[3.10] HOWA Anyskill Split Personality Juggernaut - Beyond expectation! (3000 INT, 13000 ES)

jayhawk92555 wrote:
oooh man this build is awesome. I was clearing T15 at level 77. The gear wasn't bad to buy but the jewels are whats going to be killer, but its nice to have something you can get in a good state to at least blow thru maps and have goals to work to,\and when you finally buy an upgrade you can see an immediate power increase.

I have 3 int/es so far, the rest are int/accuracy and im around 7700 ES.

I did have a question on the wise oak flask. I have all resists at 75 so the flask wont do anything for me or am I reading it incorrectly?

Thank You

I think having equal res is the best situation
jayhawk92555 wrote:
I did have a question on the wise oak flask. I have all resists at 75 so the flask wont do anything for me or am I reading it incorrectly?
Wise Oak looks at your uncapped resists, so ignore the fact that each of them are capped at 75%.

If each of them are exactly 75% uncapped too you're perfect for the Wise Oak benefits. You're getting the offensive and defensive gains for all 3 elements. Just take care running anything that lowers your resistances and you're all set.

Just getting geared up to try this out now... has anyone ever come across a resource to identify the order of notables for the large cluster jewels?

I'll bash them into PoB to check if it comes to it, but I'd imagine someone might have already done this and documented the results somewhere to identify the priority order.
Last edited by TsuDhoNim on Apr 8, 2020, 9:21:10 AM
alvaro92 wrote:
antmit wrote:

Do not switch to CI until you have at least 5k ES with CI
this is true for all builds that are CI

Ty! It is my first time using a CI build.
Now I can equip Incandescent and I have 5k ES. I'm doing low yellow maps fine, maybe I died sometimes but it is smoother than yesterday.
I need to do lab, but today there is a reflect guy, so I'll try tomorrow.

I have 5 splits atm (3x int+Acc, 1 int+dex and 1 int+ES).

What should I upgrade after i'll do uber lab?

Honestly, besides getting best in slot gear, what you really need is more levels, and large cluster jewels to fit more split personality in the tree. The more levels, the more powerful your split personality can get. On my tree, I have a large cluster at the bottom left with 2 int/es, each one granting 100 int 100 es!

TsuDhoNim wrote:
jayhawk92555 wrote:
I did have a question on the wise oak flask. I have all resists at 75 so the flask wont do anything for me or am I reading it incorrectly?
Wise Oak looks at your uncapped resists, so ignore the fact that each of them are capped at 75%.

If each of them are exactly 75% uncapped too you're perfect for the Wise Oak benefits. You're getting the offensive and defensive gains for all 3 elements. Just take care running anything that lowers your resistances and you're all set.

Just getting geared up to try this out now... has anyone ever come across a resource to identify the order of notables for the large cluster jewels?

I'll bash them into PoB to check if it comes to it, but I'd imagine someone might have already done this and documented the results somewhere to identify the priority order.

If you mouse over a cluster jewel with 3 notables, the one in the middle in the popout, is the one in the middle when put in a socket. This seems to be universally true in my testing. Chaos spamming to craft the jewel makes this something easy to observe.

In terms of affixes on the item itself, it appears to be alphabetical which in some cases does NOT match the jewel layout. For example, I have
Drive the destruction, Fan of blades, Smite the weak, 2 jewel sockets. Smite the weak is in the middle!

antmit wrote:
In terms of affixes on the item itself, it appears to be alphabetical which in some cases does NOT match the jewel layout. For example, I have
Drive the destruction, Fan of blades, Smite the weak, 2 jewel sockets. Smite the weak is in the middle!
From what I saw each notable is given an ID/priority order, with the highest priority put in the furthest position and the others laid out clockwise from there (only looking in terms of 2 jewel 3 notable jewels, wasn't paying attention to 2 jewel 2 notables given the potential wastage).

Looked through a few dozen jewels and didn't see any that contradicted that mechanic, the relative orders seemed consistent, so seems to hold true.

Just need to figure out which of the 'dead' notables are high enough priority I can safely buy (assuming a few pop up I can snipe below expected crafting costs).

(Cheers again for the sale ant. You're a gent.)
antmit wrote:

If you mouse over a cluster jewel with 3 notables, the one in the middle in the popout, is the one in the middle when put in a socket.

What if I dont have the jewels yet and I'm trying to buy them. Is there any way to tell the order of notables just by look at the description
buttcommander wrote:
antmit wrote:

If you mouse over a cluster jewel with 3 notables, the one in the middle in the popout, is the one in the middle when put in a socket.

What if I dont have the jewels yet and I'm trying to buy them. Is there any way to tell the order of notables just by look at the description

I don't think so, which is why I pointed out that the affixes are presented alphabetical on the item but don't necessarily match the order of the popup.

I think your options are:
1. Ask the seller to link or mouseover in the trade window
2. Start making a database of jewels and their ordering
3. See if you can test it in POB, though your mileage may vary
was looking for a reroll i just found my new build thanks man .
antmit wrote:

Thx for keeping this tread alive! Great job man!
gisabelle wrote:
was looking for a reroll i just found my new build thanks man .

You're welcome!

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