[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!

I played around a bit with my Standard char last night and the nerfs are pretty bad.
Reckoning luckily doesn't cost any mana, but anything on CWDT has quite a big mana cost. Very severe nerf in both dmg and cast speed too...
Claeysken wrote:
I played around a bit with my Standard char last night and the nerfs are pretty bad.
Reckoning luckily doesn't cost any mana, but anything on CWDT has quite a big mana cost. Very severe nerf in both dmg and cast speed too...

Thanks for testing @Claeysken.

It was a great build for many leagues!
This build might still be viable!

Added this to the main post:

This build might actually still function in the 3.15 update.
After some extensive testing and adapting I came up with this PoB:


What changed?
-Less dmg ofcourse, as a direct result of the nerfs to support gems, as well as Blade Blast not giving Unnerve anymore.
-Triggered skills cost mana now, with a hefty mana multiplier.
-Awakened Hextouch doesn't give +1 to number of curses anymore.
-Flasks changes.

-Dropped Blade Blast
-Molten Shell and Void Sphere are now selfcast. Putting Molten Shell on left click still automates the process for the most part.
-Dropped Arctic Armour, added Clarity (lvl 15, but you can play around with a lvl that suits your needs) and also added the new warbanner, Defiance Banner. This gives a nice bit of extra armour.
I keep around 140 mana free, which seems enough for the skills we still have triggered, without it interupting regular casting.
-Took the Whispers of Doom node, since we pass by it. That means that we can keep our 2 curses on the Reckoning-setup.
-You can play around with Cinderswallow too, since, according to PoB, it seems to give more dmg then some of the current flasks (but less defensiveness).

All in all, these changes make the build function again, albeit with somewhat less dmg.

This is what the current tree looks like:

Vid of the build in action:

Check the PoB for the new gem links.
Last edited by Claeysken on Jul 26, 2021, 3:42:15 AM
Incredible work @claeysken!!!!

The video looked very good. I noticed that you barely touched your flasks either (I think only used for maybe the boss), so that should be a good representation of T16 mapping in 3.15.

I like that we don't seem to need an unset ring any more, which will make gearing a little easier.

I love all the changes you made. I will be looking through the POB in great detail and will almost certainly make this my second character this league.

Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Jul 25, 2021, 6:58:32 PM
Claeysken wrote:
and also added the new warbanner, Defiance Banner. This gives a nice bit of extra armour.

I may be missing it but I don't see the Defiance Banner in the POB you created. Can you double check for me?
We will have to keep our eye on this. I don't know if it will be enough to get Molten Shell back in the CWDT set up but if it does, that would be a nice boost.

From GGG today:

Were the Mana Cost Multiplier changes on Support Gems too Extreme?

Yes, they were too extreme. Based on feedback and data, we are reviewing the mana cost multipliers again and will be reducing many (but not all) of them. While this will ease the impact on your mana by a moderate amount, the goal is still that mana matters a lot more than it did before.
You are correct, sorry about that!
I've socketed it in the left ring slot.

Here's an updated PoB:
We will have to keep our eye on this. I don't know if it will be enough to get Molten Shell back in the CWDT set up but if it does, that would be a nice boost.

From GGG today:

Were the Mana Cost Multiplier changes on Support Gems too Extreme?

Yes, they were too extreme. Based on feedback and data, we are reviewing the mana cost multipliers again and will be reducing many (but not all) of them. While this will ease the impact on your mana by a moderate amount, the goal is still that mana matters a lot more than it did before.

That is great news!

Also this:

Are there any Changes coming to Ailment or Curse Immunity?

Ailment Immunity granted by flasks is being increased from 1 second to 4 seconds. Staunching Flasks will make you immune to Corrupted Blood, if they remove Corrupted Blood from you. Arctic Armour will grant Freeze Immunity. Aquamarine Flask is being buffed from 40% to 60% freeze reduction. The map mods that curse the player no longer apply the curses with increased effect.
Claeysken wrote:
You are correct, sorry about that!
I've socketed it in the left ring slot.

Here's an updated PoB:

Looks fabulous. I love that the tree is at level 96, it makes it seem more approachable from a league stand point.
OK, I have looked though the POB in detail and using my knowledge from previous leagues, I was able to boost the DPS quite a bit (and it only cost us one extra tree point).

When we moved to Elementalist, the need to invest in AOE was significantly lowered because of Heart of Destruction.

As such, I believe we can safely remove the two points to Amplify and the two points to Blast Radius.

With those 4 points we save, I would invest them (plus 1 extra) into Mental Rapidity and Essence Rush (in the cluster set up which was not used in the latest POB). Mental Rapidity gives us back some of the key cast speed we lost and Essence Rush is just too good not to use IMO.

When we make these changes, I believe we lose very little AOE (because Heart of Destruction is so good) and the DPS climbs to over 4m in your POB (which is still at a reasonable 97 points).

Let me know what you think @Claeysken

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