3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF

pncurry99 wrote:
Maybe I missed it, but how are you generating endurance charges again?

Hey pncurry99!

Yup, you missed it. But that's ok. There's lots of talking in the guide. It's in the "Gameplay (How the Build Functions When It's All Setup)". Just Ctrl+F "Charges" and you'll find it quick. Here it is:

"- We have a 35% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when we use a Fire Skill. Our Fire Spells that we have linked to Cast when Damage Taken count as US casting. Also, using Incinerate obviously counts too. But only the initiation of the skill. Continuing to channel Incinerate does not count as casting over and over. You have to stop and start Incinerate to get a new 35% chance. That's not important though. We'll always be full on charges.
- Every time we get Hit we have a 20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Hit.
- Each kill we make has a 5% chance for us to gain an Endurance Charge."
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
zellbest wrote:
how many endurance charge do you guys have?
I'm lvl 83 and got 7 endurance charges for 19 seconds
total life 5700! I reached 8 with an old ring but I changed the setup to reach higher life pool (when I had 8 charges I had 4800 life)

Edit: and I still have problems in doing the atlas.....
Hey zellbest!

I use 7 charges. I'd love more but I too choose life over more charges.

Did you just put in Bodyswap? Trying playing without it. Also, remember that RF is the primary skill. Only use Incinerate when it's safe to be still for a bit.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Apr 13, 2020, 4:47:16 PM
Malik1412 wrote:
Any recommendation on unique cheap to expensive to maximize dps,

im not very good in min maxing rare item to boost dps, i usually relying on uniques and 3-4 rares to cap my resistant and maximizing life.

My expected budget could go to 1-7 exalted.

And i havevnt build the character yet
Hey Malik1412!

Unfortunately someone else will have to inform you of unique. I don't pay attention to them at all. Rise of the Phoenix is an obvious suggestion. Maybe even some Kaom's Ways? You'll have to Ctrl+F on the wiki's unique pages for Endurance Charges, Fire Damage, DOT damage...Sorry.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
SirSpiffyy wrote:
Hey mate, what would you look for on a watchers eye? I was thinking of running vitality for an aura, and purity of fire ofc. i was thinking malev for the third, but cant think of "optimal watchers eye" because idk how malev options effect RF
Hey SirSpiffyy!

I think I remember a DOT multiplier when using Malevolence. If that still exists, I'd do that. But I don't focus on unqiues so I'm not too sure. But DOT Multi's are really strong.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Klaptafeltje wrote:

As you can see i got a reasonable setup for gear but i managed to squeeze a lot more damage by changing the tree a bit. screenshot of tree. I figured out that jewels do contribute a chunk of the damage and life and they are cheap. Element Equilibrium is good for roughly 40% of the damage. For me that is a must in this build. For those who want here is the pob link: https://pastebin.com/L5qjUtay I use PoB community Fork so it might be wonky in normal PoB.

Things i need to do is get the last trial of ascendancy and get better boots. (yes i am aware of channel 820 but i am a bit lazy)
Also i'm thinking to spec out of Valako, storm's embrace and replace it with Hinekora, Death's fury. But i need to think about it, maybe some other players have some experience with that.

I must say i like this kind of gameplay, running around with shield charge and burning things.
Hey Klaptafeltje!

Nice changes to the build! It looks great! Sweet gear.

Hinekora is nice if you don't need the life regen of Valako. I didn't take a look at your tree so I'm not sure how much you spec'd out of charges. I revolved my build greatly around Endurance Charges so I'm not sure how much impact removing Valako would impact you. It's only 20 Regrets in total if you don't like the change. Let us know how it goes!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Would you use anything besides incinerate? I'm not a fan of channeling.
pncurry99 wrote:
Maybe I missed it, but how are you generating endurance charges again?

Hey pncurry99!

Yup, you missed it. But that's ok. There's lots of talking in the guide. It's in the "Gameplay (How the Build Functions When It's All Setup)". Just Ctrl+F "Charges" and you'll find it quick. Here it is:

"- We have a 35% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when we use a Fire Skill. Our Fire Spells that we have linked to Cast when Damage Taken count as US casting. Also, using Incinerate obviously counts too. But only the initiation of the skill. Continuing to channel Incinerate does not count as casting over and over. You have to stop and start Incinerate to get a new 35% chance. That's not important though. We'll always be full on charges.
- Every time we get Hit we have a 20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Hit.
- Each kill we make has a 5% chance for us to gain an Endurance Charge."

Are you certain that you gain a charge off of CWDT here? I ran CWDT with Wave of Conviction and never noticed gaining a charge at all. I can confirm that it does not work with Cast While Channeling, which I ran with Cyclone.

I ended up changing to having Enduring Composure in a small cluster jewel to generate my endurance charges. I've also started manually casting Immortal Call a lot, as it consumes 5 endurance charges (of which I gain 1 every second while getting hit) and gives me 15% more damage thanks to ascendancy.
Hey Hey,
thanks for the build, I realy enjoy playing it.
I am now level 92 and grinding the endgame. I got around 8,3k life but I am permanatly dying... no Chance at Sirius, or any delirium Bosses that spawn.

Is something wrong with my equiptment?
Or am I just a noob ... or feel too much like a immortal flaming HULK!


I got the suggested Passiv tree.

Loved the guide so far man, been having alot of fun till act 5 rn, I watched some of your youtube videos on the build and I wonder why and how you use cyclone in them when you don't mention the skill at all in your guide. Today i'm gonna try and take it to maps and see how it fairs out. Thank you for the guide.
Actually, I liked this build until I acheived Awakening level 3. After that I was able to defeat only Baran and only after switching RF off.

The statement about arbitrariness of weapons, armour, flasks, etc is nonsense. Just try to finish Atoll, Park or Plaza maps at highest levels. You will dance, you will run and you will at last die. My opinion that this game actually starts after epilogue and at this point I cannot agree with topic starter about advantages of this build.

The two main drawbacks:
1. You cannot cast Incinerate because you should always move or otherwise die;
2. You haven't any high-damage skill you may cast on bosses. Therefore every boss is torment.
Last edited by CyberWind on Apr 15, 2020, 12:41:51 PM

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