
BigBrainZane wrote:

Vipzor, I literally said "I'm not saying "DEADEYE HANDS DOWN NUMBER ONE ENDGAME TOXIC RAIN ASCENDANCY"". With that said, you really don't know for sure what class is or isn't the best for sure to blatantly claim "pathfinder best" right now. Also, I wouldn't go so far as to call this a mandatory bossing league compared to something like Metamorph. Even if we are talking about the 10 boss fights that is all the more room for deadeye to shine with +2 proj. Not to mention the trailer showed ritual sites with quad beams rotating around the arena, another place for deadeye to shine with 3x mirage archers doing work when you have to be on the move. ONCE AGAIN I make no claim that deadeye is #1, only that it is certainly not a bad choice.

I wanna agree with this. Deadeye sounds very tempting for many reasons.

Dodging everything with 10 bosses or ritual beams etc? Triple mirage is best dps for sure. Wind ward is biggest reduction for big hits. Endless munitions provides best map clear. Focal point with poachers mark can provide huge life/mana on hit and possibly frenzy charges too (5% on hit with quality, need to cast/hextouch it though). Just gotta choose two of those (probably just ditch focal point early when you cant dual curse and you want to use despair for sure).

Pathfinder might still be better just for the easy of not having to manage the mirages and defensive benefits, but pathfinders "only" real damage is 15% more chaos, 30% aoe and 15% ias from adrenaline. Cant really compare to deadeye potential.
Last edited by Netukka on Jan 14, 2021, 3:51:33 PM
Hey, sorry if that was maybe adressed before but I have a hard time identifying how this build doesn't get obliterated with 110% life from tree and not that much defensive options compared to what I'm used to, but I probably missed something. So if someone who already played it can give a bit more details, I'd appreciate it.
IGN : @Morgoth
vipzor wrote:
I'm wondering if it's a good idea to start with Deadeye since I'm gonna play on SSF, so it will take time to get golden oil, and probably respec later, or keep it if Mirage is good enough. What do you think?
Dunno about SSF cuz Deadeye doesn't have free ailment immunity contrary to PF or Raider, and also on SSF the -mana crafts are hard to get so you have to live with just mana flask.

Deadeye has good dps potential but that's counter-synergy with SSF as to maximize dps I feel you should be in trade league to get the best gear and crafts. Playing a dps-oriented squishy ascendancy in SSF might be an underwhelming experience. Deadeye will have less dodge / evasion than PF due to no perma flasks and gale force will take time to rebuild if you get hit so it's not 100% uptime for wind ward.

On trade league deadeye could be good speed mapper with improved tailwind (deadeye = 20%, boots = 8% cuz nerfed), but do people play speed mappers in SSF where you can't sell Doctors and other typical farm goals?
Last edited by Viktranka on Jan 14, 2021, 4:30:55 PM
Remicaster1 wrote:
Igricru wrote:
Any way to change some flask to dying sun, or you loose too much utility/defence?

Eh Imo Dying sun isn't *that* big of a DPS boost but sure if you want to use it. If your mana sustain works on the hybrid flask alone you can drop the mana flask for it.

How is dying dun not a massive dps boost? 2 additional projectiles and increased area seems like just the thing to scale our damage. Does it not give enough area to take full advantage of the extra projectiles? Or is it just that keeping enough for full attack speed edges out the dying sun?
I am surprised the -% chaos resistant helmet is not listed as an upgrade. Am I missing something?
Totalubnub wrote:
Assuming i didnt miss anything since i quit early-ish into Heist, the upgrade order would be a 5 link carcass jack, or 6 link whichever you can get first (aim for 48% increased AoE or higher), after that you want a hunter base amulet with +1 to either all chaos or all dex gems (if your alteration spamming one yourself its item lvl 82 min), with harvest crafting back you may wanna get +1 dex as you can augment chaos mods on it for a good chance at +1 chaos/chaos dot multi, after the amulet, i went for a quiver, then i went for the +3 bow but in all honesty the +3 bow should be 1 of your later upgrades, or a +3/4 corrupted carcass jack, if you go for carcass jack then your next upgrade is easy but annoying and that buying a whole lot of i lvl 50+ quill rains to vaal hoping for +1 arrow, its easier to get that over the helm enchant in my opinion. As always try to keep ALL resists capped, and chaos resist around 45%+ till you fight sirus, then try to cap chaos as well.

crzytimes wrote:
nogenem wrote:
klistier wrote:
Any upgrade order? What should be my focus when hitting maps and being res capped?

Yeah, i was asking myself that right now too...

6 Socket Quill Rain + Tabula > 5 link Carcass Jack > then what? Or not even that?

I'll go 6 socket Quill Rain + Tabula > 6 link Carcass Jack > +1 dex gems Hunter ammy

Probably farm Corruption Chambers and toss Carcass Jacks in them looking for the elusive +2 Duration / +2 AoE / +2 projectile combo. Settling for a desirable +2 mod / +1 socketed gems.

Then move over to corrupting quill rains for additional arrow.

Thanks guys! How early should I try to get the cluster jewels?
Morgoth2356 wrote:
Hey, sorry if that was maybe adressed before but I have a hard time identifying how this build doesn't get obliterated with 110% life from tree and not that much defensive options compared to what I'm used to, but I probably missed something. So if someone who already played it can give a bit more details, I'd appreciate it.

TBH total hp pools are often overrated. I started heist league as trickster TR and the only thing I died to in any heist was standing in the rooms the trap room that shot things at me. I would literally run through other traps a lot too. I stopped upgrading my gear at 4.1ish k hp and saved for my league end build at that point. I killed Sirus A8 over and over again and did all the heist content plus other endgame bosses.

The main thing I would highlight about toxic rain builds with flesh and stone +dodge is that you have a nearly screen wide blind (lots of increased radius) with fairly high dodge so you almost never get hit and although I've never used this the PF version having fortify plus wind dancer means you are unlikely to die when hit. On top of that when you get hinder and other things like that plus ailment immunity it just gets hard to kill these builds. Plus you move extremely fast.

If you are used to the bow style of play you should not die a lot... I'm not even careful and almost never die. (I have played trickster for league start on 3 leagues now)
Optaka wrote:
Remicaster1 wrote:
Igricru wrote:
Any way to change some flask to dying sun, or you loose too much utility/defence?

Eh Imo Dying sun isn't *that* big of a DPS boost but sure if you want to use it. If your mana sustain works on the hybrid flask alone you can drop the mana flask for it.

How is dying dun not a massive dps boost? 2 additional projectiles and increased area seems like just the thing to scale our damage. Does it not give enough area to take full advantage of the extra projectiles? Or is it just that keeping enough for full attack speed edges out the dying sun?

You can test it on the calculator and find it out if it is worth for its cost.

It is a very situational flask because sometimes it gives a lot, sometimes it doesnt. 2 projectile doesnt do anything to your damage, only the AoE part. Besides that, the AoE is usually +1 or +2 radius at max
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Morgoth2356 wrote:
Hey, sorry if that was maybe adressed before but I have a hard time identifying how this build doesn't get obliterated with 110% life from tree and not that much defensive options compared to what I'm used to, but I probably missed something. So if someone who already played it can give a bit more details, I'd appreciate it.

Uhm, we do have a lot of defensive options btw. We have a max elemental hit of roughly 70k++ which means it is invulnerable to one shots. The only downside is phys but it can be solved by swapping devotos into the new penitent mask with phys taken as X element
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1

Sorry to ask again but I didn't understand still.

Do you say we can use malevolence / skitter /flesh and clarity ? Even with enlighten 4 it's not really possible I think with decent enough mqnq pool without further reduction. So i am asking : what do you yourself use ? As it's contradictory between pob and what you are saying.

I use male, skitter and flesh, no clarity. That is for endgame setup. If the watchers came up, precision is added

You say in the guide "For endgame setup, we won't be able to use skitterbots if you use precision for the Watcher's eye, in my setup I have it disabled and planning to use Aspect of the Spider to replace it. Flesh and stone is close to mandatory as it boost your survivability up by a lot." so i understand even less as as you said precision is just flat 40ish mana.

This is because i am left with around 80 mana, with 7.8+ aps it feels like my mana is just getting "limited" if you get what I meant. For example, i fire 7 shots a second, because it consumes mana initially before it can be recovered by the flask, the consumption exceeded my mana pool, so it slightly limits my fire rate and it feels clunky.

Skitter is 35% and aspect is 25%

I mean i will probably aim for malevolence mana reduction in amulet and enchant, to use all, but I'd like to understand what is your take exactly. To summurize, if you indeed drop kitterbot it means you run male and flesh, with for ex precision or clarity in quiver for the watcher. But then there is a free link on the 4l aura setup freed by skitterbot : what do you do with it ?

That'll absolutely solve my current issue. But again I dont run clarity. Assuming I removed skitter, I would just either slot in something like a portal gem, or something like vitality too. As long as it is flat mana and it doesnt reserve much
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1

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