3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

Sazzbot wrote:
Duke. Can we use your build in the Ritual-Trade League?

yes its a top tier build for upcomming event, im in the process of determining if im gonna role it. since i got a free week i got the option to go for the ssf hc race, and the slow going early on the bb, is its drawback in a race scenario. vs certain other builds that got a way faster progression into maps and being able to force a top ladder posision.

thanks. gl on the racing.
Do we grab anything else aside Glancing Blow/Divine Flesh? Or do we just skip over it and do whatever looks decent.

Edit: Nevermind I saw it, cant wait to start.
Last edited by yoshimtu on Jan 15, 2021, 2:07:55 PM
Hi Nice build....my question is about playstyle.

Is there some timing you have to get perfect to get max blades explosions every time? Like say wait 1 or 1.5 seconds between them? Because from videos it looks like the blade fall blades take awhile to hit the floor.

Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
Hi Nice build....my question is about playstyle.

Is there some timing you have to get perfect to get max blades explosions every time? Like say wait 1 or 1.5 seconds between them? Because from videos it looks like the blade fall blades take awhile to hit the floor.


not really, its about being able to cast bladefall and blade blast as much as possible, that being said the bladeblast detonates blades in a fast session meaning its possible to bladefall bladeblast then bladefall agein and the bb will detonate blades from both bladefall
i decided to do my build for the ssf challenge. outside a sad dc rip at my first char just before maps im now back, if your curious how to build the char, look at my gear as i progress. i decided to go caster from start, with flame totem, and fire ball, sering bond. the chief lacks acces to nearly all spell gems and supports up to lvl 28. its not that fast, but saves a decent regret for ssf. atm im in t5 maps and the clear and damage is really gg.
hay I switched to blade blast/fall at 41 it seems very hard to sustain mana is their a good way to combat this?
hay I switched to blade blast/fall at 41 it seems very hard to sustain mana is their a good way to combat this?

i deceided for going the witch bandit. + a lvl 3-6 clarity
that makes like 99% of the requiremetns. you wanna get a enduring mana flask to
Hi, i'v started with this build, going very hard for me, i'm level 83 atm, and dying alot at the new content, wanted to ask what i can add as a "cheap" survivability mechanic, adding my pob, got about 180 chaoses + 1 ex, got 88 maps finished in the atlas, but it is starting to be very rough for me, and i die alot, please help me, what am i doing wrong?

my pob:
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Last edited by BNegetive on Jan 17, 2021, 9:11:56 PM
BNegetive wrote:
Hi, i'v started with this build, going very hard for me, i'm level 83 atm, and dying alot at the new content, wanted to ask what i can add as a "cheap" survivability mechanic, adding my pob, got about 180 chaoses + 1 ex, got 88 maps finished in the atlas, but it is starting to be very rough for me, and i die alot, please help me, what am i doing wrong?

my pob:

well you can look at my char. its super scuffed ssf gear and im destroying content. ill add a video

add a soultether belt
Last edited by DUKE_OF_SNUFF on Jan 17, 2021, 9:38:03 PM
added a super fast video of warlord kill in ssf ritual with my ssf scuffed gear

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