3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF

There is something in the gem section that I don't understand:

4 Link - Bonus Damage (Socket in any 4 Link)
-Incinerate (...)

"OR -Concentrated Effect Support - Decreases RF's AoE by a small (but decent) amount but greatly improves RF's damage."

A support gem for Incinerate shouldn't influence RF (Righteous Fire)... Maybe just a typo?

Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
Just wanted to share this cool armor i made to placehold for tabby

Did the changes to delirium get rid of the chance of not being able to regen health? Seems relevant before playing RF.
mr_headcut wrote:
Crazyon wrote:
Hi, could you checkout what I could do to fix my RF?
I just cant seem to keep up my health regen, any tips?

Seems like you got good answer from phaladina already. You can still check my comments above, hope they can help.

And guys, I have a question:
I got an item like this, and it was surprising that I could craft a duplicate mod (Increased Fire Damage).

How is this possible? And are these mods stacked, or only the highest one counts?

I know this an old post, but I didn't see a reply.

Scepters can have +% increased fire damage as a prefix and a suffix. When the item drops with both, the stats will be combined unless you examine the affixes. They are not combined on this item because one is crafted. I believe the prefix tops out at 79% and the suffix at 30%, for a total combined max of 109%. The crafted versions are I think 54% prefix and 20% affix, or something like that.
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
As above so below
Gielnik wrote:
Very good build. I had mistakenly thought at first that inexorable would be shit for end charge sustain but I barely ever run out of charges. I underestimated just how many hits you take. Only lv31 currently but the build feels very good to play already. Levelling with flame totem + scorching ray. Just wondering why does the build use incinerate over SR? I'd think SR's fire res reduction would help RF?
I suspect it might have to do with wave of conviction's reduction? Does it not stack with SRs?
Hey Gielnik!

Thanks for your kind words! I'm glad you like it.

Ya, I like Inexorable. Lots goes on. Many disagree at first, but it has power for sure.

That's awesome that the build feels so good at 31 already. Good for you!

I use Incinerate over Scorching Ray because of the AoE. SR is too narrow for me and I have to aim it too much and it exhausts me (concussion stuff). I can't aim when I play PC and I like to make sure that my guides can be played (by me) on either PC or console. With Wave of Conviction, you right, SR doesn't have much value. Exposures don't stack with Exposures. Only the strongest one prevails. That strongest Exposure DOES stack with negative resists though (like flammability). BUT! If aiming isn't an issue for you, which it isn't for many, consider the following:

- Select Elemental Equilibrium on the Passive Tree.

- Then use the following gems:
- 5/6L: Current RF links
- SR-Inspiration-Infused Chan.-Burn Dam.
- CwDT1-Ball Lightn.4-CoH-Flammability
- CwDT-Stone Golem-Molten Shell-Combustion
- Purity of Fire-Malevolence

That would almost double the damage of the build.

Good observation and suggestion! You know...maybe I'll ignore SR except on boss battles when I'm on PC...hmmmm...we'll see.

Thanks for the post!

Hi! In this gem setup is the 4-link setup with | cwdt + Purifying Flame + Combustion Support + Frost Bomb | neeeded or no? If no then what else should i put in sockets? And i prefer to use Enduring cry (instead of clarity :c), i like survivability <3
Im still levelling but i know from the previous guide that it would be good.
Anyway, Thank You very much for your work and guide! =)
Last edited by Orhaldor on Apr 9, 2020, 3:06:59 AM
FlameRage wrote:

My current gear setup.

For anyone who has few extra orbs, i would suggest getting elder influenced marble amulet. You can get the %life regen roll as suffix and you also have it as implicit. If you can get good maximum life roll on the mix. the amulet can easily beat shapers seed.

My next gear upgrade path is to get better rings (max life roll) and to 6-link my chest, so far used around 500 fuses for that. Once i get the chest 6-linked. ill change the RF from helmet to chest so RF can get the bonus from Awakened burning damage (which also are cheap, around 8 chaos).

With this setup and having all the buffs on:
RF dmg: 424399 dmg/sec
Vaal RF: 1830541 dmg/sec
Life Degen: 992 hp/sec
net life Regen: 1950 hp/sec
on concecrated ground + holy relic buff: 2980 hp/sec

I can do tier 15 rare maps with some mods (not all). Especially with delirium on, some maps can be nasty. But we can always skip the delirium or fast forward if it gets too hard.

Unfortunately I couldn't kill awakened 5 sirius. Had to call my Cyclone friend to help but apparently the whole fight was bugged.

Of course many of you will notice that I have changed the skills from the original build guide, but my passive tree matches the original.
I added leap slam as movement skills since i hate running around in maps where you can just jump over.
Also kept the purifying flame for the consecrated ground effect, just added increased area of effect support for that (for more damage swap for combustion).
Added Summon Holy Relic for the extra life regen.

Hey FlameRage!

Awesome setup! Great job! That seems really strong! The Sirus fight will come. Good job!

Finally got my chest armor 6-linked so i swapped RF from helmet to chest to get the awakened burning damage support. Also bough another helm with more max life and only burning damage support for the SR. Of course i loose some area damage bonus from the previous elder helmet.

Next upgrade will be a better ring but the prices of good vermillion rings are around 3ex so gotta grind some more orbs.

So far i'm about 15 ex used for this build, some of that used to buy old gear i'm not wearing anymore.

This build is cheap to start but min-maxing every thing is gonna cost a lot :).

Depending on how i sort my extra 4 passive skills that are not in this build guide. I either get more dmg is purely damage rolls from jewels or if i swap to max life i can hit 8500hp+. So far 8100hp + extra dmg from jewels seems to do the trick.

My target is to get one or more levels and check if i could pop small cluster jewel on this and see how much buff it would give.

current upgraded gear in spoiler:
I got a silly idea to steal from [3.10] Gryph's Volatile Dead Necromancer build

If you hit level 94 you have extra 3 passives that are not in this guides passi tree. So you could take the % elemental damage nodes + cluster jewel node on the top left crossing. Pop in a Kitava's Teachings Small Cluster Jewel for this effet:
"Every second, Consume a nearby Corpse to Recover 5% of Life and Mana
10% more Damage taken if you haven't Consumed a Corpse Recently"

Then change one CWDT skill set to "CWDT - Desecrate - Spell Cascade".

Only problem of this theory could be mana regen, but the regen from this + passive hp regen seems too good to pass. So i will try this on my setup by changing the leap slam - fortify - faster attacks - culling strike to this.

Since it only needs three sockets, i still have room for one travel skill which i will change to flamedash to see how this works.
thunderingice wrote:
Did the changes to delirium get rid of the chance of not being able to regen health? Seems relevant before playing RF.

Haven't had any issues with hp regen while inside delirium or while using delirium orbs on maps or while doing simulacrum. Just need to tap the bleed remove bottle sometimes if some mob has bleed mods or corrupted blood, those are pretty much only negative regen effects in delirium.

Sorry forgot poison, but i got poison immunity from pantheon so idc about poison.
Last edited by FlameRage on Apr 10, 2020, 7:44:39 AM
There is something in the gem section that I don't understand:

4 Link - Bonus Damage (Socket in any 4 Link)
-Incinerate (...)

"OR -Concentrated Effect Support - Decreases RF's AoE by a small (but decent) amount but greatly improves RF's damage."

A support gem for Incinerate shouldn't influence RF (Righteous Fire)... Maybe just a typo?

Oooops! My mistake! I'll change it right now. Thank you Caligula_Exile!
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Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Apr 10, 2020, 1:39:32 PM

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