[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!

Supersparks wrote:
Supersparks wrote:
Hi, thank you for posting this build. I switched over from the blade blast inquisitor and I have found this way better. I had a question about the +1 to level socketed Skin of the Loyal. I have been having problems finding one and was wondering if the +2 to level of socketed AOE gems is a good substitute. It helps with Incinerate but not the support gems. POB seems to think this is better but I am not sure.



The +1 to socketed gems is really hard to find this league for our colors. There are very few that go on sale and they can be at huge cost.

The second best damage implicit is the one you mentioned (+2 to socketed AOE gems), so if you can get that, it will add a nice level of DPS to your incinerate.

There are also a few defensive implicit's that helps us as well in case you see any that are paired with +2 to level of socketed AOE.

Thanks that is helpful, I did find one with +2 level of socketed AOE gems and 4% reduced fire dmg taken. However, it had 5 blue and 1 red. I am having mana issues replacing red inspiration with blue concentrated effect so trying to figure out how to fix that issue.

I would not recommend trying to replace Inspiration.

It not only fixes our mana issues, it provides the crit chance we require to make Elemental Overload proc. If you lose the damage from constant EO, the build will gimp itself.
Thanks, so the only options are 3red/3blue or 4 blue/2 red? Sad face, now I need to get rid of this 5blue 1 red skin with the nice implicits...

I have made it to endgame using the same setup except I’m using incinerate Cwc volatile dead. Not sure if that setup has more damage than pure incinerate but it’s funner. Spell totem for desecrate spawns for bosses. Idk haven’t keyed it in to POB.
Supersparks wrote:
Thanks, so the only options are 3red/3blue or 4 blue/2 red? Sad face, now I need to get rid of this 5blue 1 red skin with the nice implicits...

The build owner may chime in here but I don't remember anyone using a non 4b2r to any great effect but there may be some gem combo's I am not aware of that will work.

The build has been so fine tuned over the years that it may be hard to find anything better than a 4b2r set up.
TwisterDon wrote:

I have made it to endgame using the same setup except I’m using incinerate Cwc volatile dead. Not sure if that setup has more damage than pure incinerate but it’s funner. Spell totem for desecrate spawns for bosses. Idk haven’t keyed it in to POB.

That is a fun looking variant!

I would love to see your build if you can either open your profile (which is private right now) or if you could post a POB link.
today I picked up a nice damage jewel and replaced my old jewel that was just kind of a placeholder for Silence Immunity.

I did not think much about losing silence immunity until I ran some Ultimatums and there is some monster in those that silences casters. Very bad for this build :)

I quickly re-added a silence immunity gem and won't be with out that layer of defense for the rest of this character.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on May 18, 2021, 10:30:14 PM
just wanted to say this is my first time following a build guide, and it's been really smooth sailing. thanks a bunch :)
Hello everyone!
I used this great build for this league and i'm having a blast!
Had some troubles to take uber elder down but now with the full build it's just smooth.
Right now i'm trying to get the 40/40 challenges and the feared with 100% aoe is a nightmare! Atziri is a monster !
Any ideas on setups for this particular fight ?
Thanks for any advices and may RNGesus be nice to you exiles !
Last edited by Sanfear on May 26, 2021, 8:52:14 AM

Any idea to upgrade?

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