows us to use lvl4 blood rage and lvl19second wind(they require 67,68). And i see we actually need to have some dex somewhere in the jewels to afford to level them there. Wouldnt it be better to not care for that dex on the jewels to get to that 73 dex, and instead use lvl4 blood rage instead of 5(the change is in the duration 7.6->7.8secs,which is meh) and 19second wind instead of 20(change is 1% increased cooldown recovery rate for the supported skills, which is meh also)? Meanwhile instead of a dex mod on a jewel to get that 73 dex, we can get a juicy multiplier or life somewhere

I mean i see that u got a int/dex mod on that jewel so it doesnt matter that much for u cuz u need the int anyways, but for example if u have int on the cluster jewel, u can get rid of that +8int/dex, lose the aforementioned levels on the gems, which are super minor and unimportant anyways, and use another res/life/multiplier mod on it right? Or am i missing something here

On another note, what do u think is the best medium cluster and their notables? I guess the ''Exerted Attacks deal 20% increased Damage'' one right?
Rattling below looks crazy with that 8% chance to deal double damage with exerted attacks, also Mob mentality, Cry wolf look nice with that 25% increased exerted attacks damage. But do you know what does that ''per power'' mean on the Mob mentality and Cry wolf notables? Cant seem to find info on that....
Or is the 15% increased Critical Strike Chance medium cluster jewel better?

Hi, I agree with you that we don't really those additional dexterity for skill gem. However, it bothers me slightly that I won't be able to level secondwind to lvl20 (maybe lvl21 later when I corrupt the gem) and I know it doesn't matter that much :)

As for medium cluster jewel, I wouldn't recommend it because I didn't find any good ones that can justify spending 8 skill points (4 for each medium cluster jewel). Our purpose is mainly to use large cluster jewel to get jewel sockets.

[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Last edited by JennoJoyce on Nov 10, 2020, 9:19:26 PM
Sagrime wrote:
I don't want to make a mistake so I prefer to ask, I just crafted this.

Can I craft "Suffix cannot be changed" sinces Crit mult, Assassin's mark and Fire damages are all 3 Suffixes, then Scour then Slam life on it? Is it a good idea? (Since I need to craft Non-Channelling Mana Cost)

I don't think it works. Because the multi-craft mod itself is a suffix. So in order to do multi-crafting, you need an open suffix to begin.

If you can remove the fire damage, then you can apply multi-craft then add life and -mana on it.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Sagrime wrote:
I don't want to make a mistake so I prefer to ask, I just crafted this.

Can I craft "Suffix cannot be changed" sinces Crit mult, Assassin's mark and Fire damages are all 3 Suffixes, then Scour then Slam life on it? Is it a good idea? (Since I need to craft Non-Channelling Mana Cost)

Since can have up to 3 is not an option since it is a suffix and u already have 3 suffixes, u can do suffixes cant be changed > scour > u are now left with ur 3 suffixes >
1.fertile catalyst to 20% and then exalt for better chance to hit that life mod u want > this leads to 2 options:
1.1.didnt hit life with the exalt > craft suffixes cannot be changed and scour and go back to point 1
1.2.u got the life > this leads to 2 options:
1.2.1.u are happy with ur 3 nice suffixes, the life u got and just ench it with -mana. the end xD
1.2.2.u want another nice prefix, so u turbulent catalyst to 20% and exalt the ring in hopes to get % increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills, if u get that u enchant it with -mana and u have a crazy ass ring, if u get a sucky prefix, u can jump to point 1.2.1., just now u have a useless prefix on top of the life,-mana, and the 3 nice suffixes. OR u can craft suffixes cannot be changed and scour it again, leaving it with the 3 suff and going back to option 1

Note that this is expensive to do, but gives u an end game ring that u wont change, but before going that road, i recommend getting a 84 or 84+ ilvl shaper OPAL RING(u can buy one or farm the divination card ''The celestial stone''- it gives an ilvl 100 shaper influenced opal ring. Cuz when u get a juicy 84+ shaper Opal ring, u can toss on it a huge amount of currency and know that when u get what u desire u wont change it.

Also do know that this is the way i am going for but i am in SSF, directly buying such a ring may be more cost efficient for trade leagues than crafting one, i have no idea.
JennoJoyce wrote:

I don't think it works. Because the multi-craft mod itself is a suffix. So in order to do multi-crafting, you need an open suffix to begin.

If you can remove the fire damage, then you can apply multi-craft then add life and -mana on it.

Yeah I don't want to multicraft, just need to slam Life. I'm happy with my Fire Damage since I'll change for an Opal ring later.
dsintegrate wrote:

Since can have up to 3 is not an option since it is a suffix and u already have 3 suffixes, u can do suffixes cant be changed > scour > u are now left with ur 3 suffixes > (...)

I really love your craft guides. Thanks a lot! As I said to Jenno, I don't want to multicraft, just need to touch a life mod :D

I keep our guide for my Opal Ring later <3 Need to farm currencies rigtht now :D
Hi, I started this build recently and am finding it reasonably strong but my DPS doesn't seem to be scaling as much as I thought. When comparing my (2ex budget) build in POB I can't see how I will ever reach even 1m DPS, nevermind 10m. Can you take a look and see what I'm doing wrong?

Last edited by BareLazy on Nov 11, 2020, 5:04:03 PM
BareLazy wrote:
Hi, I started this build recently and am finding it reasonably strong but my DPS doesn't seem to be scaling as much as I thought. When comparing my (2ex budget) build in POB I can't see how I will ever reach even 1m DPS, nevermind 10m. Can you take a look and see what I'm doing wrong?


I checked your POB and found that you are not using the same config as I used. Can you make sure the configuration tab is same as mine?

Also we use max damage/hit to measure damage instead of dps, you can find details in Q&A section.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Hi Jenno

I'm farming some Juicy Delirium maps and I'm wondering if the HH could help me with this build. Did u test HH on this build?

Thank you :)
Sagrime wrote:
Hi Jenno

I'm farming some Juicy Delirium maps and I'm wondering if the HH could help me with this build. Did u test HH on this build?

Thank you :)

Of course! HH can make delirium maps farming a lot easier. Having said that, the build can farm full delirium without HH too, but that requires some practicing.

I was using a HH last league, I didn't put it in the guide because I don't want to scare people away.

[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
JennoJoyce wrote:
BareLazy wrote:
Hi, I started this build recently and am finding it reasonably strong but my DPS doesn't seem to be scaling as much as I thought. When comparing my (2ex budget) build in POB I can't see how I will ever reach even 1m DPS, nevermind 10m. Can you take a look and see what I'm doing wrong?


I checked your POB and found that you are not using the same config as I used. Can you make sure the configuration tab is same as mine?

Also we use max damage/hit to measure damage instead of dps, you can find details in Q&A section.

Ah thank you. I'm fairly new to PoB and didn't now about the config. I made the amendments and it's now reading 6M average damage instead of 600k which is more like it. Thanks!

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