3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF

feditosito wrote:
Hello, right now im lvl 91 and feel kinda stuck, dont feel quite tanky neither do i do much damage and dont know were to take my gear to, any suggestions are wellcome here i link what im running right now. The staff is the only thing i rather keep since it was somewhat expensive :P

Hey feditosito!

I LOVE THAT YOU'RE USING THAT STAFF! It's an old-school favourite of mine. Thank you ;). But going away from a shield (an extra 100+ max life) will remove tons of health for tankiness. But everything looks good! Fire Trap does lots of damage and Fortify is great with Cyclone. For some extra defence, maybe try Enfeeble instead of Flammability and for some extra offence, maybe go with Elemental Equilibrium? EE does conflict with Fire Trap because of Fire Traps initial explosion, but the trap last for 1.5 seconds minimum. So you could throw the trap and then spin right on top of it if you had added Lightning or Cold added to Attacks.

I think you're at the stage now where the next big improvements to gear comes from the fancy stuff. Like Influenced Items and Awakened Gems. Your gear can be min/maxed a bit but nothing that's going to make any huge impact on your opinion of the build.

Does that help?
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
feditosito wrote:
Hello, right now im lvl 91 and feel kinda stuck, dont feel quite tanky neither do i do much damage and dont know were to take my gear to, any suggestions are wellcome here i link what im running right now. The staff is the only thing i rather keep since it was somewhat expensive :P

Hey feditosito!

I LOVE THAT YOU'RE USING THAT STAFF! It's an old-school favourite of mine. Thank you ;). But going away from a shield (an extra 100+ max life) will remove tons of health for tankiness. But everything looks good! Fire Trap does lots of damage and Fortify is great with Cyclone. For some extra defence, maybe try Enfeeble instead of Flammability and for some extra offence, maybe go with Elemental Equilibrium? EE does conflict with Fire Trap because of Fire Traps initial explosion, but the trap last for 1.5 seconds minimum. So you could throw the trap and then spin right on top of it if you had added Lightning or Cold added to Attacks.

I think you're at the stage now where the next big improvements to gear comes from the fancy stuff. Like Influenced Items and Awakened Gems. Your gear can be min/maxed a bit but nothing that's going to make any huge impact on your opinion of the build.

Does that help?

Thx a lot for the quick answer, yes this info helps since this is my first character ive taken this far, last time i played in abyss using your slow mo zombies build and ended up giving up at maps since i didnt know about trading websites and the grind became impossible.
Since im new to this id like to know what benefits do influenced items have for example or what should i be looking for so i can do some reaserch myself for improvements. Also since im banking some points are there any unique gems or skills that could imporve the build even more?
Smart thinking! Elemental Overload does require Hits to get a Crit. So if you have no spells that are hitting, then it's wasted passive nodes. Keep it in for a while and see if you notice EO going off at all. If it does, keep it in.

Elemental Overload doesn't impact Reflect damage. It only improves our damage. But, if you're thinking about reflect in terms of map mods, if none of your skills hit, then you can run any Reflect Map Stress-Free.

Channelling is just how a skill is cast. It doesn't determine the Hitting of a skill. Damage Over Time in this game doesn't hit. Everything else (almost) does. So knowing if a skill hits or not is in the wording of the gem description. Sometimes it's hard to know. Scorching Ray and RF do not hit. All other spells that deal damage in this guide DO hit.

I don't really understand the Breath of Flames question. Sorry. But Breath of Flames is really strong. And it's a lot stronger than Heart of Flame. Burning Damage is Fire Damage's Damage Over Time.

There's always tons to miss in PoE. It's a huge game. Take your time and check out the information the guide offers and ask about anything you don't understand. There are lots of awesome people in this thread this league that are very helpful.

I hope this helped a bit.

You actually answered the question about the notables by responding to the burning damage question - so it seems strong with channeling on its own too :-)
Would be nice not to care about reflection.
Thanks a ton - i think the rest i can figure out by reading carefully.
Last edited by Hyrlion on Apr 23, 2020, 7:16:01 PM
Hyrlion wrote:
Smart thinking! Elemental Overload does require Hits to get a Crit. So if you have no spells that are hitting, then it's wasted passive nodes. Keep it in for a while and see if you notice EO going off at all. If it does, keep it in.

Elemental Overload doesn't impact Reflect damage. It only improves our damage. But, if you're thinking about reflect in terms of map mods, if none of your skills hit, then you can run any Reflect Map Stress-Free.

Channelling is just how a skill is cast. It doesn't determine the Hitting of a skill. Damage Over Time in this game doesn't hit. Everything else (almost) does. So knowing if a skill hits or not is in the wording of the gem description. Sometimes it's hard to know. Scorching Ray and RF do not hit. All other spells that deal damage in this guide DO hit.

I don't really understand the Breath of Flames question. Sorry. But Breath of Flames is really strong. And it's a lot stronger than Heart of Flame. Burning Damage is Fire Damage's Damage Over Time.

There's always tons to miss in PoE. It's a huge game. Take your time and check out the information the guide offers and ask about anything you don't understand. There are lots of awesome people in this thread this league that are very helpful.

I hope this helped a bit.

You actually answered the question about the notables by responding to the burning damage question - so it seems strong with channeling on its own too :-)
Would be nice not to care about reflection.
Thanks a ton - i think the rest i can figure out by reading carefully.

I don't bother checking reflection. Only avoid maps that lower max resistance or kill regen.

Your mileage may vary depending on what skills you use, but most maps I just run around and let righteous fire do all the work without casting anything. Cyclone usually just on harder stuff and that's mostly for the fortify and curses.
Hi, just to say a word of thanks for the great guide.

Played POE several years ago during beta and when went live but stopped for several non game reasons. This christmas bought a PS4 for the kids and when heard that POE was available on console jumped on board again (Highjacked the PS4 for me).

So, still learning all the changes in the game (and there are many specially on the crafting side) and can very much relate to your threads as it was hard as hell to get a nice build that i could properly play on a console :)

Using more or less you tree with the exception on not going for Tireless cluster as i'm not having any mana issues at the time, on the other hand traded those 10STR and 15% mana reduction for 5% all res + 10 DEX and a jewel socket for some extra DMG and life (seems a good trade off).

Loving the build so much that prob will continue with it when Delirium finishes as i'm playing mostly SSF (the trade system on console it's very problematic to say the least) off all may gear just traded the saffell's Frame, 6-link body, and the 21/23 vaal RF gem. For the rest can't be arsed to spend stupidly amount of time to get some upgrade via trading system altough got some exalts ready if something comes up.

Nevertheless here's my rig atm:

Keep up the good work...

Last edited by Mokas_1977 on Apr 24, 2020, 9:29:12 AM

Nice guide, learned me allot about RF, how it works and what applies to it.

this is my pick of the setup. The staff was a mes-sup, i thought i could craft +3fire spell and a +2 support gem. sadly, i couldn't. so thats what i ended up with, still a small improvement over the unique, but not worth the money.

Spend about 10-20 exalts for a build that does 600k aoe dps by just walking around. Doing T16's as if its nothing. For bosses you just end up running around the bosses to dodge the hits, which is rather fun to watch.

the hidden gem i found for me is belly of the beast, gives 600 life, resist and armour. i can't seem to craft anything in POB that gives more then a 1% increase in life in comparison. and heck, a 6link costs 1-2ex.

Looking for a +1 (or 2) to RF gem amulet. but those start at 1 ex (aw). and for both are about 20ex

Last edited by thomasdh on Apr 24, 2020, 12:53:52 PM
Mokas_1977 wrote:
Hi, just to say a word of thanks for the great guide.

Played POE several years ago during beta and when went live but stopped for several non game reasons. This christmas bought a PS4 for the kids and when heard that POE was available on console jumped on board again (Highjacked the PS4 for me).

So, still learning all the changes in the game (and there are many specially on the crafting side) and can very much relate to your threads as it was hard as hell to get a nice build that i could properly play on a console :)

Using more or less you tree with the exception on not going for Tireless cluster as i'm not having any mana issues at the time, on the other hand traded those 10STR and 15% mana reduction for 5% all res + 10 DEX and a jewel socket for some extra DMG and life (seems a good trade off).

Loving the build so much that prob will continue with it when Delirium finishes as i'm playing mostly SSF (the trade system on console it's very problematic to say the least) off all may gear just traded the saffell's Frame, 6-link body, and the 21/23 vaal RF gem. For the rest can't be arsed to spend stupidly amount of time to get some upgrade via trading system altough got some exalts ready if something comes up.

Nevertheless here's my rig atm:


Keep up the good work...

Hi Mokas, I'm trying to figure out what you're doing that i'm not, granted only 60 at the moment so still working towards full RF, but I'm just running Incinerate on a 4L and can't keep up with the mana needs for it even with Clarity at level 5. Also haven't turned on purity of fire since i'm still well above cap at this point being in part 2. Anyways just trying to figure out how to get this mana under control for incinerate, am i just too dependent on it at the moment since i don't have RF yet?

Thanks in advance.
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thomasdh wrote:

Nice guide, learned me allot about RF, how it works and what applies to it.

this is my pick of the setup. The staff was a mes-sup, i thought i could craft +3fire spell and a +2 support gem. sadly, i couldn't. so thats what i ended up with, still a small improvement over the unique, but not worth the money.

Spend about 10-20 exalts for a build that does 600k aoe dps by just walking around. Doing T16's as if its nothing. For bosses you just end up running around the bosses to dodge the hits, which is rather fun to watch.

the hidden gem i found for me is belly of the beast, gives 600 life, resist and armour. i can't seem to craft anything in POB that gives more then a 1% increase in life in comparison. and heck, a 6link costs 1-2ex.

Looking for a +1 (or 2) to RF gem amulet. but those start at 1 ex (aw). and for both are about 20ex


You could always make your own +2 amulet by finding the two different prefixes you need and using an awakener's orb. Maybe I will try this if the price looks right, though right now I'm trying to horror craft helms for profit....
feditosito wrote:
Thx a lot for the quick answer, yes this info helps since this is my first character ive taken this far, last time i played in abyss using your slow mo zombies build and ended up giving up at maps since i didnt know about trading websites and the grind became impossible.
Since im new to this id like to know what benefits do influenced items have for example or what should i be looking for so i can do some reaserch myself for improvements. Also since im banking some points are there any unique gems or skills that could imporve the build even more?
Hey feditosito!

I can send you a link if you like. In this game there are TOO many great possible items/mods. The game is just too huge. But the game will be a grind no matter what build you play.

Here's the link I use to see what mods exist (like influence items), http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php. Some key terms to look for would be Life Regen, Endurance Charges, Area of Effect, Area Damage, maybe some supports you currently use...it may be intimidating but you have to get used to the baby steps of it all. Start with Helmets. They have some good mods that are helmet specific. Then maybe take a look at chest pieces.

In terms of unique jewels, I honestly don't pay attention to them. Sorry. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_unique_jewels.

But start with checking out influenced helmets. I think you'll find them the easiest to pinpoint.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Mokas_1977 wrote:
Hi, just to say a word of thanks for the great guide.

Played POE several years ago during beta and when went live but stopped for several non game reasons. This christmas bought a PS4 for the kids and when heard that POE was available on console jumped on board again (Highjacked the PS4 for me).

So, still learning all the changes in the game (and there are many specially on the crafting side) and can very much relate to your threads as it was hard as hell to get a nice build that i could properly play on a console :)

Using more or less you tree with the exception on not going for Tireless cluster as i'm not having any mana issues at the time, on the other hand traded those 10STR and 15% mana reduction for 5% all res + 10 DEX and a jewel socket for some extra DMG and life (seems a good trade off).

Loving the build so much that prob will continue with it when Delirium finishes as i'm playing mostly SSF (the trade system on console it's very problematic to say the least) off all may gear just traded the saffell's Frame, 6-link body, and the 21/23 vaal RF gem. For the rest can't be arsed to spend stupidly amount of time to get some upgrade via trading system altough got some exalts ready if something comes up.

Nevertheless here's my rig atm:


Keep up the good work...

Hey Mokas_1977!

I like your style! Tell those "young ones" to get a job and get their own console! WE HAVE PoE TO PLAY! The great thing about PoE though is that you can easily spend just as much time theory crafting than you can in game and it's just as fun. So it gives the impression that we're sharing the console and are nice...when we really just need the time to make a couple choices before gameplay ;).

Seriously though, thanks for the awesome post. I'm really glad you like it and that it has helped with progress. I really like your setup! It kicks the crap out of mine for sure! My absolute favourite part of PoE is that you can totally SSF if you want. I love it. Console is by far my favourite way to play so I'm glad you were able to play it on PS4.

Great job on personalizing the build and thanks for taking the time to be so thoughtful.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
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