3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF

zellbest wrote:
Gear and Stats

I'd spec out of the Endurance and Tireless clusters (11 points), and instead head up north to get Quick Recovery first. That's another 0.8% regen right there, plus a 10 Dex and 30 Int along the way. Then I'd get the 3rd ascendancy since there is a lot of regen in that as well.
I've found that with this build, it is best to go south first, then north, making sure to get ALL regen nodes ASAP, and then you can go for the more preripheral branches.

Use the +30 Dex/Int nodes as you need (you can spec out of them later).

Ditch the Astramentis and use this instead:

Ditch The Princess and use Rise of the Phoenix (level 65) or this instead:

(personal preference which you use really, but it'll help sustaining RF enormously)

Belt of the Deceiver doesn't help you very much... Get one that gives you life and resistances.

Kaom's Way is a good ring for this build, but at your stage it is more important that you get your resists maxed, the stats you need, plus as much life as you can. Both rings should be aiming towards this.

Solaris Lorica is not optimal... You don't have any energy shield for chaos damage to bypass, and that is the main benefit...

Get 30% movement speed on the boots. You can also get boots with +1% to maimum fire resistance.
EDIT: Just saw that I didn't have 30% :-p

Just for reference, here is my current setup:
Last edited by Cyzax on Apr 5, 2020, 12:33:54 PM
3C for this... :-)
Hi, as I understand there was a need to righteous fire recently. Do major changes need to be made to your build?
I am running a pretty solid version of your RF build (still looking for a good Cluster Jewel to add), i wanted to know why you chose Incinerate instead of Scorching Ray ?
Rex_Urhole wrote:
Well something's got to give - I've been stuck on level 88 for days and keep getting killed and losing exp about every 10%. Maps, delve, watchstone battles.

Am I going wrong here looking for fire damage/RF buffs on accessories (amulet, helm etc) and not staying focused on max life? My resists are overcapped and I have just over 900 life regen p/s. I put holy relic back on to help there but not sure if that's even worth it now.

I can tinker with the belt and maybe a few other things to get more life and keep resists capped+ I have 90+ max life on helm, gloves, shield. Haven't seen much in trade that is much better (without being stupid expensive. Belt and boots could be better for sure. but is there a big piece I'm missing here? Is it all tied up in my body armor? Or total armor value itself?

Getting frustrated for the first time with this build! (operator error :)
Sooooo, you're going to hate this response (or lack of) Rex_Urhole,

I really can't see an issue. You've obviously made some changes to the guide, but mostly in your gems, and it only impacts the amount of damage you do. You're beefier than the guide version and everything looks fine. I noticed you didn't take Soul of Steel on the tree but that's not a make or break node. It wouldn't be the end of the world not to have. Even though you're not fully ascendant, the node you left out is pure damage.

I honestly can't put a pin in it. It could just be that the playstyle of the guide doesn't really match your style? Have you tried keeping the 3.10 tree but going 100% with the 3.9 gem setup?

Sorry I'm not much help. Nothing looked out of place. I'll be playing this build tonight before my podcast. Maybe see if there's any differences? Oh! One thing that's huge for me (though not as much with Cyclone) is having a Quartz Flask. Phasing is my life saver.

Thanks again Chief.

That's kind of where I've now landed - almost 3.10 tree with 90% of 3.9 gems (only dropped the incinerate set up since standing/channeling was getting me killed. When I started out full on 3.10 I was just getting handled constantly. this hybrid move has helped but finding it hard and harder to survive deeper maps/encounters.

3.9 play style suited me just fine and this isn't much different (even more so now that I've moved back to the cyclone as inspiration/channel so I'm just struggling to find the disconnect. I don't face-tank, just constantly whirl and twirl around the heavy hitters w/cylcone keeping them in the RF aura. Just seems the heavy shots that land or the mob-overrun/spell spam take me down hard and quick.

I didn't realize I missed SoS in the tree, I think I overlooked it moving from 3.9 to 3.10. It would help me some in the armor dept but maybe it will also allow me to find lower res gear with more life. Maybe add that back in instead of some max life nodes that 3.9 had? I'm 129/105/132 Fire, Cold, Light, so def overcapped.

I feel my damage is pretty good, especially with Vaal RF for tough fights and the last ascendancy will only add to the damage total. So Really it comes back to a bigger life pool, more regen and maybe some addtional armor.

I did bring Holy Relic over from 3.9 but maybe there's a better CWDT synergy I can drop in there to aid in the defense/life dept? Considered Immortal Call but didn't like how that ate all the endurance charges.

A work in progress!
Thank you for your advices,

I'm just waiting to reach lvl 65 to equip this one

for the solaris I used it with totem setup till little while ago as a better
6-link thank tabula, I know this is not a low life build so there is no benefit,

for the Amulet I used the one u suggested but I couldn't really level any int, dex gem, this is why I equipped Astramentis.

for movement I'm searching a budget 6 link with the right color/socket to add

Cast While Channeling + Cyclone

to always cast incinerate while moving :-)
oh I saw I cannot link incinerate with CwC+Cyclone,
is there a suggestion at what to link with CwC+Cyclone to increase the damage without stopping to cast incinerate?

sorry for the edit, I reached lvl 65 and now with the shield I can sustain RF

that is really great now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but the question above still remain:

is there a way to switch the Incinerate setup with something that use Cyclone + CwC without losing to much dps?

thank you all for you help

P.S. 2nd edit maybe I found a solution searching the web, but I still want to hear your opinions:

then suggested Incinerate setup + CwC + Bodyswap for better movement and more fire damage! what do you think?
Last edited by zellbest on Apr 6, 2020, 3:58:13 PM
xxxAERO wrote:
Good time of day.
Is this build capable of defeating Sirius?
Often there are one-shot phenomenon?
Scorching ray can help in card farming?
What about damage to solo targets? How long does it take, say, for a Shaper or elder?
Thank you for your answer.
Who does the most damage? Chieftain or Juggernaut?
Hey xxxAERO!

Is this build capable of defeating Sirius? Yes.
Often there are one-shot phenomenon? No. Just don't stand still for too long.
Scorching ray can help in card farming? You can use Scorching Ray instead of Incinerate for sure! It will make Wave of Conviction redundant though.
What about damage to solo targets? How long does it take, say, for a Shaper or elder? Single Target damage is pretty good, but not amazing. The bosses don't take forever but the REALLY ENDGAME bosses aren't going to die in two seconds either.
Thank you for your answer. You're welcome!
Who does the most damage? Chieftain or Juggernaut? Chieftain, 100%.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
zellbest wrote:

this is my defence at the moment
still I find difficult to sustain RF :-(

my actual gear

Hey zellbest!

I don't see any issues with your tree, gems, or resists. The build is dependant on Endurance Charges for sustaining RF. So just make sure you're staying at 7 charges (which should be really easy with your CwDT spells and Incinerate). But because the build revolves around charges, you won't sustain RF in your Hideout.

I'm sorry, I don't see an issue on paper. Keep Enduring Cry handy to keep up your charges if for some reason getting 7 charges is tough.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Apr 6, 2020, 7:04:43 PM
zellbest wrote:
I changed


trying to have a little bit more o survivability and reached (due to leveling) the 7th End. Charge.

now with all 7 charges I can sustain RF,
but I don't have enough mana for Malevolence

this build is easy to understand but tricky to reach every point.....


I wouldn't be able to levelling the Gems at all

Do you need Clarity on with your setup? Malevolence isn't need for sure, but there are only two auras to run unless you need the mana regen.

RF is a tricky skill. It's the hardest one to level in the game. It's 100% a late-game skill. Be patient. If you're not there already, it'll come.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875

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