
PeenWang wrote:
https://pastebin.com/V5Kn4ycY I have no idea what to do now still die very easily and feel like my damage is sub par for bosses for the amount I have spent can someone please give some advice I just want to run juiced Ilvl 84 delirium maps and idea how I can get there?

the pob you sent is quite scuffed, I.E you don't have capped resistance, -40 chaos res etc.

I'll assume you have the basics covered (capped res and 4.5k life>), from what I saw, you might need to swap out your life flaks (maybe something like blood of the karui) or a flask with a high recovery rate (eternal flask). Then divine flesh would also help out a lot. If you still have issues, you can try out enduring composure small cluster.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Mmi257ia wrote:
Where do we get endurance stacks for immortal call, or we just left it with 26% phys mitigation?

you could use enduring cry, but in my setup i don't use it. Enduring composure cluster also works but I haven't tried that one out.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Frieske1 wrote:
How worth is Divine Flesh? I'm comfortably over capped on chaos res and just wondering if it's worth the 4 points to path down to the socket near Eternal Youth to pop it in.

My suggestion, if you have 0 issues then don't care about it, but if you do want to be more tanky you can go ahead and take it. I am not exactly sure how to answer your question but yeah it is worth it as it is one of the sources that mitigates against penetration
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Why not take 12% chaos damage large cluster jewel instead of the bow damage large cluster jewel?

12% chaos damage with Wicked Pal, Unwaveringly Evil, Unholy Grace gives more damage than the bow large cluster Jewel

I am loving this guide and I am now level 91 using this build. But im not sure what Cluster Jewel to take since the chaos cluster seems to give more damage.
Last edited by Deiv_ on Oct 12, 2020, 3:27:31 AM
SkylerOG wrote:
lampicka95 wrote:
Hello, I think I have done something wrong. I bought Quill Rain with Additional Arrow but POB is showing -1mil dps. I think I might have bad ratio between AoE and arrows. Currently I have 29 AoE Radius and 8 arrows in total. What should I change? Thank you :)

You can check my character Sumubu or here is the pob:
Your pastebin won't load. Giving error code 404, whatever that is.

If you're going from regular Quill Rain to simply a Quill Rain with +1 arrow, there's really no reason to have lost DPS.

The only reason it might have gone down "in PoB" is because you were using someone elses original build pastebin (like mine or Remi's) which had the manual line edit, "28% more damage" on the previous Quill Rain. Which some of us added to basically compensate for what Mirage Archer effectively adds, but isn't automatically accounted for in PoB.

Also, you may have 8 arrows, but at 29 radius you're still only overlapping 5.

If you can find ~10-15% more +AoE and hit that 30 radius breakpoint, you will add about +20% DPS instantly (you will need to change the "# of Overlapping Pods" in configuration tab from 5 to 6).

Man, thank you so much. You were right about everything, I added Quill Rain with Mirage Archer dmg and it's fine now. Also I noticed that I get 5% Area of Effect from Timeless Jewel, then I crafted AoE on gloves, reached 30 AoE, changed overlapping pods to 6 and my DPS is now 8 mil. I really appreciate your help :)
Last edited by lampicka95 on Oct 12, 2020, 7:21:21 AM
How much would 40% inc TR dmg devoto do? Considering i dont need +1 arrow when i overlap only 5 arrows with 26 aoe. Also, how does 24-28)% increased Damage during any Flask Effect mod on gloves do? i think its nice if u have cdot,as,life,resist gloves its poggers
increased Damage while Leeching 35% also so good craft for es leech clusters
Last edited by beastzephyr on Oct 12, 2020, 9:13:33 AM
Remicaster1 wrote:
Mmi257ia wrote:
Where do we get endurance stacks for immortal call, or we just left it with 26% phys mitigation?

you could use enduring cry, but in my setup i don't use it. Enduring composure cluster also works but I haven't tried that one out.

so, it isnt mandatory, okay, thanks!
Anus_Smasher wrote:

Hey, I'm gonna respond going down the list

Jewels - Make sure your search is a bit more broad than those 3. Do count (1) with damage over time, chaos damage, increased damage, chaos damage over time multiplier, then a separate group search for attack speed with bows and life

Cluster jewel - I thought you were energy leech, my bad, your cluster is fine

Profane chemistry keep it, i meant drop a small life node (5%) for the jewel socket near/under profane chemistry

POB Radius - make sure you select your toxic rain from the drop down of "Main Skill", then it's at the bottom of the first group of stats


I found cheaper jewels :)

My PoB was not updated, it says 28 radius :( No idea how to reach 30 radius as it requires a lot of 'increased area effect', so should I keep the +1 arrow for clear speed ?

Have a good day :)
Last edited by Xandharba on Oct 12, 2020, 12:51:15 PM
Any chance someone could look me up and tell what I should focus on next? I'm thinking of trying to corrupt +1 arrows on a quill rain since I have 6L Carcass Jack. I'm trying to follow the basic build line covered in the OP.

EDIT: I'm on 26 radius so I guess +1 arrows not ideal. Maybe Empower 4 then.
Last edited by extakki on Oct 12, 2020, 2:52:35 PM
Nimand35 wrote:
SkylerOG wrote:
The_Fatness wrote:
In the Gem Alt Quality (6.2) section it states that Anomalous is the BiS but only if normal didn't reach the breakpoint. What exactly is that breakpoint? I've search the guide and haven't been able to find the breakpoint listed anywhere else.

If Phantasmal is so much worse, why is it so wildly expensive? Is it only better for the Trickster versions of TR?

Loving the build so far, hard to get a read on the responses here how it's going for everyone else. But I am absolutely shredding yellow maps already after just leaving Act 10. Very nice for clear speed, the question is how will it fare against bosses.
The breakpoints are essentially 5 radius for every arrow.

So you need 25 radius to overlap 5 arrows, 30 radius to overlap 6, etc. etc.

So if you're sitting at 29 radius, you're very close to your next breakpoint (30) and only need probably 10-15% +AoE to get another arrow overlap (of course, you need to have that many arrows to fire, too). Which is a lot of added DPS (around +20% more).

So I am at 29 Radius. Should I get Anomalous?

Any Idea?

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