3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF

feditosito wrote:
Thx a lot for the quick answer, yes this info helps since this is my first character ive taken this far, last time i played in abyss using your slow mo zombies build and ended up giving up at maps since i didnt know about trading websites and the grind became impossible.
Since im new to this id like to know what benefits do influenced items have for example or what should i be looking for so i can do some reaserch myself for improvements. Also since im banking some points are there any unique gems or skills that could imporve the build even more?
Hey feditosito!

I can send you a link if you like. In this game there are TOO many great possible items/mods. The game is just too huge. But the game will be a grind no matter what build you play.

Here's the link I use to see what mods exist (like influence items), http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php. Some key terms to look for would be Life Regen, Endurance Charges, Area of Effect, Area Damage, maybe some supports you currently use...it may be intimidating but you have to get used to the baby steps of it all. Start with Helmets. They have some good mods that are helmet specific. Then maybe take a look at chest pieces.

In terms of unique jewels, I honestly don't pay attention to them. Sorry. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_unique_jewels.

But start with checking out influenced helmets. I think you'll find them the easiest to pinpoint.

Once again thx a lot for the help ill keep on reaserching.
thomasdh wrote:

Nice guide, learned me allot about RF, how it works and what applies to it.

this is my pick of the setup. The staff was a mes-sup, i thought i could craft +3fire spell and a +2 support gem. sadly, i couldn't. so thats what i ended up with, still a small improvement over the unique, but not worth the money.

Spend about 10-20 exalts for a build that does 600k aoe dps by just walking around. Doing T16's as if its nothing. For bosses you just end up running around the bosses to dodge the hits, which is rather fun to watch.

the hidden gem i found for me is belly of the beast, gives 600 life, resist and armour. i can't seem to craft anything in POB that gives more then a 1% increase in life in comparison. and heck, a 6link costs 1-2ex.

Looking for a +1 (or 2) to RF gem amulet. but those start at 1 ex (aw). and for both are about 20ex

Awesome thomasdh!

That's some awesome gear! Even though you didn't get the staff you were hoping, that's a staff worth the 6 link for sure! And ya, that chest is perfect. Good job on all your gear and thanks so much for taking the time to be thoughtful. I appreciate the encouragement. I love seeing people's gear too!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Zythixx wrote:
Hi Mokas, I'm trying to figure out what you're doing that i'm not, granted only 60 at the moment so still working towards full RF, but I'm just running Incinerate on a 4L and can't keep up with the mana needs for it even with Clarity at level 5. Also haven't turned on purity of fire since i'm still well above cap at this point being in part 2. Anyways just trying to figure out how to get this mana under control for incinerate, am i just too dependent on it at the moment since i don't have RF yet?

Thanks in advance.
Hey Zythixx!

I know your message was for Mokas so I'll keep this short. But just as a word of encouragement, the Tireless and Quick Recovery tree nodes are just around the corner. They'll help a lot with mana. It may seem like a while, so just turn on Malevolence until you get there. You're doing great :).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
feditosito wrote:
Once again thx a lot for the help ill keep on reaserching.
Cool. And even though I sent you a link as a response this last time, feel free to ask any questions. Some questions might have a link response, but I'll answer specifically if I can.

Ask whatever you like.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
I love the detail! Thanks :D
Thanks Wrecker, and no worries whether you or Mokas, just figured he specifically mentioned no mana issues so used him as a reference lol.

So, now that, that all makes sense I had some other questions, hopefully haven't already been answered, but the first is should i start running RF as soon as I can sustain it without dying or should I shoot for a certain amount of lifegen over what is degen'd from RF?

Next is I see a lot of other variations of the build running a cyclone curse on hit, and others with fire trap instead of incinerate, is incinerate still the preferred build in your opinion or is there a variation recommended over another now that the seasons well on its way?
Edit: Follow-up question to this question, are there pro's or cons with going one approach over the other?

Lastly, is the damage lost from having a minimum of 3 endurance charges instead of 1 a lot or relatively small in the overall picture. I have a shield that has plus 2 minimum endurance charges and thought for safety starting at 3 might be more helpful than 1?

Thanks again Wrecker for the build, I always love your build guides and the variety of builds you put together.
Last edited by Zythixx on Apr 26, 2020, 2:20:46 PM
feditosito wrote:
Once again thx a lot for the help ill keep on reaserching.
Cool. And even though I sent you a link as a response this last time, feel free to ask any questions. Some questions might have a link response, but I'll answer specifically if I can.

Ask whatever you like.

Welll well... the link was exactly what i was looking for since i was able to filter gear by gear, influence by influence and see what was best suited for the build. It was actually quite fun to write down and compare as i couldnt decide between two influences at the time of picking the perfect one.

This is what i came up with and im very pleased i got the rf liked at the helmet and exchanged the inspiration supp(since im running fire trap) for awakened area of effect. Im still missing the cyclone-flamability-curse on hit-fortify sup link but the chest piece has 6 empty links so its just a metter of crafting, since its a strengh based armor itll be tricky to field it as well as clarity but ill see what else i can come up with that can be usefull.

I've accidentally got myself to the point where I can sustain RF without Purity of Fire - see character "Mockingbird_DeliFart".

What would you change next?

Getting a shield better than the upgraded "the Oak" seems tricky - the 3% life regen and 140 life is pretty good.

I could drop PoF and run some other aura (any ideas?)
I could drop one of the cluster jewels I'm playing with and reassign those points.

I know I need an anointment - I was thinking Growth and Decay would be good, but I need to save up for the golden oil.

lverixon wrote:
I love the detail! Thanks :D
Thanks lverixon!

That's thoughtful of you to let me know. Let us know if you have any questions!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Zythixx wrote:
Thanks Wrecker, and no worries whether you or Mokas, just figured he specifically mentioned no mana issues so used him as a reference lol.

So, now that, that all makes sense I had some other questions, hopefully haven't already been answered, but the first is should i start running RF as soon as I can sustain it without dying or should I shoot for a certain amount of lifegen over what is degen'd from RF?

Next is I see a lot of other variations of the build running a cyclone curse on hit, and others with fire trap instead of incinerate, is incinerate still the preferred build in your opinion or is there a variation recommended over another now that the seasons well on its way?
Edit: Follow-up question to this question, are there pro's or cons with going one approach over the other?

Lastly, is the damage lost from having a minimum of 3 endurance charges instead of 1 a lot or relatively small in the overall picture. I have a shield that has plus 2 minimum endurance charges and thought for safety starting at 3 might be more helpful than 1?

Thanks again Wrecker for the build, I always love your build guides and the variety of builds you put together.
Hey Zythixx!

To answer your questions:

1. Run RF whenever it's worth it for you. I like to try using it before I can sustain it (and then just die more). So I like to turn on RF as soon as I can sustain it. It improves your the damage of your other spells as well. But it's a preference. The flat # of life regen is hard to follow because we don't have consistent life regen; we're dependent on Charges.

2. There is always a huge list of pros and cons with any choice in PoE. The thing to choices that a lot of people forget is personal playstyle and preference. Do what works for how you play. And that will take some gameplay. If you're not familiar with the game well enough, follow the guide's layout. Some people don't like Incinerate because it requires standing still to use, and that can be dangerous. Some boss battles that don't let you stand still will take longer because we won't have time to use Incinerate. But there's pros and cons to Fire Trap, Scorching Ray, and other variations as well. See how the guide's layout feels first. It's easy to change if you like.

3. Having an increased minimum amount of Endurance Charges is awesome. It's not hard to get 7 charges going, so make sure the shield gives you more relevant perks than just the increase to maximum charges.

Thanks for your kind words. I'm really glad my guides have helped out and that they've been fun. I wish I had the time for 7 or 8.

Good questions and thanks for the thanks!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875

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